Loren Data Corp.




Department of the Air Force, Air Combat Command, 55 CONS, 101 Washington Sq Bldg 40, Offutt AFB, NE, 68113-2107

Z -- CONSTRUCT SIMULATOR ROOM SOL F25600-00-R-1020 DUE 071800 POC Cheryl Haun, Contract Specialist, Phone 402-294-2628, Fax 402-232-6571, Email cheryl.haun@offutt.af.mil -- Cindy Arndt, Contract Specialist, Phone 402-232-5931, Fax 402-294-4069, Email WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=M&ProjID=F25600-00-R-1 020&LocID=601. E-MAIL: Cheryl Haun, cheryl.haun@offutt.af.mil. Amendment #2 for Construct Simulator Room, F25600-00-B-0003 reads as follows: BID ITEM #1-Optional Bid Items #1, Note B, Sheet 25 of Drawings-Cost for this bid item will be guaranteed for six months; BID ITEM #2, Note 15, Sheet 5A, Cost for this bid item will be guaranteed for six months **(This new sheet 5A drawing will be sent out to all vendors who have been sent the CD-ROM solicitation package)** BID ITEM #3-Remainder of project-Award will be based on the low bid for bid item #3. Attached to this amendment is a new section of specifications labeled Division 13 -- Special Construction -- Section 13121. Posted 06/26/00 (D-SN468366). (0178)

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