Loren Data Corp.




Health Care Financing Administration, Acquisition and Grants Group, C2-21-15, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD., 21244-1850

Q -- FEDERAL OVERSIGHT AND MONITORING" SOL HCFA-00-001/YC DUE 051500 POC Yolanda Charon, Contract Specialist (410) 786-7801 Pending the availability of funds, the Health Care Financing Administration intends to contract for "FEDERAL OVERSIGHT AND MONITORING" of a designated sample of Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Mental Retardation (ICFs/MR), ranging in size from 4-6 beds to over 1,000 beds on a national basis. The Contractor must hire, train, and support a Survey Team consisting of the equivalent of 20 FTEs of highly skilled Master's level professionals who have at least three years experience in the field of developmental disabilities/mental retardation (DD/MR). Survey Team members must possess the knowledge, skills, and comptencies to conduct federal look-behind surveys and complaint investigations in ICFs/MR, in accordance with federal laws, regulations, and manuals. Survey Team members must possess demonstrated knowledge and experience in quality assurance reviews, including the evaluation of a provider's performance in delivering services and programs to people with disabilities. The contractor must have demonstrated competencies and experience in related quality assurance/improvement programs, specifically in a health-related area, preferably in the field of DD/MR. The Contractor must have experience in supervising a cadre of professionals, including qualified mental retardation professionals (QMRPs), medical doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, speech/occupational/physical therapists, behavior specialists and pharmacists. The Contractor must possess the knowledge and expertise to coordinate the professional activities of these National Team(s) in cooperation with HCFA's Central and Regional Offices and have the ability to schedule, deploy, and assign resources on an as-needed basis. The Contractor must have experience in the development, implementation and maintenence of an analytical data system that will monitor the survey process to ensure quality, consistency and competency among surveyors and across surveys. This contract will be coordinated under the auspices of HCFA Central Ofice, Woodlawn, MD 21244-1850. Solicitation HCFA-00-001/YC will be avilable in hard copy and in an electronic format on or about May 15, 2000. The Government will not pay for any cost for contactor's proposal submitted in response to this solicitation. Interested oferors may contact Ms. Yolanda Charon, HCFA e-mail YCharon@HCFA.GOV. Please provide full mailing and e-mail addresses. HCFA intends to develop a web-site for electronoc access to solicitation. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. HOW TO OBTAIN ICFs/MR SOLICITATION DOCUMENT: This soliciation will be available on or about May 15, 2000 on the Internet at http://www.hcfa.gov/icfmr/. This soliciation is available only in electronic format. Requests for the available hard copy sections of this soliciation will ONLY be entertained from vendors who can demonstrate that they do NOT have Internet download capability. Requests for the hard copy sections with justification should be mailed to Yolanda Charon, Health Care Financing Administration, Acquisition and Grants Group, 7500 Security Blvd., C2-21-15, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850. Posted 04/03/00 (W-SN440454). (0094)

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