Loren Data Corp.



Fleet Industrial Supply Center Norfolk, Detachment Philadelphia, 700 Robbins Ave., Bldg. 2B, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5084

A -- COMPETITIVE SUSTAINMENT PROGRAM SOL N00140-00-BAA3339 DUE 092900 POC James Hromsco, Contract Specialist, 215-697-9664, Mario Cesarone, Contracting Officer E-MAIL: Questions relative to this BAA can be addressed to:, James_J_Hromsco@phil.fisc.navy.mil. BAA-COMPETITIVE SUSTAINMENT PROGRAM-This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement(BAA) in accordance with FAR 35.016. There will be no formal Request for Proposals or other solicitation regarding this announcement. BACKGROUND: The Joint Electronic Commerce Program Office (JECPO) is soliciting proposals for appropriately constituted entity/consortia to conduct research projects in its Competitive Sustainment Program. Research conducted by a selected entity/consortium should result in significant improvement to the current state of practice for maintenance and operation of existing weapons systems. Technical oversight of the projects funded under this BAA will be performed by JECPO. Subject to availability of funds, a total of approximately $35 million is planned for funding projects selected as a result of this BAA over the next five years. $25 million will be funded directly from the program. The remainder is anticipated to come from other DoD sources. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS: I. GENERAL In order to be eligible for all awards that may potentially be made under this announcement, entities/consortia are urged to submit proposals to FISC Norfolk Detachment Philadelphia, 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 2B,Philadelphia, PA 19111-5083, Attention: James Hromsco, Code 02P3B, by September 29, 2000. Offerors are required to submit their proposals in two separate volumes as follows: Volume I, Technical Proposal (Original and 7 copies), Volume II, Price/Cost Proposal (Original and 1 copy). A CD-ROM or 3 1/2" floppy disc containing the proposal in Microsoft Word or DOS ASCII format is also requested, but no proposal will be denied consideration because it does not include a disc. Proposals may not be submitted by fax or e-mail. The completion and submission of the above items will constitute a proposal. A deficiency in a proposal may be corrected only through discussions (see FAR 15.306(d) and 15.307). Volume I Technical Proposal This volume shall contain the technical portion of the proposal to include all data and information required for technical evaluation, and exclude any reference to the pricing aspects of each offer. Each page of each copy shall be affixed with the following legend: Source Selection Information See FAR 3.104 Volume II Price/Cost Proposal This volume shall include a complete and detailed cost breakdown with all supporting information. Each page of each copy shall be affixed with the following legend: Source Selection Information See FAR 3.104 IMPORTANT NOTES: (1) Offerors shall respond to all requirements of the BAA. (2) In the event any portion of the technical proposal is written by anyone who is not a bona fide employee of the firm submitting the proposal, a certificate to this effect shall be furnished which shall be signed by a responsible officer of the offeror and shall also identify the person's name, employment capacity, the name of the person's firm, the relationship of that firm to the offeror, and the portion of the technical proposal the person wrote. II. REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPOSAL CONTENT (1) Introduction and Purpose -- This section specifies the format that offerors shall use in this BAA. The intent is not to restrict the offerors in the manner in which they will perform their work but rather to ensure a certain degree of uniformity in the format of the responses for evaluation purposes. (2) The various sections of the proposal are explained in paragraph 3, Volume I below. Volume II is comprised of the price/cost proposal and supporting documentation. (3) Any offeror who will be submitting CLASSIFIED data in their technical proposal shall first notify the FISC Norfolk Detachment Philadelphia by contacting the point of contact in the BAA. CLASSIFIED data that is forwarded as part of an offeror's proposal must be housed in its own binder, separate from the unclassified portion. (4) Each part shall contain the following items in addition to the technical/descriptive data required by the BAA: PROPOSAL FORMAT: All proposals must be in the format given below. Non-conforming proposals may be rejected without review. In addition to the paper copies, a copy on a CD-ROM or 3 1/2" floppy disc in Microsoft Word or ASCII DOS format is requested, but is not mandatory. VOLUME I -- TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL shall include the following sections, each starting on a new page. Each page shall be 8 1/2" by 11" with type not smaller than 12 pitch or 11 point. VOLUME I shall not exceed 100 pages, although proposers are encouraged to prepare concise, non-verbose proposals that directly support the evaluation factors. Section I, Administration: A. Cover page including: -- BAA Number -- Proposal Title -- Proposal category (Technical or Cost) -- Volume number -- Identification of copies bearing original signatures -- Technical point of contact including name, electronic mail address (if available), fax number (if available), and mailing address. -- Administrative point of contact including name, electronic mail address (if available), fax number (if available), and mailing address. -- Table of Contents: The table of contents shall provide sufficient detail as to allow the important elements to be easily located. The use of tabs and dividers is encouraged. -- Names of all organizations that comprise the offeror's proposed team and each organization's type of business, selected from among the following categories: "LARGE BUSINESS", "SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS, "OTHER SMALL BUSINESS", "HBCU", "MI", OTHER EDUCATIONAL", OR "OTHER NONPROFIT". Section I, Administration: B. Official transmittal letter. Section II, Detailed Proposal Information: This section provides the detailed discussion of the proposed work necessary to enable an in-depth review of the specific technical and managerial issues. Specific attention must be given to addressing both risk and payoff of the proposed work that make it desirable to JECPO. Section III, Additional Information. This section shall contain a bibliography of relevant technical papers and research notes (published and unpublished) which document the technical ideas upon which the specific projects in the proposal are based. (5) Requirements for Style: Each offeror shall submit a proposal that clearly and concisely describes and defines the contractor's response to the requirements contained in the BAA. Unnecessary elaboration or other presentations beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired and may be construed as an indication of the offeror's lack of understanding of cost consciousness. Elaborate artwork, expensive paper or bindings, and expensive visual or other presentation aids are neither necessary nor desired. The proposal shall contain all the pertinent information in sufficient detail in the one area of the proposal where it contributes most critically to the discussion of the same information. When necessary, the offeror shall refer to the initial discussion and identify its location within his proposal. III. PROPOSAL CONTENT VOLUME I -- TECHNICAL The technical evaluation factors are listed below in descending order of importance: The overall goal of this program is to reduce the cost of sustaining existing weapons systems and improve their readiness rates. Each proposal will include details as to how the composition of the proposed team and the capabilities and experience of its members would be applied to accomplish these reductions. (1) Entity/team transfer capabilities. The proposal shall demonstrate the technical, scientific and technology transfer capabilities of the proposed entity/team, and appropriateness of the particular types of firms (primes, sub-tier suppliers, etc.) included. Each offeror is required to develop an entity/team composed of entities such as weapon systems prime contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and technology providers. This entity/team must be able to perform research, development and technology transfer in the areas described herein. Each proposal should describe a an entity or consortium capable of conducting a consolidated effort in support of one or more related technical concepts or ideas related to sustainment. Sustainment -- the operation and maintenance of existing weapons systems -- is a major cost item for the Department of Defense. The application of EB/EC techniques and technologies to sustainment should result in considerable improvements in the processes used to operate and maintain systems and significant reductions in the cost of operation and maintenance. JECPO believes that significant opportunity exists to apply emerging electronic business practices to the general area of complex end item support. Selected entities or teams will be asked to perform research or pilot projects to improve DoD sustainment practices and reduce costs in various areas of which the following are examples: (a) Supply chain integration practices; (b) Quality of and access to business and technical data; (c) Maintenance processes; (d) Strategies for increased reliability; (e) Training methods that reduce sustainment costs. Technology transfer will be a requirement for all efforts undertaken in projects executed by entities/teams selected under this BAA. (2) Past performance by entity/team members on comparable efforts. The offeror shall describe the past performance of its proposed entity/ team and its members on similar contracts they have held within the last five (5) years which are of similar scope, magnitude and complexity to that which is detailed in the BAA or affirmatively state that they possess no relevant directly related or similar past performance. Offerors who present similar contracts should provide a detailed explanation demonstrating the relevance of the contracts to the requirements of the BAA. The offeror should provide the following information regarding the past performance of its team members: 1. Contract number(s), 2. Name and phone number of a point of contact at the federal, state, local government or commercial entity for which the contract was performed, 3. Dollar value of the contract, 4. Detailed description ofthe work performed, 5. Names of subcontractor(s) used, if any and a description of the extent of work performed by the subcontractor(s), 6. The number, type and severity of any quality, delivery or cost problems in performing the contract, the corrective action taken and the effectiveness of the corrective action. Offerors shall address the past performance of the entity/team members in complying with requirements of the clauses at FAR 52.219-8, Utilization of Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Concerns, and 52.219-9, Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan. (3) Entity/teaming arrangement structure and management plan. The proposal shall discuss teaming arrangements and management plans. The offeror should provide a detailed description of the proposed entity/consortium's composition and management structure. Proposer's entity/team should be structured to allow it to perform projects in which at least half of the funded effort will be performed by industrial partners involved in sustaining existing weapons systems. (4) Entity/team members' capabilities. The proposal shall discuss entity/team members' capabilities and related experience, including personnel, facilities, equipment, and data. The offeror shall demonstrate the entity/consortium members' similar or directly related work experience and relevant accomplishments of similar scope, magnitude and complexity to the BAA. The offeror should address the following: history, organization, qualifications and work experience within the last five (5) years as they relate to the requirements of the BAA, and any other information the offeror considers relevant to the BAA. The offeror should provide the sponsor's technical and contracting points of contact and telephone numbers. The proposal should describe the entity/consortium and individual members' facilities that would be used for the proposed effort. The proposal should provide a concise summary of the qualifications of key personnel. Each offeror shall provide the following certification: "I certify that each individual proposed as key personnel was contacted after the issue date of the BAA and that each individual has confirmed that they are available for contract performance." If personnel are not currently in the employ of Contractor, a written agreement from the potential employee to work will be part of the technical proposal. (5) Proposed specific projects. The proposal shall include three (3) to five (5) proposed specific sustainment enhancement projects that the entity/team believes would be appropriate to perform, including the team's detailed technical approach to each of these projects, the rationale for their inclusion in the JECPO sustainment program, the anticipated results and products, the methodology to be used to assess the impact on sustainment costs of each project's success, the transferable technology of each one, and the estimated costs for each such project. JECPO plans to ask selected entities/teams (on a case-by-case basis) to share costs for those projects to be funded under this BAA for which cost sharing is appropriate. Proposers should discuss in the proposal their general approach to cost sharing, the percentage and type of cost sharing proposed (if any), and any particular circumstances under which they would not agree to share costs. (6) Small business participation. Offerors shall address the extent of participation of small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, women-owned small businesses, and historically black colleges or universities and minority institutions in performance of the contract. In order to receive credit under this factor, the offeror must provide targets, expressed as dollars and percentages of total contract value, for Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, Women-Owned Small Businesses, and Historically Black Colleges or Universities and Minority Institutions, in any of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Major Groups as determined by the Department of Commerce. The targets may provide for participation by a prime contractor, joint venture partner, teaming arrangement member, or subcontractor. Targets will be incorporated and become part of any resultant contracts. VOLUME II -- PRICE/COST Part II shall be a complete and detailed price/cost breakdown. The offeror's price/cost proposal shall support the offeror's technical proposal. A cost breakdown to the level of major tasks and equipment for proposed entity/team operations and management, and for each specific project included in the proposal is to be included. An explanation of any estimating factors, including their derivation and application shall be provided. If the price/cost proposal does not support the technical proposal, the offeror's overall proposal rating may be downgraded. The price/cost proposal shall include all elements of cost and such other cost information as considered appropriate to support your proposal. The cost and pricing information shall be completed in accordance with the following: (a) Separate cost and pricing information shall be submitted for each year of the services specified in the BAA. (b) Supporting data including labor rates and hours, burden rates, material lists and costs, travel charges, and "other direct costs" used in developing the cost breakdown shall be furnished and properly referenced with this data. The supporting data for "other direct costs" shall include an itemization of those costs and a justification and explanation for each cost so itemized. (c) All subcontracts set forth in the technical proposal shall be priced in the cost proposal. Subcontracts regardless of dollar value shall be adequately documented to facilitate a determination of cost reasonableness/realism. If you are currently being audited, or have been audited by the Defense Contract Audit Agency, it is requested that the name and location of the assigned DCAA office be furnished with your proposal. EVALUATION CRITERIA AND THE BASIS FOR AWARD: (1) The Government intends to award a contract or contracts resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represent the best value after evaluation in accordance with the factors in the BAA. After evaluation, proposers will be notified of selectability or non-selectability. Selectable proposals will be considered for funding. Non-selectable proposals will be destroyed or returned to the offeror if requested by the offeror. One copy of non-selectable proposals may be retained for file purposes. Not all proposals deemed selectable will be funded. Decisions to fund selectable proposals will be based on funds availability. Funded contract awards will begin with the highest rated proposal and continue to the next lower rated proposal until available funds are exhausted. However, this BAA will remain open for submission of additional proposals for one year. In the event additional funding is made available during that year, the Contracting Officer will convene additional technical evaluation panel(s) who will consider non-awarded selectable proposals as well as any new proposals received since the original proposal due date of September 29, 2000. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the Government's needs may submit proposals which shall be considered by the Government. Selectable proposals identified for funding will result in a contract. The evaluation of proposals will consider the offeror's technical proposal significantly more important than the offeror's cost/price proposal. (2) The technical evaluation factors are listed below in descending order of importance: -- Entity/Team transfer capabilities -- Past performance by entity/team members on comparable efforts -- Entity/Teaming arrangement structure and management plan -- Entity/Team members' capabilities -- Proposed specific projects -- Small business participation -- Cost realism and reasonableness, including both entity/consortium administrative and operational costs and the proposed costs for the specific projects included in the proposal The Government reserves the right to obtain information for use in the evaluation of past performance from any and all sources including sources outside of the Government. Offerors lacking relevant past performance history will not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably on past performance. However, the proposal of an offeror with no relevant past performance history, while not rated favorably or unfavorably for past performance, may not represent the most advantageous proposal to the Government and thus, may be an unsuccessful proposal when compared to the proposals of other offerors. The offeror should provide the information requested above for past performance evaluation, including past performance in complying with targets for Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) participation and subcontracting goals for SDBs, or affirmatively state that it possesses no relevant directly related or similar past performance. If an offeror fails to provide any past performance information which is similar in scope, magnitude and complexity to that which is detailed in the BAA or fails to affirmatively state that it possesses no relevant directly related or similar past performance, the offer may not be awardabl Posted 08/17/00 (W-SN487213). (0230)

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A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |

Created on August 17, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com