Loren Data Corp.




5600 Fishers Lane, Room 13A-19 Rockville, MD 20857

R -- THE IMPACT OF CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS ON REQUIREMENTS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS SOL HRSA 230-BHPR-15(0) POC Suzanne Stinson -- 301-443-5130 WEB: Click here to go to the HRSA contracts web site to, www.hrsa.dhhs.gov/contract.htm. E-MAIL: Click here to contact the contract specialist via, sstinson@hrsa.gov. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has a requirement to let a contract to identify and measure the effect the changing demographics of the United States population will have on the demand for the numbers and various types of health care providers. Factors to be examined include: age, with special emphasis on the aging population and pediatric services; gender; immigration; geographic distribution; and race and ethnicity. The contractor will also analyze trends in per capita utilization of health services, and employing standard statistical techniques, extrapolate these trends to 2020. Health care providers to be studied shall include the patient care medical specialties of primary and nonprimary care; dentistry; optometry, podiatry, and physical therapy. The contractor will examine and evaluate the currentness of all population-related data in the following Bureau of Health Professions' workforce projection models: the Integrated Requirements Model (IRM), the Physician Aggregate Requirements Model (PARM), and the Child Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) Dental Requirements Model. Current and projected population data, per capita utilization rates, and staffing patterns in the several models will be updated as needed to ensure that these models contain the latest available data. The period of performance of this contract is twelve (12) months. The solicitation will be issued on or about May 8, 2000. You may be able to access the solicitation electronically at the following location on the web: www.hrsa.dhhs.gov/contract.htm. If you are able to download the solicitation electronically, please submit your name, address and phone number to this office so that you can be included on our source list. (It is the offerors responsibility to monitor the above internet site for the release of this solicitation and amendments, if any). If you are NOT able to download the solicitation electronically, all requests for a hard copy of the solicitation must be in writing, to the attention of Suzanne Stinsonand cite RFP No. HRSA 230-BHPr-15(0)sks. You may FAX your request to the attention of Suzanne Stinson at 301-443-6038. If you choose to FAX your request, please send the hard copy in the mail as the FAX copies are sometimes unreadable. Your written request for the solicitation should be mailed to the attention of Suzanne Stinson, HRSA, Room 13A-19, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland, 20857. The electronic mailing address is: sstinson@hrsa.gov. All requests should include the name of the contact person, mailing address, telephone number, email address and FAX number in the body of the letter. Telephone requests for the solicitation cannot be honored. Posted 04/25/00 (W-SN448426). (0116)

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