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US Environmental Protection Agency, Region III Contracts Branch (3PM10), 1650 Arch Street, Phildelphia, PA 19103-2029

Q -- OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION III EXCL WELLNESS CENTER SOL RFP PR-R3-00-10024 DUE 080700 POC Sidney Ozer, Contracting Officer V 215/814-5305 F 215/814-5211 Amendment 0002 to Request for Proposals PR-R3-00-10024 Operation and Management of Environmental Protection Agency Region III EXCL Wellness Center. This notice is the Amend!!!! The hour and date specified for the receipt of offers is extended to 3PM ET on Mon Aug 7, 2000. Offerors must acknowledge receipt of this amend prior to 3 PM ET on Mon Aug 7 by one of the following methods: a) by acknowledging receipt of this amend on each copy of the offer submitted; or b) by separate letter or fax which includes a reference to the RFP and amend numbers. Failure of your acknowledgment to be received at the place designated for the receipt of offers prior to 3PM ET on Mon Aug 7 may result in rejection of your offer. If by virtue of this amend you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by letter or fax, provided each letter or fax makes reference to this RFP and amend, and is received prior to 3PM ET on Mon Aug 7. Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the RFP, as heretofore changed, remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Any further amendments will be announced in the Commerce Business Daily. The following clause is hereby added to the FAR clause 52.212-4 addendum: 52.217-8 Option to Extend Services (Nov 1999) The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified in the contract. These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the Secretary of Labor. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor within 15 days prior to contract expiration. The following appendix is hereby added to the portion of the statement of work entitled "General": EXCL Wellness Center users will submit checks to the contractor for the purchase of classes offered by other contractors. The following appendix is hereby added to the portion of the statement of work entitled "Bd of Governors Incentive Program and Store": EXCL Wellness Center users will submit checks to the contractor for the purchase of Incentive Store items. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Monthly Check Collection Log" is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: A monthly listing of the following data regarding checks collected from members: -- Name of member -- Amount of check -- Membership period, Class or Incentive Store Items associated with check -- Number of check -- Date check turned over to Bd of Governors (not to be endorsed by contractor) This report shall be submitted by the 10th day of each following month for the duration of the contract. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Education, Experience and Certifications" is modified as follows: Amer Heart Assoc CPR certification may be substituted for Red Cross CPR certification and Amer Heart Assoc First Aid certification may be substituted for Red Cross First Aid certification. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Membership Application Process" is hereby modified by deleting the requirement for the contractor to provide EXCL Wellness Center Blood Chemistry Form. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Wellness/Intervention Programs" is hereby modified to change the times for all Wellness/Intervention Programs so that all Wellness/Intervention programs may start as early as 11am and that all Wellness/Intervention programs must be completed by 2:15pm. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Wellness/Intervention Programs" is hereby modified to revise the frequency of smoking cessation to at least four times every two months and to revise the frequency of weight reduction to at least four times every two months. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Operating Hours" is hereby modified to permit another contractor staffer to direct operations if the Director or Asst Director is not in 1650 Arch St. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Staff" is hereby appended by adding a requirement for the Asst Director to direct operations at least 23.75 hours each week for 48 weeks per year. The following are answers to questions received: 1)What kind of computer is it? Does it have a Pentium processor? E-mail? What type of software is loaded on the computer? Windows98? Excel? Microsoft Word? The two computers are Dell Optiplex GL+5166 PCs with Pentium processors, 2gb drives, 16in Trinitron monitors which are connected to a Novell local area network. The software on the computers is Windows95, Lotus Approach, Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect9 and Lotus Notes E-mail with Internet access. All desktop computers are networked thru the Regional local area network and connected to the Agency's enterprise network. 2)Are we allowed to add software? Are we allowed to use the computer to create updated Wellness presentations for members of the EXCL Wellness Center? Yes to both questions. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Reports, Records and Information Management". 3)When will the fax machine be repaired? The contractor may utilize the fax machine in the Health Unit next to the EXCL Wellness Center. 4)Under this ["Storage Closet"] item you also have heart rate monitors in the storage closet. What kind? Model#? Will you be acquiring more than the current supply? There are three ea Polar Beat monitors model#1901201; and one Polar Pacer which is an older model. The contractor will be notified of any equipment list changes. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Equipment". 5)Will you be provide Calipers, Bio Empedence Testing or other methods to conduct body fat analysis for Wellness Center members? Calipers are provided. 6)How many people normally attend the step aerobic classes? Will 21 risers be enough? 5-10 usually attend. The contractor will be notified of any equipment list changes. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Equipment". 7)Do you have adequate records of when the Cybex equipment was serviced? Yes. 8)Has equipment been well maintained by previous contractor? The maintenance contracts are adequate. 9)Do you provide towel service for your members? No, see the portion of the statement of work entitled "Facilities". 10)Do you provide other hygiene products such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and shower gel? Shampoo, conditioner and shower gel are provided by the Govt or Bd of Governors and inserted by the contractor. Deodorant is not provided to members. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Facilities". 11)What is your daily usage? Approx 100 visits/day. 12)What marketing tools or publicity avenues are available? Office E-mail, flyers, posters? Yes to office E-mail, flyers and posters. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "EXCL Wellness Center Publicity". 13)What fitness management software is being used at the fitness center currently? No specific fitness management software is used. 14)What other office software is available (ie: Microsoft office, etc)? See question #1. 15)What is the current contract amount and who is delivering the program to EPA? The following total award amount info applies to the instant contract with FMF Corp: FY97 $86,430, FY98 $86,664, FY99 $89,124, FY00 (FINAL Contract period) $91,812 16)In the solicitation under 4A "Past Performance Information" (b)(1)(I), how do you define "Program Manager"? Does this refer to the client liaison or the contractor program manager? 4A(b)(1)(I) refers to the client's program manager (ie: the program manager of the client referenced by you). 17)Also under 4A(b)(1)(I), how do you define "subcontractor" (yoga, massage, therapy, etc)? "Subcontractor" is defined at FAR 44.101. However, only provide information on subcontractors that performed significant portions of the work, if any. 18)Can CPR certification be from other qualifying organizations besides Red Cross, such as the Amer Heart Assoc? See the above modified portion of the statement of work entitled "Education, Experience and Certifications" 19)Can you explain what types of programs the Govt permits Govt staff or other Govt contractors to run in the EXCL Wellness Center? Examples include a dance demonstration by our Special Emphasis Program and the use of dumbbells for an employee fitness test. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "General". 20)It is indicated that we are required to provide medical liability insurance. Can you clarify this? 52.237-7 remains unchanged. The medical liability insurance shall be of the type appropriate to your business. 21)Can existing membership application (specifically, any waivers and informed consents) be modified to include the name (not logo or insignia) of contractor? See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Membership Application Process". In particular, the contractor shall provide membership application form, applicant wellness history questionnaire, medical history questionnaire, and any necessary Medical Clearance Form. No contractor logos or insignia shall be on forms. See portion of the statement of work entitled "EXCLWellness Center Publicity". The contractor may not utilize liability waivers or informed consent type waivers of liabilities in its forms. All forms shall be approved by the PO. 22)Is payroll deduction available? Who is responsible for monitoring the payroll list/process? Payroll deduction is not available. The contractor collects membership checks. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Membership Application Process". 23)Who pays for office supplies? Are office supplies available to the Contractor? All EXCL Wellness Center equipment, incl office supplies, shall be provided by the Govt or Bd of Governors. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Equipment". 24)Do group exercise instructors need one workyear of experience? Yes, all staff, including formal exercise class instructors, need one workingyear of experience in a fitness or wellness center. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Education, Experience and Certifications". 25)Doesthe wellness center provide any recreational programming for members, such as employee leagues, etc? No. 26)Are equipment parts, incl minor parts, supplied by the Govt? All EXCL Wellness Center equipment, incl equipment parts, shall be provided by the Bd of Governors or Govt. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Equipment". 27)Is it mandatory that both the Director and Asst Director have current Aerobics certification throughout the term of the contract although one or the other might not be needed to conduct formal exercise classes? Yes, the Director, Asst Director and all formal exercise class instructors shall have an aerobics certification. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Education, Experience and Certifications". 28)Is it mandatory that the Asst Director teach some of the formal aerobics classes? No. 29)Can the contractor elect to provide outside instructors/staff other than the Director or Asst Director, to teach all of the formal aerobics classes? Yes. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Monthly Wellness/Intervention Program Report". 30)Are formal exercise class instructors (aerobics only) required to have not only one of the listed "Aerobics certifications" -- but also a separate listed "fitness training certification" to teach Aerobics classes? Formal exercise class instructors who are not fitness trainers need not maintain a fitness training certification. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Education, Experience and Certifications". 31)Will the EPA only accept the listed certification organizations (ACSM, ACE, NSCA, AI & AFAA) or are other national/international fitness/aerobics organizations acceptable? The portion of the statement of work entitled "Education, Experience and Certifications remains unchanged. 32)Is the contractor required to provide a Blood Chemistry Form to applicants? No. See the above modified portion of the statement of work entitled "Membership Application Process". 33)Is it mandatory for each member to be reassessed each year to continue as a member, or can the member voluntarily elect to have the reassessment performed each year? Contractor is required to encourage yearly reassessments. Members may elect not to be reassessed. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Reassessments". 34)Please describe in detail the software and hardware provided by the Govt. See question#1. 35)Does the Govt provided system hardware and software allow member check in and tracking capabilities that will provide the contractor the usage information? Specifically, "Usage by 10year age increments", "overall usage rates of indiv pieces of equipment", and "overall progress of participants in each gender and age category" that is stated in the statement of works. If the Govt system does not provide the above info, is the contractor required to provide contractor owned member/equipment tracking software to gather this data or can this data be excluded from the reports? If the contractor elects to provide club/tracking software, will they be allowed to use the existing Govt provided hardware? If so, please provide the existing hardware specs. Some data on member entry is available from the Govt check in system. The portion of the statement of work entitled "Reports, Records and Information Management" remains unchanged. See questions #2 and #13. 36)At the end of the contract, who will own [any] contractor supplied software and data collected during the performance of the contract? At the end of the contract, the contractor may retain possession of any contractor provided software and the Govt shall retain all data. 37)Due to the fact that the Director or Asst Director must be directing operations, where will the monthly meetings be held? Monthly meetings will be held in the EXCL Wellness Center generally during the 9am-11am or 2:15-3:15pm periods. A Director's attendance at the monthly meetings is considered to be a part of "directing operations". See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Monthly Meetings". 38)Are the Wellness/Intervention programs classes to start exactly at noon or, can they start between 11:30am and 12:30pm? See the above modified portion of the statement of work entitled "Wellness/Intervention programs. 39)Will the Govt allow [smoking cessation and weight reduction] programs to be conducted in succession instead of simultaneously as long as the contractor provides one or other program 4 times a month? See the above modified portion of the statement of work entitled "Wellness/Intervention Programs". 40)Is the EPA health Unit also required to conduct smoking cessation, weight reduction and blood pressure screening for EPA employees? Are the contractors programs offered just for EXCL members? The Health Unit may conduct same or similar programs. Health Unit and EXCL Wellness Center Wellness/Intervention programs are offered to all Fedl Govt employees working in the EPA RIII building at 1650 Arch St. 41)Is the Govt requesting an increase in [publishing the newsletter] from 4 times to 12 times per year? Yes. The portion of the statement of work in this RFP entitled "EXCL Wellness Center Publicity" remains unchanged. 42)Will the Govt accept American Heart Association CPR and first aid certification or will they only accept Red Cross certifications? Yes, see the above modified portion of the statement of work entitled "Education, Experience and Certifications". 43)Does the Govt require another staffer in addition to the Director and Asst Director to be present during the hours of 11am-2:15pm? ie: Asst Director teaching in the Aerobics Room, Director plus another staffer in the center. Yes, if the Asst Director is teaching in the Aerobics room and if the Director is directing operations, then another staffer is required in the center. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Operating Hours". 44)Can the contractor have more than one Asst Director assigned to EXCL Wellness Center and does the EXCL Wellness Center Asst Director need to be a full time position? Only one Asst Director may be assigned to the EXCL Wellness Center. The Asst Director must direct operations a minimum of 23.75 hours per week for at least 48 weeks per year. See the above modified portions of the statement of work entitled "Staff" and "Operating Hours". 45)What provisions in the contract are made for staff substitutions when the Director or Asst Director is on vacation, training or sick leave? See the above modified portions of the statement of work entitled "Staff" and "Operating Hours". 44)Are two part time positions, worked concurrently and adding up to 40 hrs per week acceptable [as a workyear of experience]? Yes. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Experience, Education and Certifications". 45)Are 3-4 years of part time/full time positions equivalent to 2000 or 4000 hours acceptable? A workyear of experience is considered a full time working year of at least 40 hours per week See the portion of the statement of work entitled "Experience. Education and Certifications" and see question #44. 46)What are thesystem specs for the IBM compatible computers provided (ie: disk space, monitor type, processor speed, etc)? Are these computers networked, and if so, by what method? See question #1. 47)Would internet and indiv E-mail accounts be provided by EPA or by contractor? The Govt shall provide Internet and individual E-mail accounts accessible by the contractor for official business directly related to the center. 48)Are there any limitations on an internet or intranet information site? Would space be available for such a site on an EPA intranet or outside secure hosted internet? Is there currently such a site? There is currently no EXCL Wellness center Intranet site. The contractor may provide an internet or intranet site (with project officer approval). 49)Is there a fitness management software package available to use? Can contractor request from BoG or EPA purchase such software if none exist? See questions #2 and #13 50)Would contractor be responsible for negotiations with other BoG contracts (ie: yoga, incentive items vendor, etc)? Can a different vendor from current vendor be used provided vendor approved by BoG? The Govt may require the contractor to provide advice on equipment and programs, including advice on alternate sources, pricing, terms and conditions. The EXCL Wellness center contractor is not an authorized negotiator for yoga and incentive items. Contracts will not be issued for yoga and incentive items by the EXCL Wellness center contractor. See the portion of the statement of work entitled "General". 51)Who is the current management company and what is the current annual value of the contract? How long has current management company had contract? See question #15. 52)How many members are on the BoG? The Bd of Governors currently has 4 members (pres, secy, treas & one addl member). 53)Is EPA and BoG open to effective use of technology to motivate, promote and assist in the management of the EXCL Wellness Center? Yes, see the portion of the statement of work entitled "Reports, Records and information Management". 54)How many full time and part time staff members does the management company currently employ. Does EPA and BoG find that number of staff acceptable for quality service desired? These questions must be submitted to the Govt IAW the Freedom of Informatio Posted 07/27/00 (W-SN479721). (0209)

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