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Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL -- Eglin Research Site, 101 West Eglin Blvd, Eglin AFB, FL, 32542-6810

A -- ADSTOP SOL PRDA-MNK-PRDA-00-0001 DUE 051500 POC Judith Gibson, Contract Specialist, Phone (850)882-4294 ext. 3419, Fax (850)882-9599, Email gibsonj@eglin.af.mil -- Vicki Keider, Conracting Officer, Phone (850)882-4294 ext. 3404, Fax (850)882-9599, Email WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=P&ProjID=PRDA-MNK-PRDA-00-0001&LocID=1362. E-MAIL: Judith Gibson, gibsonj@eglin.af.mil. PART I OF II INTRODUCTION: This is a Program Research and Development Announcement (PRDA). The Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate, Ordnance Division (AFRL/MNMI) is interested in receiving technical and cost proposals for development and demonstration of an Agent Defeat Soft Target Ordnance Package (ADSTOP). The overall ADSTOP program objective is to develop and demonstrate a warhead with a payload specifically tailored for use against fixed soft targets associated with the development, production, and storage of chemical (C) agents, biological (B) agents, and CB weapons (CBW). The concurrent technical objectives of this program are to demonstrate a warhead with the ability to: a) disrupt the functioning of fixed soft targets associated with CBW development, production, and storage; b) deny the use of stored CB agents; c) and limit the potential for collateral damage (i.e., human casualties resulting from the unintentional release of CB agents beyond the confines of the target) by minimizing the amount of CB agents, which might be inadvertently released from the target as a consequence of warhead employment. Proposals in response to this PRDA must be received no later than 3:00 P.M. CT on 15 May 2000 addressed to Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Contracting Division, Bldg. 13, 101 W. Eglin Blvd., Suite 337, Eglin AFB FL 32542-6810, Attn.: Ms Vicki Keider (AFRL/MNK). Proposals submitted after the cut-off date specified herein shall be treated in accordance with FAR 52.215-1(c)(3), _Instructions to Offerors-Competitive Acquisition (Feb 2000)_. Responders must reference the following number (PRDA: MNK-PRDA-00-0001). Proposals submitted must be in accordance with this announcement. Since this is a PRDA, there will be no formal request for proposal or other solicitation regarding this announcement. Offerors should be alert to any PRDA amendments that may be published. The Government reserves the right to amend the due date to allow for subsequent submission-of-proposal-dates. If a proposal is selected to satisfy the PRDA objectives as a result of the first submission, subsequent opportunities for proposal submission will not be available B -- REQUIREMENTS: (1) Technical Requirements: The contractors ADSTOP warhead design shall be based on the warhead concept described in Annex 1 of this PRDA. The ADSTOP warhead shall be designed to be effective against the complete spectrum of fixed agent defeat soft targets, as typified by the targets described in Annex 2 of this PRDA. The ADSTOP Target Set provided as Annex 2 of this PRDA is primarily intended for use during proposal preparation. The Government may, at its option, identify additional targets for consideration during the performance phase of the ADSTOP program. The ADSTOP shall as a minimum, satisfy the performance requirements and strive to meet the performance goals of Annex 3 of this PRDA. (Note: Potential offeror_s should forward their request for Annexes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this PRDA to the Government in strict accordance with the requirements of Paragraph F(5) of this PRDA. ) (2) Program Tasking: This development effort consists of Phase I -- Warhead Design; plus one optional phase, Phase II -- Fabrication and Flight Test. Phase I will consist of three (3) basic tasks. The optional Phase II will consist of two (2) tasks. Phase I Tasking: During Task 1, Trade Study & Preliminary Design, the contractor shall perform component and system level preliminary engineering design trades and effectiveness analyses as necessary to develop a cost-effective ADSTOP warhead Preliminary Design that provides the best overall level of effectiveness against the complete spectrum of fixed agent defeat soft targets, as typified by the targets described in Annex 2 of this PRDA. The contractor shall also evaluate the SUU-64/B, SUU-65/B and the SUU-66/B tactical munitions dispensers (TMD) to determine which of the three is the best candidate for delivery of the ADSTOP payload when used in conjunction with a Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) guidance kit. If the contractor determines that modification of the TMD is necessary in order to efficiently package and effectively dispense the ADSTOP warhead payload, then the contractor shall also develop a preliminary design for modifying the relevant TMD. As part of Task 1, the contractor shall also develop a Master Test Plan Outline, which covers all testing proposed for Tasks 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this PRDA. The contractor shall then present his recommended Preliminary Design and Master Test Plan Outline for sponsor (i.e., the government program office) approval. Upon sponsor approval of the Preliminary Design and Master Test Plan Outline, the contractor shall proceed with Task 2, Detailed Design, where he shall develop detailed designs for the payload and, if necessary, the modified TMD. The point of departure for the Detailed Design shall be the Preliminary Design approved by the sponsor at the end of Task 1. The contractor shall address all aspects of the detailed payload design. The contractor shall also address any and all design modifications to the TMD necessary to ensure that the payload can be efficiently packaged and effectively dispensed. Under Task 3, Ground Test, the contractor shall conduct payload component testing in accordance with the sponsor approved Master Test Plan Outline, as necessary to support development of his Detailed Design. The contractor shall also conduct ground tests of the all-up ADSTOP warhead (i.e., the TMD loaded with its payload) as necessary to support development of his Detailed Design. The contractor shall present his Detailed Design and ground test results for sponsor review and approval. Phase II Tasking: Upon sponsor approval of the contractor's Detailed Design, and subsequent to receipt of the Government Procuring Contracting Officer's authorization, the contractor shall proceed with Phase II. During Task 4, Flight Test Hardware Fabrication, the contractor shall fabricate and deliver full-scale warheads in accordance with Paragraph B(6) of this PRDA for use during Government conducted/contractor supported flight-testing and effectiveness testing. The Flight Test Hardware shall be fabricated in accordance with the Detailed Design approved by the sponsor at the conclusion of Phase I of this PRDA. During Task 5, Flight Demonstration Support, the contractor shall support the Government's conduct of flight tests and effectiveness testing of the ADSTOP warhead. That support shall include technical support in the buildup, checkout, and aircraft upload of the ADSTOP flight test hardware. The contractor shall also accomplish all analyses, conduct all preliminary tests (e.g., random vibration, store endurance vibration, etc_), and generate all documentation and job guides needed to support obtaining the approvals/clearances necessary for the transport, ground test, and flight test of the ADSTOP warhead using an F-16 aircraft. The contractor shall identify all data collection requirements and methodologies necessary to evaluate the performance of the ADSTOP warhead during the flight test program, which is outlined in Annex 4 of this PRDA. The contractor shall conduct simulations and analysis as necessary to predict the expected effectiveness of the ADSTOP payload when employed against the ADSTOP targets during the various flight tests. The contractor shall assist the government as necessary in the collection of all data needed for evaluation of the ADSTOP payload's flight test performance. The contractor shall conduct analyses as necessary to quantify the performance of the warhead, and compare the quantified test results with the pretest predictions. (3) Technology Goals: The goal of this program is to demonstrate that an ADSTOP warhead, equipped with a Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) tail kit, is effective against the C/B soft target set described in Annex 2 of this PRDA. (4) Design Requirements: The design of the entire ADSTOP warhead, inclusive of all payload components, packaging interfaces, and TMD modifications, shall be the responsibility of the prime contractor. (5) Environmental Protection Requirements: During the course of the design and test effort, the contractor shall consider the potential environmental impact associated with the fabrication and test of his ADSTOP warhead. Pursuant to federal statutes, the contractor shall minimize the use/selection of hazardous materials and processes utilizing hazardous material to avoid or minimize generation of hazardous wastes as identified in 40 CFR 261. The contractor shall notify the sponsor if hazardous materials are utilized during the contract or would be required for the technology being developed,. Additionally, the topic shall be discussed at the regular periodic program reviews. If hazardous materials are used or generated during the program, the contractor shall be responsible for the identification, generation, and submission to the appropriate environmental regulative authority of all technical data and documentation required to obtain approval for the use of hazardous material(s) in fabrication and/or testing of the ADSTOP warhead, or generation, or disposal of any associated hazardous wastes. The contractor shall also be aware of, and bring to the immediate attention of the sponsor, any aspects of the contractor's ADSTOP warhead development and test effort that might potentially affect or be affected by international treaties related to chemical and/or biological materials (or their surrogates) or weapons, or related test facilities which simulate their production, storage, or test. (6) Fabrication of Hardware: (a) In Phase I the contractor shall fabricate sufficient payload components and all-up warheads (i.e., TMD with payload) to support the maturation of the payload and warhead designs. (b) If the contract option for Phase II is exercised, the contractor shall also fabricate a sufficient quantity of all-up ADSTOP warheads to demonstrate that the warhead is suitable for flight testing. He shall then fabricate and deliver to the government an additional quantity of five (5) to ten (10) (the quantity will be determined not later than option exercise) all-up, flight worthy, ADSTOP warheads for use during the government conducted/contractor supported flight test program. (7) Test Support: During Phases I and II the contractor shall plan, schedule, conduct and/or support all aspects of the testing required for the ADSTOP development, except as otherwise specified in this PRDA. The contractor shall be responsible for all test plans necessary for the maturation and demonstration of the ADSTOP warhead. Contractor generated test plans, as approved by the Government, will become contractual requirements. When testing is conducted at Government test facilities the contractor may, subject to both the sponsor_s and responsible Government test organization_s (RGTO) approval, delegate the generation of the test plan to the RGTO. When tests are conducted at Government facilities, the contractor shall be responsible for providing technical support, analysis, data, and test planning support to the RGTO, as needed, to ensure the timelyand cost effective test of the ADSTOP warhead in accordance with the sponsor approved test plan(s). Except as noted below, the contractor shall be responsible for identifying and recommending to the government suitable test sites/facilities for all tests of the ADSTOP Warhead. Flight testing will be conducted at Eglin AFB FL. The Eglin AFB Sled Track is the preferred site for the conduct of sled tests (if any). However, alternate sled test sites may be proposed. The Government shall have final approval authority in the selection of test sites/facilities. When Government test sites/facilities are utilized, the Government program office will make payment directly to the RGTO to cover the Government costs incurred by the RGTO in supporting the test. (8) Affordability Tasking: The contractor shall plan and implement an affordability program using the Science and Technology (S&T) Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) Process Model to insure that affordability is a key consideration during requirements definition, preliminary design, detailed design, and development. Application of IPPD shall be limited to the ADSTOP payload and any TMD design modifications necessary for the efficient packaging and dispense of the ADSTOP payload. The level of effort, and the degree of implementation shall be commensurate with the overall program funding constraints of Paragraph C(4) and the other technical requirements of this PRDA. The contractor shall present the status and findings of the affordability analysis at each design review. He shall also document the affordability effort in the Final Report. (Note: A description and discussion of the S&T IPPD Process Model can be found at:"http://www.jgai.com/stprocess50/index.htm"). (9) Data Requirements: The following data submittals are expected (a) Periodic status reports including technical progress, programmatic information, schedule, and appropriate disclosure of actual cost and labor expenditures. Each status report shall specifically address any patents or inventions identified and/or pending, as well as any proprietary issues. (DI-MGMT-80368, -80909, -80269) Contractor format CSSR, CSR, CFSR, CWBS are required during all phases of the contract (DI-FNCL-80912; DI-MGMT, -81334, -81467, -- 81468); Copies of monthly billing vouchers submitted to the Government, as well as monthly updates regarding payments received from the Government are also required during all phases of the contract; (b) Any and all analysis, technical data, safety data, explosive ordnance disposal data, environmental data, and other documentation required for obtaining warhead test approval(s), and for receiving, handling, buildup, and testing of the warhead components, warhead subsystems, or the all-up warhead. (DI-MISC-81414; DI-SAFT-80931, -80182, -81299); (c) Development specifications, draft product performance specification(s), and design drawings for the warhead components, warhead subsystems, all-up warhead, and warhead interface with the WCMD guidance kit. (DI-DRPR-81002A; DI-CMAN-81314: DI-IPSC-81431); (d) Test plan(s) and test reports for all significant testing in both Phases I and II. (DI-NDTI-80566, 80809B); (e) Design analysis and interim technical reports submitted upon completion of each program phase, or as necessary to facilitate timely approval of test clearances and safety documentation. (DI- MISC-80048, -80711; DI-NDTI-80809; DI-GDRQ-80567); (f) Final technical report, Unit Production Cost Estimate, Affordability Report, and a Technology Transfer Report at the end of the program. The Final Report, which will be published in DTIC, must document the entire effort and must include relevant data and results from other technical data that would not otherwise be published. (DI-MISC-80711); (g) A record (e.g., agenda, presentation materials, minutes, and tracking of associated action items) of required meetings. (DI-ADMN-81249A, -81250A, -81373). The contractor may propose additional elements or submittal of combined elements or Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) as appropriate for the proposed program. Electronic submittal is encouraged whenever feasible and cost effective for the program. (10) Meetings and Reviews: The contractor will be expected to conduct various meetings throughout the program, including but not limited to a kickoff Program Review at the beginning of each phase, and a wrap-up Program Review at the end of each phase. Kickoff Program Reviews will be held not more than two weeks after performance begins for each phase. Wrap-up Program Reviews will be held within the last four weeks of each phase, at a time agreeable to both parties. Additional Program Reviews will be held at times coinciding with key program milestones or decision points, as deemed appropriate by the contractor. The contractor will also be expected to conduct periodic progress meetings for technical and programmatic interchange throughout the program. In no event shall the period between successive Program Reviews or the intermediate progress meetings exceed 3 months. The contractor is expected to host half of the reviews and meetings, and the Government will host half. Each Program Review shall specifically address any patents or inventions identified and/or pending as well as any proprietary issues. In addition, the contractor shall support and participate in Government agency safety and test meetings as appropriate. The contractor may also propose to conduct or participate in other meetings with associate contractors, subcontractors, Government agencies, or other third parties, as deemed appropriate to the program. (11) Long Lead Items: Timely execution of Phase II of the ADSTOP Program may require the purchase of long lead materials and /or hardware prior to the formal approval of Phase II. Therefore, the contractor shall identify his Long Lead Item requirements to the sponsor in a timely manner. (12) Proprietary Items: The Government prefers the proposed ADSTOP warhead design include no parts, materials, or software that are proprietary. It is the offeror_s responsibility to identify any proprietary materials, products, software, or processes to be used by the prime contractor or subcontractors in the performance of this program and to address acquisition of data rights or licenses, or expected recoupment of development costs for those proprietary items that will be integral to the ADSTOP warhead. (13) Security Requirements: Portions of this program will be classified up to the SECRET NORFORN level. EMSEC requirements will apply. Generation of classified material for this solicitation is authorized only on equipment approved for classified processing by Air Force EMSEC authorities. An ADSTOP Security Classification Guide (ADSTOP SGC) has been drafted for this program, but it has not yet been finalized and approved. Once approved, the ADSTOP SCG shall be used as guidance in all security matters related to the ADSTOP Program. However, until it is approved it cannot be used for classification guidance. Therefore, the _Agent Defeat Warhead Technology SCG, 10 July 1997_ shall be used in determining the classification of the offeror_s proposals submitted in response to this PRDA. (Note: Potential offeror_s should forward their request for copies of the referenced SCG_s to the Government in strict accordance with the requirements of Paragraph F(5) of this PRDA. ) (14) During all phases of the ADSTOP program the contractor shall be cognizant of all safety issues and safety requirements related to the design, fabrication and test of the ADSTOP warhead. The contractor shall be responsible for identifying, contacting, and supporting, as necessary, any and all Government safety organizations that may have ADSTOP safety oversight responsibilities, such that all safety considerations/issues, relevant to either the ADSTOP program or any follow-on development of the ADSTOP, are adequately addressed in a complete and timely fashion. (15) Special Requirements: The ADSTOP contractor shall establish an Associate Contractor Agreement (ACA) with the WCMD prime contractor, Lockheed Martin Co. The ADSTOP prime contractor shall interfacewith the associate contractor throughout the duration of the ADSTOP program to ensure that the ADSTOP warhead is physically and functionally compatible with the WCMD guidance kit. (16) Other Special Requirements: International Traffic in Arms Regulations applies. END OF PART I Posted 03/29/00 (D-SN439085). (0089)

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