Loren Data Corp.



US Army, Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, PO Box 3755, Seattle, WA 98124-3755

Y -- DESIGN-BUILD MINUTEMAN III MISSILE SERVICE FACILITY, MALMSTROM AFB, MT SOL DACA67-00-R-0225 DUE 082200 POC Cheryl O'Neal 206-764-6805 WEB: Contracting Division, http://www.nws.usace.army.mil/ct. E-MAIL: Contract Specialist, cheryl.m.o'neal@usace.army.mil. Design and construct new facility of approximately 2446 square meters, to include: drive-through vehicle loading, equipment storage/staging areas, light truck loading area, secure electronic test and repair laboratory, van configuration support, two class "A" high security vaults, one class "B" security vault, critical component storage, Technical Engineering function, office space ( including secure office space), break rooms, conference rooms, classrooms, and all necessary support areas for a complete and usable facility. The facility will be a single story non-combustible steel frame structure with reinforced concrete foundation (grade and pier) and reinforced concrete floor slabs. It will feature split-faced/smooth-faced concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls and a standing seam metal roof over rigid polyisocyanurate insulation supported by metal deck. Site development will include all new underground utilities connected to base utility systems, including connection to base high temperature hot water (HTHW), energy monitoring central system (EMCS) and irrigation management control system (IMCS), telephone, cable TV, and LAN. Sitework will include parking with asphaltic concrete paving, portland cement concrete sidewalks, concrete curbs and gutters, landscaping and irrigation sprinkler systems. This solicitation will be conducted in two(2) phases. In Phase One (Pre-qualification), submittals will be evaluated to determine which offerors may submit proposals for Phase Two. Up to five (5) firms will be Pre-Qualified to participate in Phase Two(2). The Pre-Qualification notice for this project will be posted at http://www.nws.usace.army.mil/ct/A00R0225 on 7 August 2000 with response due on 22 August 2000, 3:00pm. This notice will include the Pre-Qualification evaluation factors and submittal instructions. Any subsequent revisions to the notice will be shown on the referenced internet website. The Government will not mail, fax or email the Pre-Qualification notice. Offerors are responsible for checking the referenced page for update(s) to the notice. The web site is occasionally inaccessible due to maintenance. The Government is not responsible for any loss of internet connectivity or for an offerors inability to access the document posted at the referenced website. The Standard Industrial Classification Code is 1542. Project is open to both Large & Small Businsesses. If you ar a large business and your proposal will exceed $1 Million, you will be required to submit a subcontracting plan. For the purposes of this procurement, a concern is considered a small business if its annual gross revenue taken for the last 3 fiscal years are $27.5 Million or less. Visit the Corps of Engineers website at: http://www.nws.usace.army.mil for additional contracting opportunities. Posted 08/07/00 (W-SN483291). (0220)

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Y - Construction of Structures and Facilities Index  |  Issue Index |

Created on August 7, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com