COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 15,2000 PSA#2622Administrative Contracts Service Center (3803R), Environmental
Protection Agency, Ronald Reagan Building -- 7th Floor, 1300
Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460 B -- PLOAD MODEL ENHANCEMENT SOL RFQ -- CET044 DUE 063000 POC Tanya
BRICE.TANYA@EPA.GOV. The EPA intends to place a contract with CH2M-Hill
in Herndon, Virginia, to enhance and fine-tune the spreadsheet model
PLOAD to operate in the Better Assessment Science Integrating point and
Non-point Sources (BASINS) environment. CH2M-Hill developed the PLOAD
model and they are the only known firm that can enhance and fine tune
the model to operate in the same Arcview environment utilized by
BASINS. Interested vendors offering identical or equivalent services
must identify their interest and fully document their capability or
demonstrate responsiveness to meet the Agency's requirement by
forwarding a detailed response within 15 calendar days of this notice.
All request must be in writing and include company name, point of
contact, telephone number, and sufficient technical documentation for
the Government to determine the ability to meet the requirement.
Responses shall be submitted to: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Attention: Tanya Brice (3803R), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C.
20460. Telephone requests will not be honored. Posted 06/13/00
(W-SN464342). (0165) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0026 20000615\B-0011.SOL)
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