Loren Data Corp.



National Park Service, Midwest Regional Office, 1709 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102

B -- ORAL HISTORY PROJECT FOR BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE, TOPEKA, KANSAS SOL Q614500S010 POC Jane G. Beu, Contract Specialist, 402-221-3450/Karen Schultz, Contracting Officer, 402/221/3563 The National Park Service seeks professional historical research and interviewing services to conduct an oral history project (OHP) for Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site with park headquarters in Topeka, Kansas, 66603. Solicitation No. Q614500S010, SIC Code 8999. Solicitation will be issued on or about August 15, 2000 and close on or about September 15, 2000. The OHP will help complete the basic historical documentation of the park's story and resources, and involve a research report outlining the OHP followed by 60 interviews, geographically divided (30 focusing on the Topeka case, with the other 30 divided among the Clarendon County, South Carolina; Hokessin/Wilmington, Delaware; Farmville/Moton, Virginia; and District of Columbia cases). Combined, all of these school segregation cases became part of the historic "Brown" U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the 1950s. The project will be in two phases, with phase 2 contingent on the availability of funding. Submissions shall be in accordance with the Request for Proposal. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered. The price range of this project (the total of phases 1 and 2) is between $35,000 and $55,000. Evaluation criteria are as follows: personal experience and qualifications, individual or institutional experience, research strategy, past performance on similar projects, and cost.. Solicitation packages may be acquired in person, by mail, or fax. Telephone requests will not be accepted. Requests for solicitation packages must be in writing stating solicitation Q614500S010, complete company name, point of contact, address, phone number and fax number and whether bidding as a prime/subcontractor/supplier. Mail requests to the National Park Service, Midwest Regional Office, Attention: Jane Beu, 1709 Jackson Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 or fax requests to 402-221-4251. Solicitation packages will not be express mailed. This acquisition is set aside for small business. Posted 07/28/00 (W-SN479922). (0210)

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B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index  |  Issue Index |

Created on July 28, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com