Loren Data Corp.




Regional Officer in Charge of Contract, Pearl Harbor, NAVFACENGCOM (R110), 4262 Radford Drive, Honolulu, HI 96818-3296

Y -- FY00 FAMILY HOUSING PROJECT H-345 (100 UNITS), FY00 FAMILY HOUSING PROJECT H-346 (30 UNITS), AND FY01 FAMILY HOUSING PROJECT H-570 (54 UNITS), MARINE CORPS BASE HAWAII, KANEOHE BAY SOL N62742-99-R-1323 DUE 061200 POC Ms. June Turner, Contract Specialist, Mr. Ira Kight, Telephone No. (808) 474-7120, Facsimile No. (808) 474-7316 Design and construct family housing replacement units at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Total of 184 existing housing units will be demolished and replaced with 184 new units. The work includes the design and construction of all structures, utilities, roads, walkways, landscaping, and all other required improvements, both on and off site, necessary to provide facilities complete and ready to use. The work includes quality controls and inspection of all construction work. This is a firm fixed-price procurement and will use the two-phase design/build selection procedures. There will be two separate specifications issued sequentially. The phase-one evaluation factors will be: (1) Factor A -- Designer's "Qualification and Experience, (2) Factor B -- Contractor's Qualification and Experience, (3) Factor C -- Design/Build Management Plan, and (4) Factor D -- Small Business Subcontracting. Phase-one proposals will be evaluated and a selection made of the most qualified firms (not to exceed five). The most qualified firms will proceed to phase-two of the process, will be issued the phase-two specifications and drawings, and will be given an opportunity to submit technical and price proposals. The phase-two evaluation factors will be: (1) Factor A -- Building Design, (2) Factor B -- Proposer's Quality of Past Performance (proposal submitted for phase-one will be considered and no additional data will be required), (3) Factor C -- Site Design and Engineering, (4) Factor D -- Building Engineering, Material, Quality and Maintenance, (5) Factor E -- Small Business Subcontracting, and Factor F -- Management Plans. Source selection procedures will be used and award shall be made to the offeror whose proposal is the most advantageous and offers the best value to the Government; cost or price and other factors considered. The budget ceilings for H-345 is $23,000,000; for H-346 is $6,900,000; and for H-570 is $11,750,000. Construction of 130 units will be awarded in Fiscal Year 2000 with a pre-priced option for 54 units to be awarded in Fiscal Year 2001. Estimated Construction Time: 720 calendar days total (Design -- 165 calendar days; Construction -- 555 calendar days). The SIC code is 1522 with an annual size standard of $17,000,000. THIS PROCUREMENT IS UNRESTRICTED. AMENDMENTS AND NOTICES WILL BE POSTED ON THE WEB SITE http://www.esol.navfac.navy.mil FOR DOWNLOADING. THIS WILL NORMALLY BE THE ONLY METHOD OF DISTRIBUTING AMENDMENTS AND NOTICES. THEREFORE, IT IS THE OFFEROR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THE WEB SITE PERIODICALLY FOR ANY AMENDMENTS AND NOTICES TO THIS SOLICITATION. The Request for Proposal (RFP) for phase-0ne will be made available on or about 11 May 2000 on CD-ROM only and will be mailed to requesters. Your letter requesting this RFP shall be mailed to: Document Automation and Production Service, ATTN: Solicitation Printing, 1025 Quincy Avenue, Suite 200, Pearl Harbor Naval Base Building 550, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 96860. There is a non-refundable charge of $53.75. Checks shall be made payable to the "SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS". If using a VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER CARD, you may fax your request to (808) 473-2604. Be sure to include the cardholder's name, account number and expiration date in your letter. The letter must also state your company name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, RFP no. and project title, and whether the RFP will be picked up at ROICC Office, 4262 Radford Drive, Honolulu, HI 96818-3296. Please indicate whether prime, subcontractor, or supplier. On the front of the envelope, type RFP No. If using credit card, you may fax your letter to (808) 473-2604. Allow at least ten days for mailing of RFP. Companies wanting the RFP to be sent via air express service must furnish their express service's airbill label with the recipient's name, telephone no., company name, address, company's account no., and type of delivery filled in. Failure to provide any of the above information and payment, as indicated, may delay the processing of the RFP and is at no fault of the Government. Planholder's list will be available at http://www.hawaii.wnbt.daps.mil after the solicitation is advertised. This planholder's list may not include those planholder's obtaining the solicitation from other media distributors. Any request for solicitation received within 10 working days prior to the closing date will be processed in accordance with the above procedures. However, there is no guarantee that the recipient will receive the solicitation prior to the closing date. Posted 04/24/00 (W-SN448129). (0115)

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Y - Construction of Structures and Facilities Index Page