Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Geological Survey, Branch Of Acquisition and Federal Assistance, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225-0046

70 -- SRI INTERFACE CLIENT AND INTERFACE SERVER SOFTWARE DUE 072200 POC Marilyn Hutchison, MS204B, (303) 236-5900, ext. 327 E-MAIL: USGS, CR, Acquisition and Federal Assistance, mhutchi@usgs.gov. Concerns having the ability to furnish the supplies and services described herein are requested to give written notification (including the telephone number for a point of contact) to the procuring office above within 45 calendar days from the date of this synopsis. The U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has a requirement for Standard Robotics Interface (SRI) Client and Server Software to access multiple tape libraries located in a multi-vendor environment from multiple application executables, which are supported in-house. This software shall consist of a set of ansi-c functions (API's) that allow full access to standard automated libraries. Required features include the following: 1) Integrated set of C libraries (API) providing a generalized interface to automated media libraries or robots. This product must provide all of the functionality to support application integration to robotic libraries. 2) Allow programmers to manipulate tapes within most of the currently available libraries from industry-standard UNIX and NT platforms. 3) The functions must be implemented so that they are independent of the type of processor platform or robotic library. 4) Must support networked applications allowing developers to access multiple robots from different vendors simultaneously within the same executable. 5) Must support a client server environment with multiple drive and application clients reporting to one or more robotics servers. The robotics server(s) must be capable of direct interface to a robotic device and be capable of interfacing to an automated cartridge system library (such as STK's ACSLS). 6) Must support library partitioning and different drive types in the same library. 7) Must be compatible with most standard libraries such as StorageTek, ATL and IBM. SRI professional installation and maintenance support shall be included. Based on information available at this time, and in accordance with 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(1), implemented by FAR 5.302-1, the Government considers the specified software as a sole source from SCH Technologies, Cincinnati, Ohio, and proposes to negotiate a contract with that firm on that basis. However, should additional sources be identified, they will be considered. Firms who feel that they can furnish the required supplies and services are invited to submit in writing an affirmative response to this announcement, and such other materials which correspond to the required items stated herein. This information will be evaluated and used to determine if competitive opportunities exist. Since no solicitation document exists, requests for such documents without accompanying information will be considered non-responsive to this request without further consideration. This notice may represent the Government's only official notice of this procurement. See Note 22. Posted 06/07/00 (W-SN462585). (0159)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0311 20000609\70-0009.SOL)

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