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US Environmental Protection Agency, Program Contract Service Center (3803R), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001

B -- LIFE CYCLE REVIEW OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF THE ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE PURCHASING PROGRAM SOL RFQ-DC-00-00162 DUE 082300 POC John J. Nanartowicz III, Contracting Officer, 202-564-4756 WEB: -Life Cycle Review of Products and Services in Support, http://www.epa.gov/oamhpod1/index.htm. E-MAIL: Contracting Officer, nanartowicz.john@epamail.epa.gov. THIS REQUIREMENT IS A SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION AS DEFINED BY PART = 12 OF THE FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS AND IS A FULL AND OPEN COMPETITIVE = ACTION!! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Pollution Prevention = Division has a requirement for technical support services in the area of Life = Cycle Assessments (LCA). BACKGROUND The Environmentally Preferable = Purchasing (EPP) Program of the EPA is charged with carrying out Section 503 of = Executive Order 13101 (September, 1998), ?Greening the Government Through Waste = Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition? which directs Executive agencies to = reduce the environmental burdens associated with the $200 billion in products = and services they purchase each year. The EPP Program is responsible for: = 1) establishing national policy for environmentally preferable purchasing; = 2) providing guidance and assistance to Federal purchasers to put EPP into practice, through pilot projects and tools; and 3) serving as a = repository of information about EPP and as an ?ambassador? on the issue. One of the = key tenets in the EPP Program is the important role that pollution = prevention must play in purchasing decisions. In making product choices which are = believed to be ?greener?, we need to strive to rely on approaches which minimize or eliminate environmental burdens in a comprehensive manner rather than = on an approach which may move environmental problems from one medium to = another. It is recognized that a life cycle perspective and more defined = methodologies, like life cycle assessment, are tools that can be used to achieve this goal. = SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this purchase order shall be to develop and = apply an approach for identifying key environmental attributes based on = quantitative LCAs which in turn can be used as a basis for distinguishing among other = competing products in purchasing decisions. Initially, two product categories = will be chosen for this project. Within each product category, up to three = alternative products will be selected for comparison. The results from the project = will contribute to expanding the availability of life-cycle based = information about products and services in a user-friendly format to assist Federal = purchasers make better (from an environmental and economic perspective) buying = decisions. In addition, the results of this project may also: a) support EPA?s = work with the standards developing organizations that are seeking to develop = consensus based standards for environmentally preferable products and services; = b) help EPA?s efforts to assist the United States Department of Agriculture = (USDA) with technical life-cycle based criteria for listing bio-based products. = PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE 12 months after award of the purchase order. GOVERNMENT = PERFORMANCE ESTIMATE For purposes of developing a price quotation and technical = proposal, the Government estimates that approximately 600 hours will be necessary = to complete the proposed work. There is no travel anticipated under = this effort. It should be noted, however, that this information should be used as = general guidance and should not be construed as the definitive requirement for = this effort. For complete copies of the Request for Quotation with the = Statement of Work, please visit the U.S. EPA Website at GOTOBUTTON BM_1_ http://www.epa.gov/oamhpod1/index.htm. E-mail the Contracting Officer = at " GOTOBUTTON BM_2_ nanartowicz.john@epamail.epa.gov" if you have any = questions concerning this RFQ package. Due to the anticipated large volume of = interest, we will be unable to return phone calls for this procurement. The = Contracting Officer can, however, be reached at 202-564-4756 if there are problems = accessing the RFQ package. NOTE: An original plus two (2) copies of all proposals/quotations should be delivered on or before the closing date = of the RFQ to the following address (fax/e-mail copies will not be accepted): = U.S. EPA, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Mail Code 3803R, = Washington,D.C. 20460 Attn: Mr. John J. Nanartowicz III -- -HAND CARRY ADDRESS -- - = Ronald Reagan Building, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Bid and Proposal Room = 6th floor, Washington, D.C. 20004 Attn: Mr. John J. Nanartowicz III. Posted 08/07/00 (D-SN483116). (0220)

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