Loren Data Corp.




Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Acquisition Management, 400 7th St. SW, Washington, DC, 20590

B -- UPDATE OF DRIVERS LICENSING DATA SOL DTFH61-00-Q-00067 DUE 061300 POC Stephanie Curtis, Contracting Officer, Phone (202) 366-6014, Fax (202) 366-3293, Email stephanie.curtis@fhwa.dot.gov -- Donna McAleer, Contracting Officer, Phone (202) 366-4270, Fax (202) 366-3293, Email WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=P&ProjID=DTFH61-00-Q-0 0067&LocID=30. E-MAIL: Stephanie Curtis, stephanie.curtis@fhwa.dot.gov. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) plans to negotiate a Purchase Order with Ms. Mary Teets to assist in the completion of the driver licensing tabulations in the annual Highway Statistics publication. This work consists of documentation, analyses, and training associated with this driver license data. Ms. Teets is the only known source that possesses the skills required to complete this work in the time available. The skills required are an in-depth knowledge of the driver_s licence data and its State-to-State variations as well as personal knowledge of the State data providers, and specific skills in identifying problems and/or issues with the actual driver_s license data. . This is a Simplified Acquisition and the anticipated award date is June 13, 2000. Posted 05/30/00 (D-SN459803). (0151)

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