Loren Data Corp.



National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Contract Management Branch, Room 2230, 6700-B Rockledge Drive, MSC 7612, Bethesda, MD 20892-7612

A -- OPERATION OF A FACILITY FOR THE STUDY OF INFECTIOUS AGENTS, VACCINES AND ANTIMICROBIALS IN ADULT AND PEDIATRIC HUMAN SUBJECTS SOL RFP-NIH-NIAID-DIR-01-01 DUE 111500 POC Ms. Brenda Velez, Contracting Officer, (301) 496-7117 The Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a requirement to provide for the performance of clinical trials of vaccine candidates and their respective wild type viruses for a variety of viruses including respiratory viruses (e.g., respiratory syncytial and parainfluenza viruses), gastroenteritis viruses (e.g., rotaviruses), and other viruses (e.g., dengue viruses). These trials will be conducted in persons of all ages, such as pediatric populations (including one month old infants) for respiratory syncytial virus vaccines and adults over the age of 65 with influenza virus vaccines. This will involve community education and publicity, participation in the development of protocols for the trials, recruitment and screening of volunteers, inoculation with candidate vaccines, recovery and characterization of vaccine viruses from infected vaccinees, assessment of humoral responses to the vaccines, medical evaluation of volunteers to assess potential toxic effects of the vaccines, challenge of adult volunteers with type virus, and reporting of the information at scientific meetings. The purpose of this contract is to support the NIAID in its mission to develop vaccines and to understand the immune factors responsible for resistance to viral disease. It is anticipated that 1 contract will be awarded as for a period of seven years as a result of this solicitation. RFP NIH-NIAID-DIR-01-01 will be available electronically on or about August 16, 2000, and may be accessed through the NIAID Contract Management Branch (CMB) Home Page using the following address and instructions: NIAID CMB Home Page (via the World Wide Web) may be accessed using http://www.niaid.nih.gov/contracts/. Once you are at the NIAID Contracts Page, select "RFPs" and then select "RFP-NIH-NIAID-DIR-01-01." Please note that the RFP for this acquisition has been revised to include only the Work Statement, deliverable andreporting requirements, special requirements and mandatory qualifications, the Technical Evaluation Criteria, and proposal preparation instructions. All information required for the submission of an offer will be contained in the electronic RFP package. Following proposal submission and the initial review process, offerors comprising the competitive range will be requested to provide additional documentation to the Contracting Officer. Responses to this RFP will be due on 11/15/00. Any responsible offeror may submit a proposal that will be considered by the Government. This advertisement does not commit the Government to award a contract. Posted 08/01/00 (W-SN480608). (0214)

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A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |

Created on August 1, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com