Loren Data Corp.




FISC Norfolk Detachment Philadelphia, 700 Robbins Ave., Bldg = 2B,=20 Philadelphia PA 19111-5083

70 -- ADP SOFTWARE SOL N00140-00-Q-3478 DUE 072000 POC Point of Contact -- Vicki Morris, Contract Negotiator = 215-697-9636,=20 Contracting Officer, J. J. Swizewski, 215-697-9630 E-MAIL: CLICK HERE TO CONTACT THE BID OFFICER, SYNOPSIS@PHIL.FISC.NAVY.MIL. This is a COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION for commercial items = prepared=20 in accordance with the information in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented = with=20 the additional information included in this notice. This announcement=20 constitutes the only solicitation; a written solicitation will not be = issued. =20 PAPER COPIES OF THIS SOLICITATION WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE. Proposals are = hereby=20 being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Refer = to=20 solicitation as RFQ N00140-00-Q-3478. It is the contractor's = responsibility to=20 be familiar with the applicable clauses and provisions. The clauses = may be=20 accessed in full text at these addresses: www.arnet.gov/far and=20 www.dtic.mil/dfars. A firm fixed price contract is contemplated. The = SIC is=20 5045 and the Small Business Standard is 100. This combined/synopsis=20 solicitation is 100% set aside for small businesses. The FISC Norfolk=20 Detachment Philadelphia requests responses from qualified sources = capable of=20 providing Advanced Loading System Software the meets the following=20 requirements: =20 COTS software, capable of producing automated solutions for loading = boxes=20 and/or pallets into any sized truck, trailer, intermodal container, = railcar, or=20 aircraft container, is required. The software should perform to an=20 industrial-strength standard and rapidly deliver optimum results to = homeport=20 and/or forward deployed NCF components -- in real-time. The software is = required to optimize volumetric space. It must compute complex, mixed = loads in=20 seconds, with accurate axle weights, in drop-location sequence and = provide=20 automatic self-bracing and load distribution, but also include = sophisticated=20 exception handling for last minute item substitutions, and support = automated=20 continuous operation. Further the system should be flexible enough to = adjust=20 to system load rule parameters to accommodate any packing philosophy. =20 User-defined parameters should include, but not be limited to loading = enforce=20 stacking, orientation restrictions, overhang, weight, and height = constraints,=20 yet be capable of defining unloadable spaces. Assets should be = arranged for=20 accurate fit and placement, yet avoid unloadable spaces. The software = should=20 support mix-load palletization and have a 3-D on-line graphical load = editor=20 that can produce a load from any angle. It should also have an item = 'drag and=20 drop' capability with the click of the mouse, and be capable of = providing=20 scenario-driven solutions for both pallets and containers in under a = minute. =20 All 3-D diagrams and loading lists should be able to be viewed on-line = or be=20 printed locally. The software is required to have 'Save' capability once a load plan is = adopted=20 so that it may be referred to again for future deployments. The 'Save' = capability will save the data and the container graphical = representation=20 results. The software must be able to run using the Windows-NT = Operating=20 System. The software is required to interface with = government-developed=20 systems. A standard data format is required to communicate to and from = the=20 load planning software and government-developed systems. The data = interface for the software will be in an ASCII comma-delimited text format. = Interfaces=20 with all popular commercially developed databases including DB2, = Oracle,=20 Sybase, FoxPro and others are desired. Delivery is required within = twenty=20 (20) days of contract award to the following address: SPAWAR Systems = Center,=20 1441 Crossways Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23320-2843. Delivery is FOB=20 Destination. =20 The following FAR provision and clauses are applicable to this = procurement:=20 52.212-1, NOTE: Offeror's attention is specifically directed to = paragraph=20 (b)(11) of this provision. OFFERORS THAT FAIL TO FURNISH REQUIRED=20 REPRESENTATIONS OR INFORMATION, OR REFECT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF = THE=20 SOLICITATION MAY BE EXCLUDED FROM CONSIDERATION. 52.212-2, FILL-IN: = PARAGRAPH=20 (A) Past Performance and Price; FILL-IN (second paragraph) Past = Performance and=20 Price are considered of equal importance. 52.212-3 ALT I; 52.212-4, = 52.212-5=20 including the following additional FAR clauses/provisions 52.203-6, = 52.219-8,=20 52.222-26, 52.222-35, 52.222-36, 52.222-37, 52.225-3, and DFARS = 252.212-7001=20 including the following additional DFARS clauses/provisions = 252.212-7001,=20 252.225-7012, and 252.225-7036. Additionally, FAR 52.217-9, FILL-IN: = paragraph=20 (a) 30 days FILL-IN: paragraph (c) 12.5 months and FAR 52.245-2 are=20 incorporated by reference. Offerors are advised to include a completed = copy of=20 provisions at FAR 52.212-3 ALT I and DFARS 252.212-7000 with their = proposal.=20 The Year 2000 Warranty -- Commercial Items applies. This announcement = will close=20 at 4:00pm on 20 July 2000. Contact Ms. Vicki Morris who can be reached = at=20 (215) 697-9636 or email Vicki_Morris@phil.fisc.navy.mil. Facsimile = responses=20 shall also be accepted at (215) 697-9719 and should be marked with RFQ = number=20 N00140-00-Q-3478 and directed to the attention of Ms. Vicki Morris, = Code=20 O2P22Y. Posted 07/05/00 (D-SN471586). (0187)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0123 20000707\70-0001.SOL)

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