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Naval Research Laboratory, Attn: Code 3420, 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20375

66 -- GAS CHROMATOGRAPH SOL N00173-00-Q-0086 POC Darlene Copp, Contracting Officer, 202-767-2374 E-MAIL: Click here to contact the contracting officer via, SolQnA@labmis.nrl.navy.mil. Naval Research Laboratory intends to solicit and negotiate with Varian Associates Incorporated on other than full and open competitive basis to purchase a Gas Chromatograph auto sampler system to support large-scale fire suppression test. One each Varian Model 3800 Gas Chromatograph, 120V; two each Thermal conductivity detector; three each Type 3 EFC module; one each field kit, multi-valve oven; one each Star GC workstation version 5.0, manuals, release notes, GC control software, tutorials; one each on-site installation and one year warranty; one each Star WS system 1 for 3800 GC; one each Dell 17" monitor; one each 3800 communication option, 180"; one each custom software for GC; one each autosampler leak check system; one each 96-position autosampler to accept 1.7L SS canisters; one each canister pressurizer; and one each valving/detector system. Autosampler must contain the following features: Compatible with NRL 1.7L canisters with male, brass Swagelok compression fitting (1/2", 20 thread per inch), containing 0.5-1 atmosphere; 74 sample connection points are required. Greater than 74 positions are desirable; Measures initial bottle pressure and injection pressure; Charges injection system to a fixed pressure; Variable sampling frequencies- e.g. inject standards twice and samples once; Resistant to hydrogen Fluoride gas; Temperature controlled transfer lines; Capable of injecting a single bottle at multiple pressures; Automated leak checking (system and connections); Must be capable of sending TTL closed contact signal to GC. The Gas Chromatograph integrated into the system must possess the following features: Able to resolve and quantify nitrogen, oxygen/argon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and common fire suppression agents such as 1,1,1,2,3,3,3, -heptafluoropropane and halon 1301 without the use of cryogenic cooling. Ability to resolve argon and oxygen would be valuable; Able to perform the above analysis using column switching techniques or individual GC modules; an automated pneumatic or electric 10 port, gas-sampling valve for sample introduction or equivalent; Two-independent temperature zones. Each zone must accommodate a packed 1/8" o.d., 6' long, 3" or 6" coiled column in addition to existing equipment. One zone must possess temperature-programming capabilities; One or more detectors, dependent upon valve configurations. At a minimum, one thermal conductivity detector (TCD) will be required; Additional valving if required performing the above analysis; Two or more GC columns capable of performing the above analysis; and PC and software to control autosampler and GC. "See Note(s) 22" Posted 05/24/00 (W-SN458123). (0145)

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