COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 19,2000 PSA#2624Defense Energy Support Center, 8725 John J. Kingman Rd., Suite 4950, Ft
SP0600-00-R-0072 DUE 110200 POC Contract Specialist, Lisa Lombard or
Contracting Officer, Jacob R.Moser at (703)767-9404/8333 WEB: Click
here to review or download the solicitation when,
http://www.desc.dla.mil/main/a/iscd.htm. E-MAIL: For additional
information or clarification and to, llombard@desc.dla.mil. The Defense
Energy Support Center (DESC), in conjunction with the Office of the Air
Force Civil Engineer, the Air National Guard Civil Engineer, and the
Air National Guard Readiness Center, plans to offer the privatization
of various existing applicable Electric, Natural Gas, Water, and
Wastewater utility systems located at Air National Guard bases in the
Mid-Atlantic Area. These bases and their applicable systems include:
Richmond International Airport Byrd Field, Virginia, Natural Gas, Water
and Wastewater; Eastern W. Virginia Regional Apt., Martinsburg, West
Virginia, Electric, Natural Gas, Water, and Wastewater; Yeager Airport,
West Virginia, Electric, Natural Gas, Water, and Wastewater; New Castle
County Airport (AGS), Delaware, Electric and Wastewater; Martin State
Air Guard Base, Maryland, Water and Wastewater. Privatization is
defined as the transfer of ownership and responsibility for the
operation, maintenance, repair, future upgrades, and future utility
system replacements. As a result of this solicitation, firms(s) will be
selected to assume ownership of the abovementioned utility systems. The
successful firm(s) will be required to purchase the existing systems
from the Government and may be required to provide expansions to the
systems to meet future needs of the Government. The resulting
contract(s), if awarded, will require the Contractor(s) to furnish all
facilities, labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to own,
maintain and operate, the utility system(s). The Contractor(s) shall
manage the maintenance, repairs, replacement, etc., of the system(s) to
ensure continuous, adequate, and dependable service for each Government
or tenant connection within the service area. The Contractor(s) shall
be responsible for funding all capital investments required to acquire,
maintain and operate the utility system(s) in a safe, reliable
condition and to meet the requirements listed in the contract. Real
property interests will be conveyed in the form of a Rights-of-Way
(ROW) as an attachment tothe RFP. The utility system(s) will be
conveyed via a Bill of Sale upon award of the contract. The
Contractor(s) proposals and plans may become a part of the contract
upon the decision to award. Past Performance information from potential
offerors shall be submitted as directed in the RFP. No offeror will be
denied the opportunity to submit a proposal in response to the RFP.
Utility Systems being privatized are described as follows: RICHMOND
System: The natural gas distribution system at Richmond-ANG is
comprised of approximately 10,000 linear feet of polyethylene piping
ranging from 1 to 4 inches in diameter, 44 PE plug valves, 16
regulators, 7 large and 9 small meters. Piping is buried approximately
3 feet underground with isolation valves at each junction. Piping and
valves are considered to be in excellent condition as the entire
system was installed new in 1995. The delivered PSIG of the system is
25 PSIG. The system has 13 sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection
and is metered from one location on base. There are 4 planned
facilities that may require gas service once completed. Water System:
The water system at Richmond IAP-ANG is comprised of approximately
14,000 linear feet of water pipe ranging from 1 to 8 inch in diameter
for domestic water, and a high pressure system which feeds the hangar
fire suppression systems and adjacent high pressure fire hydrants. The
most common type of system piping is 50% mix of ductile iron and cast
iron 4 feet underground. There are 12 cast iron gate valves, 24 fire
hydrants, 2 exterior backflow prevention devices, 22 secondary meters
and 3 post indicator valves. Piping and valves are considered to be in
good condition with ages ranging from 1959 to present. Capacity of the
domestic potable water system is rated at approximately .85 mgd. There
are no storage tanks, wells, or pumping stations associated with this
system. Specifically excluded from the water distribution system
privatization are high pressure fire suppression water distribution
system main, all high pressure fire hydrants, connecting service lines,
and suppression equipment. Wastewater Collection System: The
Richmond-ANG Base wastewater collection system is comprised of
approximately 8,900 linear feet of sewer pipes ranging from 2 to 8
inches in diameter on service lines connecting to a 24 inch main that
is owned by the Richmond Airport Authority and not part of the
privatized system. System uses 3 in-ground lift stations. Two of the
lift stations are 3 years old and one is 4 years old. Two pumps are 3
hp rated at 60 gpm and one is hp rated at 20 gpm. There is a wide range
of ages in the system from 41 years old to recently installed, however,
even the oldest pipes and manholes inspected are in good to very good
condition. Average depth of the pipes are 6 to 8 feet. The base has no
sewage treatment facilities, septic tanks, storage tanks, nor leach
fields. The collection system contains mostly concrete pipe that has
excessive infiltration and 75% of the system is considered to be in
poor conditions with sags throughout. System has 31 manholes that are
of brick or precast construction and considered to be in average
condition. There are several oil water separators and one kitchen
grease trap that are not included in the privatization and are
considered part of the facility creating the discharge. EASTERN W.
VIRGINIA REGIONAL APT. MARTINSBURG, WV -- Electric Distribution System:
The system maintained by Eastern WV Regional Airport-Shepherd Field ANG
is a Delta Wye configured electrical system. The entire system
(excluding approximately 1,600 feet of overhead wiring) was completely
rewired in 1998 and contains 3 electrical vaults, 3 wood utility
poles, 18 pad mounted dry transformers, and approximately 9,500 feet of
underground wiring. This wiring is concrete incased with communication
lines. Spares are available. System is composed of underground
feeders, pad mounted transformers, and power distribution breaker
panels that feed various buildings. Eastern WV Regional
Airport-Shepherd Field ANG Base is fed and metered from two primary
meter locations and has no power generation capabilities except for
emergency backup generators that fall outside the scope of this
utility's privatization. Specifically excluded from the electric
distribution system privatization are parking lot and street lighting,
airfield lighting, and existing emergency generators. Natural Gas
Distribution System: The natural gas distribution system at Eastern WV
Regional Airport-Shepherd Field ANG is partially looped system
comprised of approximately 7,000 linear feet of polyethylene and steel
pipe ranging from 1 to 6 inches in diameter. There are 21 steel plug
valves and 23 regulators. The most common type of system piping is a
50% mix of PE and steel buried approximately 2 feet underground. Piping
and valves are considered to be in good condition with ages ranging
from 1951 to present. The delivered PSIG of the system is 60 PSIG and
reduced to a 6 to 8 PSIG for service lines.The system has no cathodic
protection devices and is metered from one location on base. Water
System: The water system at Eastern WV Regional Airport-Shepherd Field
ANG is comprised of a partially looped water system including
approximately 10,000 linear feet of water pipe ranging from 2-10 inches
in diameter for domestic water, and a high pressure system which feeds
the hangar fire suppression systems and adjacent high pressure fire
hydrants. The system piping is PVC, ACP, and CIP buried approximately
4 feet underground. There are 56 valves, 31 fire hydrants,
approximately 11 interior backflow prevention devices, two post
indicator valves, and 3 water hydrants. Piping and valves are
considered to be in good condition with ages ranging from 1954 to
present. System includes a pump house and one concrete water tank that
were installed in 1958 and one concrete water tank that was installed
in 1987. Tanks are 8 feet high and have a diameter of 37 feet. The
tank capacities are 60,000 gallons. The pump house is 484 sq. ft and
contains one 120 psi diesel driven pump with a flow rate of 1,500 gpm.
Specifically excluded from the water distribution system privatization
are high pressure fire suppression water distribution system main, all
high-pressure fire hydrants, connecting service lines, and suppression
equipment. Wastewater Collection System: The Eastern WV Regional
Airport-Shepherd Field ANG Base wastewater collection system is
comprised of approximately 9,000 linear feet of sewer pipes ranging
from 2 to 8 inches in diameter. There are two lift stations on the base
and it is a 90 percent gravity flow system. There is a wide range of
ages in the system from 44 years old to recently installed, however,
even the oldest pipes and manholes inspected are in good to very good
condition. The base has one 48 kg sewage treatment facility, one septic
tank, one drain field, and no storage tanks. Collection system contains
PVC and VCP (polyethylene lined in 1994) pipe, and 36 manholes
servicing 24 buildings. System contains 6 oil water separators and one
kitchen grease trap that are not included in the privatization and are
considered part of the facility creating the discharge. YEAGER AIRPORT,
WV -- Electric Distribution System: Approximately 50% of the base's
electrical distribution system are already privatized. The 50% of the
system still maintained by Yeager ANG is a Y configured electrical
system feeding the older portion of the base's flight line and aircraft
maintenance facilities. This entire section of the system was
completely rewired in Nov 1999 and contains 5 electrical vaults, 2 wood
utility poles, 6 oil filled pad mounted transformers and one dry
transformer, and approximately 1700 feet of underground wiring. At the
same time this was done all transformers were inspected and oils
tested and found to be in good operating condition. The system is
composed of underground feeders, pad mounted transformers, and power
distribution breaker panels that feed various building. Yeager
Field-ANG Base is fed and metered from one primary meter location and
has no power generation capabilities except for emergency backup
generators that fall outside the scope of this utility's privatization.
Specifically excluded from the electric distribution system
privatization are parking lot and street lighting, airfield lighting,
electrical system (drop) supplying power to the pump house, and
existing emergency generators. Natural Gas Distribution System: The
natural gas distribution system at Yeager Field-ANG is comprised of
approximately 7,000 linear feet of polyethylene and steel pipe ranging
from 1 to 4 inches in diameter, 24 steel plug valves, 2 PE plug
valves, 21 regulators and 1 large meter. The most common type of system
piping is a 50% mix of PE and steel buried approximately 4 feet
underground. Piping and valves are considered to be in good condition
with ages ranging from 1951 to present. The delivered PSIG of the
system is 30 PSIG and reduced to a 6 to 8 PSIG for service lines. The
system has no cathodic protection devices and is metered from one
location on base. There are 2 planned facilities that will require gas
service once completed. Water System: The water system at Yeager
Field-ANG is comprised of a looped water system including 10,000 linear
feet of water pipe ranging from 10" to under two inches in diameter for
domestic water, and a high pressure system which feeds the hangar fire
suppression systems and adjacent high pressure fire hydrants. The most
common type of system piping is PVC buried approximately 4 feet
underground. There are 43 cast iron gate valves, 23 fire hydrants, 2
exterior backflow prevention devices, and 4 post indicator valves.
Piping and valves are considered to be in good condition with ages
ranging from 1951 to present. Capacity of the domestic potable water
system is rated at approximately .95 mgd. System includes a pump house
and water tank that was installed in 1983. Water tank is steel with
fiberglass insulated cover, heated and has Cathodic protection. Tank is
32 ft high and has a diameter of 33 ft. The tank capacity is 200,000
gallons. The pump house is 624 sq. ft and contains 4 pumps, two 10 hp
and two 20 hp, that provide a flow rate of 1500 to 2000 gpm.
Specifically excluded from the water distribution system privatization
are high pressure fire suppression water distribution system main, all
high pressure fire hydrants, connecting service lines, and suppression
equipment. Wastewater Collection System: The Yeager Field-ANG Base
wastewater collection system is comprised of approximately 9,000 linear
feet of sewer pipes ranging from 4 to 8 inches in diameter. There are
no lift stations on the base and it is a 100 percent gravity flow
system. There is a wide range of pipe ages in the system from 49 years
old to recently installed, however, even the oldest pipes and manholes
inspected are in good to very good condition. The base has no sewage
treatment facilities, septic tanks, storage tanks, nor leach fields.
Collection system contains PVC and VCP pipe, a small amount of steel
piping and 45 manholes servicing 19 buildings. System contains 7 oil
water separators and one kitchen grease trap that are not included in
the privatization and are considered part of the facility creating the
discharge. NEW CASTLE AGS, DELAWARE -- Electric Distribution System:
The power distribution system at New Castle has approximately 8,000
linear feet of wiring, 10 substation transformers, 10 three-phase oil
filled transformers, 29 wood utility poles, and 2 electrical manholes.
System age ranges from 1955 to present and is considered to be in good
condition. Base has no power generation capabilities except for
emergency backup generators that fall outside the scope of this
utility's privatization. Specifically excluded from the electric
distribution system privatization are parking lot and street lighting,
airfield lighting, and existing emergency generators. Wastewater
Collection System: The New Castle-ANG Base wastewater collection system
is comprised of approximately 8,000 linear feet of sewer pipes ranging
from 4 to 8 inches in diameter. There are 3 lift stations on the base,
2 installed in 1999 and one in 1989. There is a wide range of ages in
the system from 50 years old to recently installed and general
condition is unknown. The base has no sewage treatment facilities,
septic tanks, storage tanks, nor leach fields. The collection system
contains mostly clay pipe and 27 manholes. The system contains several
oil water separators and one kitchen grease trap that are not included
in the privatization and are considered part of the facility creating
the discharge. MARTIN STATE ANG, MD -- Water System: The water system
at Martin State AGS-ANG is comprised of approximately 15,000 linear
feet of water pipe ranging from to 10 inch in diameter for domestic
water. The most common type of system piping is PVC. Piping is about 4
feet underground. There are 12 cast iron gate valves, 37 fire
hydrants, no exterior backflow prevention devices, no secondary meters
and 2 post indicator valves. Piping and valves are considered to be in
excellent condition with ages ranging from 1958 to present. Capacity of
the domestic potable water system is rated at approximately .85 mgd.
There are no storage tanks, wells, or pumping stations associated with
this system and no Cathodic protection devices or meters other than
the primary meter that services the base. Specifically excluded from
the water distribution system privatization are high pressure fire
suppression water distribution system main, all high pressure fire
hydrants, connecting service lines, and suppression equipment.
Wastewater Collection System: The Martin State-ANG Base wastewater
collection system is comprised of approximately 5,600 linear feet of
sewer pipes ranging from 4 to 10 inches in diameter. The age of the
system ranges from 1958 to 1981 and considered to be in excellent
condition. Average depth of the pipes is 6 to 8 feet. The base has no
sewage treatment facilities or storage tanks. Collection system
contains mostly terracota pipe. The system has 22 manholes that are of
brick or precast construction and considered to be in average
condition. There are several oil water separators and one kitchen
grease trap that are not included in the privatization and are
considered part of the facility creating the discharge. This
requirement is unrestricted. All responsible sources may submit an
offer that shall be considered. Large businesses are required to submit
a subcontracting plan. Interested sources should contact Lisa Lombard
at 703-767-9404 to be added to our bidder mailing list (via e-mail, see
below.) A copy of the solicitation will be available after issuance on
the Internet at the below listed linkurl. The solicitation will be
available on or about June 30, 2000. Posted 06/15/00 (W-SN464976).
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