COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 19,2000 PSA#2624Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL -- PL
"Space Vehicles Directorate", 2251 Maxwell Ave, Kirtland AFB, NM,
VS-00-01 POC Nathan White, Contracting Officer, Phone 505 846 5935, Fax
505 846 7049, Email whiten@plk.af.mil -- Nathan White, Contracting
Officer, Phone 505 846 5935, Fax 505 846 7049, Email whiten@plk.af.mil
WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this,
D=2682. E-MAIL: Nathan White, whiten@plk.af.mil. The following change
is made to VS-00-01 Broad Agency Announcement, Space Vehicles
Technology. Reference Kirtland AFB Technical Areas: Add Technical Area
Number 11, Conferences and Workshops as follows: (11) CONFERENCES AND
WORKSHOPS: Technical Point of Contact: Capt David J. Barnhart, (505)
846-4499, Fax (505) 846-4558, email: david.barnhart2@kirtland.af.mil
and alternate Greg Donohoe, (505) 846-4958, Fax (505) 846-5815, email:
gregory.donohoe@kirtland.af.mil. Contracting point of contact
regarding information on this particular technical area only: Geraldine
Duran (505) 846-1401, Fax (505) 846-7049, email:
geraldine.duran@kirtland.af.mil. The Air Force Research Laboratory
Space Vehicles Directorate/Space Electronics and Protection Branch
(VSSE) understands that it is essential for the scientific community to
maintain clear lines of communication for thorough and well-reasoned
research to be accomplished. Support for conferences and workshops has
proven to be an extremely valuable tool for DOD. They allow technical
managers the opportunity to receive prevailing information on their
respective disciplines. They also will allow AFRL/VSSE the opportunity
to inform the research community of the current thrust of VSSE
programs. Conferences and workshops constitute a key forum for research
and technology interchange. VSSE encourages proposals from recognized
scientific, technical, or professional organizations that qualify for
federal tax exempt status. AFRL/VSSE financial support through
appropriate financing vehicles for conferences and workshops is
dependent on the availability of funds, program manager_s discretion,
and certain other restrictions. Other restrictions include: VSSE
support for a workshop or conference is not to be considered as
government endorsement of any sponsoring organization, profit or
non-profit. The subject matter of the conference or workshop is
scientific, technical, or involves professional issues that are
relevant to the AFRL/VSSE mission for applied research and technology
development programs relating to radiation effects and hardening of
microelectronics and microelectronic systems. The purpose of our
support will transfer federally developed technology to the private
sector or will stimulate wider interest and inquiry into the relevant
scientific, technical, or professional issues relevant to the AFRL/VSSE
mission. It is anticipated the first conference should be held in late
July 2000. Proposals for a July 2000 conference or workshop should be
submitted by COB 30 June 2000. Later submissions will be accepted for
future conference dates. Proposals should include the following: 1.
Summary indicating the objective(s) of the conference/workshop topic(s)
to be covered and how they are relevant to the AFRL/VSSE mission of
programs relating to radiation effects and hardening of
microelectronics and microelectronic systems. 2. Title, location, and
date(s) of the conference/workshop. 3. Explanation of how the
conference/workshop will relate to the research interests of VS-00-01
Broad Agency Announcement, Space Vehicles Technology, in the technical
area of Space Electronics. 4. Chairperson or principal investigator
and his/her biographical information. 5. List of proposed participants
and method (or copies) of announcement or invitation. 6. Total project
costs by major cost elements. 7. Anticipated sources of
conference/workshop income and amount from each. 8. Anticipated use of
funds requested from AFRL/VSSE (Note: AFRL/VSSE funds may not be used
to support or assist participants from communist countries or to pay
any federal government employee support, subsistence, or fee in
connection with the conference/workshop). Proposals for conferences and
workshops will be evaluated using the following criteria. All factors
are of equal importance to each other. 1. The scientific and technical
relevance of the proposed conference. 2. The potential contributions
of the proposed conference to the mission of AFRL/VSSE. 3. The
qualifications of the principal investigator(s) or conference chair(s).
4. Therealism and reasonableness of cost including proposed cost
sharing and availability of funds. AFRL/VSSE intends to award grants
only. In addition to complying with proposal requirements listed above,
proposals should comply with the Assistance Cost Proposal Instructions,
Non-FAR Certification Instructions, Non-FAR Certifications, Proposal
Preparation Instructions and Sample Cost Proposal Cover Sheet as posted
in the original solicitation VS-00-01 BAA, Space Vehicles Technology
dated October 5, 1999. Posted 06/15/00 (D-SN465273). (0167) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0001 20000619\A-0001.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page