COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 7,2000 PSA#2616Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, Code 230000E,
N68936-00-R-0109 DUE 061600 POC Nancy Garza, Contract Specialist, (805)
989-1880, Nathan Simpson, Contracting Officer, (805) 989-1303 This is
a sources sought synopsis. These sources sought synopsis requests
information needed prior to release of any resultant solicitation. This
is not a request for proposals and in no way obligates the Government
in an award of any contract. This sources sought synopsis contains the
most currently available information. This information is subject to
change at any time. The Document Control Centers at Naval Air Warfare
Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), Point Mugu anticpate issuing a
five-year contract using 8(a) competitive procedures. NAWCWD is seeking
commercial sources capable of providing personnel to support the
Document Control Centers (DCCs). Currently, the Government in-house
workforce is performing these services. It is intended to perform a
cost comparison, pursuant to OMB Circular No. A-76 Commercial
Activities Studies, in order to determine the most efficient and cost
effective performing activity. Accordingly, a contract may or may not
ultimately be awarded as a result of the study/costcomparison. If a
Contractor is found to be the most cost effective performing activity,
an award will be made in accordance with OMB Circular A-76 in
conjunction with all other applicable Navy and Government acquisition
regulations and best practices. It is anticipated that personnel and
facility requirements will include the necessity to have or obtain
security clearances. The Contractor shall operate and provide
management support for the DCCs and Technical Repositories. Data types
and media applicable to the DCCs include both classified and
unclassified documents, software media (e.g., tapes, diskettes,
CD-ROMs), hardware media (e.g., removable hard drives), technical
manuals, and database files. Data types and media applicable to the
Repositories include both classified and unclassified digital and
non-digital engineering drawing files and associated documentation
(e.g., Notice of Revision, Specification Change Notice), technical
manuals, database files, and configuration management documentation.
The Contractor shall handle all unclassified data types and media as
restricted sensitive information. The Government will provide all
necessary standard operating procedures, instructions, and regulations
for management support of the DCCs and repositories. If you are
interested in competing for this requirement, please indicate your
interest by sending an email no later than 16 June 2000 to Ms. Nancy
Garza at garzan@navair.navy.mil. You will be required to complete a
Contractor Profile Questionnaire. Questionnaires will be sent via
email. Responses may be made via email to Ms. Garza. Faxed requests and
responses are acceptable and should be sent to Ms. Garza at (805)
989-0561. Ultimately, the solicitation will be available over the
Internet in Microsoft Word format and will reside upon the NAWCWD
Contracts Homepage, located on the World Wide Web at
www.nawcwpns.navy.mil/~contract/homepubl.htm. It is anticipated that
the solicitation will be released in November 2000. Posted 06/05/00
(W-SN461431). (0157) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0050 20000607\L-0005.SOL)
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