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U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Contracts Management Division (MD-33), Attn: ORDSC, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

B -- CONDUCT A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE UTILITY OF THE ICR DATABASE SOL X2C090 POC Ramona G. Evans, Contracting Officer (919/541-4749) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intends to negotiate on a sole source basis with Colorado State University, Department of Environmental Health, Fort Collins, CO 80523. This sole source procurement requires the use of sophisticated proprietary site-selection methodology software developed by CSU to accomplish the effort described below. This software was developed by CSU to evaluate the spatial variability of trihalomethane concentrations [a surrogate for drinking-water disinfection by-products (DBPs) concentrations] in drinking-water distribution systems. CSU uses this software in site selection to minimize this potentially significant source of data variability. Recent epidemiological studies linking exposure to drinking-water disinfection by-products (DBPs) with an increased incidence of spontaneous abortions, low birth weight and congenital anomalies, as well as toxicological data suggesting that DBPs may cause reproductive and developmental toxicity in laboratory animals have raised concerns about the reproductive health risks these compounds may pose to humans. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) mandates that EPA identify and regulate public water-system contaminants, such as DBPs, that may induce adverse human health effects. Based on available epidemiological and toxicological data, the Stage 1 DBP Rule, finalized in November 1998, set maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for total trihalomethanes (TTHMs)at 80 g/L and for the five most prevalent haloacids (HAA5) at 60 g/L. The Stage 1 rule also set "placeholder" MCLs at one-half these levels for the Stage 2 DBP rule, which is to be finalized by May 2002. Because reducing current TTHM and HAA5 levels in drinking-water systems by 50% to bring them in compliance with the proposed Stage 2 MCLs would likely require municipalities to make costly improvements to existing distribution systems, it is essential that Stage 2 MCL decisions be supported by defensible research that informs the risk assessment/risk characterization process. Toward thisend, the EPA is interested in determining the feasibility of conducting an epidemiologic study on the relationship between DBPs and adverse reproductive outcomes that incorporates monthly monitoring data for trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids from the Information Collection Rule (ICR) database. A critical review of similar epidemiologic studies conducted to date reveals that routine designs suffer from methodological weaknesses that may result in significant exposure misclassification. Most notable of these weaknesses was failure to account for numerous potential sources of variability, such as seasonal and spatial variations in distribution-system DBP concentrations, and inconsistent and incomplete data collection by source institutions. To determine whether these weaknesses can be mitigated through a rigorous site-selection and evaluation process, the Contractor shall conduct a feasibility study that involves preliminary selection of 6 candidate sites, an in-depth evaluation of data quality and availability within these sites, and, based on the evaluation, a proposal as to how a full epidemiology study could be designed. Integral to this effort, the Contractor shall utilize its recently designed proprietary site-selection methodology that minimizes spatial variations in DBP concentrations to identify geographic regions for potential future epidemiology research on disinfection byproducts and conduct a feasibility study of the ICR database. This study is required to determine the feasibility of using the ICR database to study the relationship between DBPs and adverse reproductive outcomes. The contractor shall perform the tasks briefly described as follows: Task I -- Selection of 6 candidate sites (ICR utlities) consisting of 2 groups of 3 sites which meet the following general criteria: Site 1. High trihalomethanes, high proportion of brominated DBPs; Site 2. High trihalomethanes, low proportion of brominated DBPs; Site 3. Low trihalomethanes, low proportion of brominated DBPs; Task II -- Detailed evaluation of candidate sites using specified criteria; and Task III -- A detailed feasibility report to include 1. a description of the criteria used to select the 6 most likely candidate sites; 2. a description of the specific criteria used for evaluating these sites; 3. the results of the detailed evaluation for each site; and 4. a recommendation based on the above assessment for using one or more specific site(s) for the full study. The software to be used in this effort is both unavailable to other contractors and too costly to reproduce. The period of performance is expected to be twelve months from date of award. EPA believes that CSU is the only vendor capable of satisfying the complex technical requirements stated above on a quick-response basis within the time frame required by EPA without the costly duplication of prior efforts. No solicitation is available. This notice of intent is not a request for competitive proposals. All interested parties must identify their interest and capability to respondto the requirement or submit proposals within 15 days of the date of this announcement. A determination by the Government not to compete this procurement based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. Information received will be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. Interested vendors shall: (1) include information on the proposed services which clearly supports the requirements outlined above and; (2) provide itemized pricing that is sufficient to make a determination that competition is feasible. Submit responses to the U.S. EPA, Attn: Ramona G. Evans, ORD Service Center/NHEERL, Contracts Management Division (MD-33), Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711. No telephone requests will be honored. See also numbered Note 26. Posted 07/06/00 (W-SN471754). (0188)

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