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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45268

B -- ANALYTICAL LABORATORY SUPPORT FOR THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER SOL PR-CI-00-11099 POC Michael Brinkmiller, brinkmiller.michael@epa.gov, (513) 487-2013 WEB: US EPA Office of Acquisition Management -- Cincinnati, http://www.epa.gov/oam/cinn_cmd. E-MAIL: click here to contact the contract specialist, brinkmiller.michael@epa.gov. This announcement is for planning purposes only. It is intended to assist the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in its preparation for this future procurement which includes the identification of qualified sources. The EPA has a requirement for analytical laboratory support for the Office of Water, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Technical Support Center (TSC) at the Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center (AWBERC), Cincinnati, Ohio. The contractor shall provide personnel and services required for recommending to the EPA statistical and experimental aspects of project planning, performing chemical, radiological, and microbiological analyses, performing statistical treatment of data, and writing reports of the results to support this objective. Important components of these activities performed to support this objective is the operation of an on-site chemical, radiological, and microbiological laboratory at the AWBERC in Cincinnati, Ohio. Examples of the types of support activities the contractor shall perform under this contract are as follows: (A) conduct development and testing of measurement methods to determine ruggedness, sensitivity, selectivity, reliability, accuracy, precision, and quality assurance and control; (B) perform chemical, radiological, and microbiological analyses of water samples using written methods and "state-of-the-art" instrumentation and equipment; (C) conduct analyte preservation studies; (D) collect, ship, and receive field samples; (E) after review and approval by EPA of topics, issues, and written materials, present EPA approved data at technical meetings, workshops, and seminars and make technical presentations to visitors at the TSC laboratory; and (F) perform assessments of the effectiveness of various drinking water treatment and related processes. Interested parties are requested to submit to the Contracting Officer a capability statement that includes: (1)Name of firm, mailing address, point of contact's phone number and e-mail address;(2) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code that best describes the firm's business and the firm's size status under that code; (3) whether the firm is a small disadvantage usiness and/or woman-owned business; (4) a statement of experience/qualifications including the capacity (including level of effort and dollar amount) of projects completed similar to the work outlined above. The statement of experience/qualifications should include a description of the firm's chemistry staff experience in the development of analytical methods concerned with water (specifically drinking water) analysis and a description of the firm's chemistry staff experience in conducting large scale occurrence data gathering studies. E-mail is the preferred method of receipt for a detailed capability statement (brinkmiller.michael@epa.gov). The deadline for receipt of this information is no later than August 28, 2000. NO SOLICITATION DOCUMENT IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. Posted 08/11/00 (W-SN484815). (0224)

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Created on August 11, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com