Loren Data Corp.




EFA Chesapeake, Washington Navy Yard, Building 212, 901 M Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20374-5018

C -- MODIFIED SYNOPSIS CLARIFICATION -- INDEFINITE QUANTITY CONTRACT FOR MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH ASSOCIATED MULTI-DISCIPLINAL ARCH/ENGR SUPPORT SERVICES, VARIOUS LOCATIONS, EFA CHESAPEAKE SOL N62477-00-D-0096 DUE 052200 POC Contact Randolph Jones, POC, 202-685-3152 WEB: EFA Chesapeake Homepage, http://www.efdlant.navfac.navy.mil/efaches.htm. E-MAIL: Randolph Jones, Point of Contact, rjones@efaches.navfac.navy.mil. The modification to the original synopsis was posted to the Commerce Business Daily on 18 April 2000 and is confusing some contractors. To avoid further confusion and to clarify the issue, I offer the following: The original synopsis erroneously included TWO Small Business set-aside contract statements. The FIRST statement begins on the first line of the synopsis; the SECOND statement, a few lines down. Only the first statement should have been included in the original synopsis. The second statement was the result of a computer glitch, and should NOT have been included in the original synopsis. The second statement was created when the computer glitch erroneously inserted part of the first statement into the original synopsis work statement. This partial statement should therefore be deleted out of the original synopsis work statement. Delete this partial statement from the work statement beginning with the word "This" and ending with the two words, "small business". Do NOT delete the next word, "architectural", as it is a part of the synopsis work statement. With the patrial statement deleted out of the synopsis work statement, the work statement should now correctly read: "The work includes an indefinite quantity contract for mechanical design and engineering services with multi-disciplinal [architectural] and engineering support services necessary for the preparation of studies and plans, specifications, and construction cost estimates ready for bidding for various projects at various locations within the Engineering Field Activity Chesapeake region -- Washington, DC, VA and MD." I hope this clarifies the issue. Any questions, please contact me at my above POC number, 202-685-3152. Randolph Jones Posted 04/21/00 (W-SN447679). (0112)

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