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General Services Administration, Federal Technology Service (FTS), IT Solutions (7T-1), 727 East Durango Blvd., San Antonio, TX, 78206-1283

70 -- PROQUEST MEDICAL LIBRARY SOL 7TF-00-0014 DUE 040700 POC Joe Eason, Contracting Officer, Phone (210) 472-5050, Fax (210) 472-5054, Email joe.eason@gsa.gov -- Joe Eason, Contracting Officer, Phone (210) 472-5050, Fax (210) 472-5054, Email joe.eason@gsa.gov WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=R&ProjID=7TF-00-0014&L ocID=2926. E-MAIL: Joe Eason, joe.eason@gsa.gov. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICE IT SOLUTIONS GREATER SOUTHWEST REGION STATEMENT OF WORK TASK: FA570002A DATE: 03/22//00 * REVISION NO.: N/A PROJECT MANAGER: JANELLE FELTMAN NAME: VIRTUAL LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION PHONE: 210-472-5512 (Part II) * Transmission date. PROPOSAL DUE DATE IS NO LATER THAN FIVE WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THIS STATEMENT OF WORK. 1. REQUIRING AGENCY: 1.1. Agency and address: Air Force Medical Support Agency (AFMSA) 2510 Kennedy Cir, Ste 208 Brooks AFB, Texas 78235 1.2. Client Representative: Lt Col George Jenkins Air Force Medical Support Agency AFMSA) HQ AFMSA/SGSIC Kennedy Cir, Ste 208 Brooks AFB, Texas 78230 Phone: (210) 536-4050 Fax: (210) 536-2625 E-Mail: moe.jenkins@usafsg.brooks.af.mil 1.3. Alternate Client Representative: Kathleen Stone HQ AFMSA/SGSIC 2510 Kennedy Cir Ste 208 Brooks AFB, Texas 78235 Phone: (210) 536-6209 Fax: (210) 536-2625 E-Mail: kathy.stone@usafsg.brooks.af.mil 2. WORK REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. Organization. The Headquarters Air ForceMedical Support Agency (HQ AFMSA), Brooks AFB, TX, reports to and provides medical information systems planning, development, and implementation support to the Office of the Surgeon General, United States Air Force (USAF) AF/SG, AFMOA, MAJCOM/SG, medical centers and affiliated campus buildings at various USAF medical treatment facilities (MTF) under HQ AFMSA's operational support mission. This statement of work (SOW) addresses the purchase of an Internet/Web access database subscription for the US Air Force Medical Service Virtual Library. 2.2. Background. HQ USAF/SG approved the Virtual Library concept in September 1999. The goal was to provide a well-rounded medical, nursing, and administrative core collection. Comparisons were made to the Lists of Books and Journals Recommended for Small Medical Libraries (Brandon-Hill List) to ensure basic core materials were included. Cost savings may not be obvious in FY00 because many libraries have already renewed subscriptions and services for the year. In FY01, savings should be shown from smaller facilities that will not renew paper copies of subscriptions. 2.3. Technical Requirements. The following technical requirements are needed: 2.3.1. Access must be available via the WorldWide Web (WWW) 24 hours/day. 2.3.2. Access must be granted to all Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) personnel. 2.3.3. An unlimited number of users must be available under a single, prepaid license. 2.3.4. Search engine must be user-friendly, requiring minimal training. 2.3.5. Interface must support all Boolean search functions. 2.3.6. Databases must be updated with the latest editions of journals and textbooks. 2.3.7. Other than Internet access, no local maintenance, hardware, or software are needed. 2.3.8. Vendor must establish appropriate security features for regulating access to its online system. 2.3.9. Access shall be controlled through the use of an Internet Protocol (IP) address. 2.3.10. Technical support must be available for users accessing the database. 2.4. Objective. The overall objective of this SOW is the standardization of medical library services across the Air Force. Some clinics and smaller facilities have closed their libraries. This plan will provide access to a core set of medical books and journals for all AFMS personnel whether they are in a clinic or large teaching facility. Desktop access will allow AFMS personnel to obtain information at the clinic when it is needed rather than require them to conduct off premise research after the urgency has passed. The plan promotes evidence-based medical practices because access to relevant research literature will be readily available. 2.5. Scope. The scope of this effort is to combine MEDLINE indexing with full images. Full image is essential in clinical fields, where charts, graphs, photographs, and othe visual materials are an integral part of the text. Journals should cover all major healthcare specialties, including nursing, pediatrics, neurology, pharmacology, cardiology, physical therapy, and others. The database must contain the content contained in Attachment 1 to this SOW. The electronic resources will help Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) meet JCAHO requirements for providing access to current medical literature and also in providing access to patient education information. 2.6. Performance. Certification by the Government of satisfactory services provided is contingent upon the contractor performing in accordance with the terms and conditions of the referenced contract, this document, the approved task proposal, and all amendments. Normally, the client representative, GSA representative, and contractor representative(s) will meet once a week, telephonically, to review performance and inspect work. The client representative, GSA representative, and contractor representative(s) may meet at the place of performance as determined by the client representative and GSA representative. 3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1. Task Description. The Government will purchase a one-year subscription to the database. The database must include access to full text journals, medical textbooks, clinical practice guidelines, and Patient education materials via the Internet. Performance of work specified in this statement of work (SOW) shall be accomplished at contractor and government locations. 3.1.1. The Contractor shall provide access to the database for an unlimited number of users at one time. Action will be taken to verify the virtual library's IP address as the requesting site. The Government will provide passwords for users into the AFMS Virtual Library, which will, in turn, allow members access to the database. 3.2. Deliverables. All deliverables shall meet professional standards and the requirements set forth in contractual documentation. The Contractor shall be responsible for delivering all end items specified. 3.2.1. Criteria for Acceptance. The Contractor shall submit all via the World Wide Web (WWW). In the absence of other agreements negotiated addressing time provided for client representative review, the Government will inspect deliverables and notify the Contractor of the findings within 10 work days of delivery of draft deliverables and 5 work days of receipt of final deliverables. Failure to notify the Contractor of exceptions will constitute acceptance on the part of the Government. 3.2.2. Reports. The reports listed below will be provided on the date specified. Support Area Title Delivery Date/Description Management Weekly usage report Weekly -- 1st workday of each week. Report will show busiest time periods and saturation times. 3.2.3. Schedule and Delivery Instructions. The specific deliverables and schedule for delivery shall be as agreed upon and documented in the client representative procedures outlined in the Technical Proposal submitted for this SOW. 3.2.4. Ownership. The Government, for itself and such others as it deems appropriate, will have unlimited rights under this contract to all information and materials furnished to the Government and documentation thereof, reports and listings, and all other items pertaining to thework and services pursuant to this agreement including any copyright. Unlimited rights under this contract are rights to use, duplicate, or disclose data, and information, in whole or in part in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever without compensation to or approval from the Contractor. 3.3. Expertise. The Contractor shall provide customer support capability to assist and solve problems associated with accessing the database via the WWW. 3.3.1. ADP Skills. Personnel assigned to this task shall possess skills in the functional areas specified in this SOW and the Contract Technical Proposal. 3.3.2. Functional Skills. Personnel shall be capable of working independently and with demonstrated working knowledge of this SOW. The lead individual(s) shall be knowledgeable of the WWW and be familiar with accessing the databases purchased by this SOW. 3.4. Materials. N/A 4. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED RESOURCES 4.1. General. The Contractor shall specifically identify in their Technical Proposal the type, amount, and timeframe(s) for any government furnished resources, excluding those listed below. 4.1.1. Government Furnished Information. HQ AFMSA/SGSIC will provide the Contractor with the IP address for the virtual library and any other information needed regarding the server where the library is housed. 4.1.2. Government Furnished Equipment. HQ AFMSA shall provide access to users through the Virtual Library portal. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE CONSIDERATIONS 5.1.1. GSA Representative. The GSA Information Technology Manager is: Ms. Janelle Feltman Phone: (210) 472-5512 Fax: (210) 472-5054 E-Mail: Janelle.Feltman@gsa.gov 5.1.2. Client Representative. The client representative is: Lt Col George Jenkins Chief, Medical Information Center Air Force Medical Support Agency (AFMSA) HQ AFMSA/SGSIC Kennedy Circle, Suite 208 Brooks AFB, TX 78235-51221 Phone: (210) 536-4050 Fax: (210) 536-2625 E-Mail: moe.jenkins@usafsg.brooks.af.mil 5.2. (Alternate/ HQ AFMSA) Ms. Kathleen Stone Knowledge Management Consultant Medical Information Center Air ForceMedical Support Agency (AFMSA) HQ AFMSA/SGSIC Kennedy Circle, Suite 208 Brooks AFB, TX 78235-51221 Phone: (210) 536-6209 Fax: (210) 536-2625 E-Mail: kathy.stone@usafsg.brooks.af.mil 5.2.1. GSA Contracting Officer. The GSA Contracting Officer is: Mr. Joe Eason Phone: (210) 472-5050 Fax: (210) 472-5054 E-Mail: joe.eason@gsa.gov 5.3. Place of Work. HQ AFMSA. 5.4. Duration of Task. Duration of this task is for one year from purchase of database access. 5.5. Funding. This project will be incrementally funded. 5.6. Travel and ODCs. Travel arrangements and miscellaneous materials are to be provided as proposed in the technical and cost proposals for this site. Travel shall be approved in writing, in advance, by the client representative and the GSA Project Manager. The approval document will specify the reimbursable travel cost. A separate task modification is required before travel is performed. 5.7. Privacy and Security. 5.7.1. Clearances. N/A. 5.7.2. Privacy Act. Personnel shall adhere to the Privacy Act, Title 5 of the US Code, Section 552a and applicable agency rules and regulations. 5.8. Personal Services. The client representative has been briefed on the avoidance of personal services and those actions that represent personal services. The client agency has determined use of the GSA requirements contract to satisfy the requirements of this task order is in the best interest of the Government, economic and other factors considered, and this task order is not being used to procure services prohibited by Subpart 37.1 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). 6. SPECIAL INSTRUCIONS 6.1. General. The contractor shall submit all documents specified for this task in a professional format. 6.2. Proposal Submission. The contractor shall submit the task proposal and two copies to the GSA ITR/AM. At the completion of negotiations, the contractor shall ensure his proposal reflects the agreements and, if appropriate, shall submit a revised proposal and two copies to the GSA ITR/AM. 6.3. Staffing. N/A 6.4. Delivery Instructions. The Contractor shall submit all deliverables to the client NLT the date specified in the SOW, and shall transmit each deliverable with a letter in the format described in the Technical Proposal accepted by the Government. The Contractor shall concurrently provide a copy of the transmittal letter to the GSA representative. 6.5. Inspection and Acceptance. In the absence of other agreements negotiated addressing time provided for client representative review, the Government will inspect deliverables and notify the contractor ofthe client and GSA ITR/AM findings within 10 work days (WD) of delivery of draft deliverables and 5 WD of receipt of final deliverables. Weekly, representatives of the user agency and the contractor will meet with the GSA ITR/AM telephonically at a time designated by the GSA ITR/AM after receipt of the Weekly Progress Report to review performance, to inspect work for compliance with the SOW and the associated contractor proposal, and to accept or reject deliverables completed since the previous review. 6.6. Invoicing (Recurring Services). Billing will be accomplished on a monthly basis. The monthly rate will encompass all hours performed and all ODC/Travel costs incurred during the billing period. Invoices for recurring services will include a statement from the authorized Client Representatve or Alternate that labor, travel and ODC costs billed during the billing period are acceptable. "CONTRACTOR MUST SUBMIT CLIENT ACCEPTANCE FOR RECEIPT OF GOODS OR SERVICE WITH INVOICE. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN AUTOMATIC INVOICE REJECTION." 6.7. Other: The Contractor shall notify the Client Representative or designated Alternate if, in its opinion, the cost to perform directed work exceeds the value of the delivery order, or if the work is outide the scope of this delivery order. The Government will make the final determination on these issues. Attachment 1 Online Content Needed *Core Requirements PLEASE CONTACT MS. JANELLE FELTMAN AT 210-472-5512 FOR THE LISTING OF CORE REWQUIREMENTS. Posted 03/22/00 (D-SN437267). (0082)

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