Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, FD, 5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Mail Stop 5124, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-5100

Y -- CONSTRUCTION, POWER PLANT REPLACEMENT PROJECT, PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER, GREENPORT, NEW YORK SOL 8273-3K15-00 DUE 071400 POC Jennifer Friel, Contracting Officer, 301-504-1178 Y- Pre-Solicitation Notice -- The contractor shall provide all material, labor, equipment, and supervision necessary for the construction of the new Power Plant to be located at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC), Greenport, New York. The Base Bid will consist of a completely fitted out new power plant building with operating boiler plant and operating stand-by generators with paralleling switchgear. The bid will also include four option items as follows: Provide and install the new 13.2 kV switchgear in the new power plant building; Provide the new site drainage system associated with the new project; Provide the new asphalt roadways and asphalt parking area for the new Power Plant Building; and Provide the hazardous material abatement in and the demolition of Building 103 at PIADC. In accordance with the Small Business Competitive Demonstration Program, this acquisition will be conducted on a full and open competitive basis. The total Estimated Cost of Construction (ECC) for this project is more than $10,000,000. Time for completion of the work will be 548 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. A pre-bid meeting is tentatively scheduled for June 8, 2000, at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center on Plum Island. Sets of plans and specifications will be available for a non-refundable charge of $360 (check or money order) each made payable to the USDA, Agricultural Research Service. The request and check or money order MUST BE SENT to Kling Lindquist, 2301 Chestnut Street, Attn: Mike Timmons, Philadelphia, PA 19103-3035. TELEPHONE OR FACSIMILE REQUESTS FOR THE SOLICITATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The solicitation is scheduled to be released on or about May 26, 2000. (Reference Solicitation No. 8273-3K15-00). Posted 04/21/00 (W-SN447490). (0112)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0077 20000425\Y-0004.SOL)

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