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Commander, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Acquisition Center, Research Development and Engineering Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000

A -- COMPACT KINETIC ENERGY MISSILE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SOL DAAH01-00-R-RB05 DUE 092500 POC Contracting Officer: Patsy Garrison (256)842-7406; Contract Specialist: Marcia Tully (256)876-1351 Compact Kinetic Energy Missile CBD Broad Agency Announcement ================================================= Title: Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) SOL BAA DAAH01-00-R-RB05. POC: Contract Specialist, Ms. Marcia Tully, (256) 876-1351, e-mail: tully-mn@redstone.army.mil, Contracting Officer, Ms. Patsy Garrison, (256) 842-7406, e-mail: garrison-pc@redstone.army.mil, AMSAM-AC-RD-BC. Technical POC: Mr. George Snyder, AMSAM-RD-PS/Propulsion & Structures Directorate, (256) 876-3483, email: George.Snyder@redstone.army.mil. Any questions submitted should be e-mailed so that the message is received by all three of these points of contact. The Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) is soliciting proposals for the Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) technology development program. CKEM will be the next generation hypervelocity missile, which is smaller, lighter and faster than the current generation kinetic energy missile, but still capable of providing overmatching lethality against advanced armor. The CKEM weapon system will significantly improve war fighting capabilities by: enabling implementation of future fighting vehicle concepts on the battlefield; by providing overwhelming lethality utilizing a lighter, smaller, faster, KE missile; by significantly increasing the number of KE stowed kills for a multitude of launch platforms, including platforms that offer excellent strategic mobility; and by providing opportunities for missiles in the Objective Force and the Future Combat System. Specifically, some of the more-aggressive CKEM system performance goals to be achieved are: Total Missile Length: 4 feet, Total Missile Weight: 50 lbs, Range: 0.4-5Kms with growth potential for a close-in engagement range of 200m and extended range of 5-8Kms, Velocity: 6.5+ Mach, Lethality: Overmatching lethality capable of defeating advanced armor, Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) 1-3 and threat Active Protection System (APS), Penetrator Energy: greater than or equal to 10MJ at all ranges. CKEM will also be capable ofdefeating highly maneuverable rotor-wing aircraft. The CKEM weapon system is currently slated for incorporation into the Future Combat System (FCS), heavy ground platforms, and rotary wing platforms. The CKEM development program will run from years FY00-FY05 in two phases. Phase I, from FY00-FY04, is structured with two separate and parallel segments. Segment I -- System Development focuses on system-level activities and includes the basic six- month effort for system concept definition studies, a follow-on 24 month Option 1 for system design and analysis, followed by an 18-month Option 2 for critical issue and risk assessment to resolve critical system design and performance issues. Option 2 will contain sufficient subsystem fabrication and integration testing to provide a basis for determining risk and achievable performance, including lethality and countermeasure robustness versus missile sizing. Segment I is currently underway and multiple awards were made to allow competing concepts to be defined during the six-month concept development period. An example Segment 1 Statement of Work (SOW) can be made available upon request. Multiple concepts may or may not be carried forth into Option 1 and Option 2. Full system development, integration, and demonstration is planned to occur in the 18-24 month Phase II CKEM System Development and Demonstration in the FY04-05 timeframe following a re-competition among the successful Phase I Option 2 system development contractors. As a separately funded and contracted activity, Segment II -- Technology Development will be conducted to focus on technology and component development. Segment II will include development of the fundamental technologies necessary to achieve the CKEM objectives, as well as the incorporation of those technologies into components designed and demonstrated to meet established performance and flight environmental requirements. The areas of interest for technology development have been identified in coordination with the system development contractors currently performing the system concept definition studies. Proposals for technology development will also be provided to the system development contractors for their consideration during the remaining concept definition activities. Where such proposals are relevant, quantified technology/component performance requirements will be defined and will serve as the basis for the technology/component development contract awards by the government. Contracts for technology/component development are planned to be awarded in 1st Qtr FY01 and will be 21-33 months in duration. After award of the technology/component development contracts, continuous status of technology and component development efforts will be provided to the relevant Segment I (system development) participants throughout their Option 2- System Design and Analysis effort via an IPT structure. The contracts for technology/component development resulting from this BAA will be limited to the development and demonstration of the underlying technologiestogether with the incorporation of technology into a flight worthy component whose design has been demonstrated to meet the defined form, performance, interface and flight environmental requirements, and the required reporting and coordination associated with those efforts. The procurement of formal flight qualification, safety certification, or similar testing efforts, or the procurement of additional component quantities required to support Phase I Option 2 test and evaluation, and to support Phase II system demonstration, will be the responsibility of the specific system development contractor(s) incorporating the component into their weapon system design. Within the CKEM Technology and Component Development Segment, it will be necessary to bring about significant advancements in propulsion, enhanced lethality, and guidance and control technology. In propulsion, significant advancements in technology are critical for enabling the successful accomplishment of the CKEM system performance goals and objectives. The propulsion system designs must be conducted with consideration of effective methods of energy management and novel approaches for reducing missile geometric envelope through integration of a penetrator/kill vehicle within the propulsion unit. Propulsion systems to be investigated include, but are not limited to, missile eject, missile orientation, solid booster with a separating un-powered kill vehicle, solid booster with a separating powered kill vehicle, dual pulse solid, solid hybrid, dual pulse solid with throat area control, and an integral rocket ramjet. The enabling technologies identified include advanced ignition systems, propellants, and composite structures/materials. Ignition system advancements should focus on emerging technologies (e.g. laser ignition devices) that will minimize the packaging volume and weight while maximizing the reliability and repeatability. Advancements in composite materials and processing techniques are applicable to both the motor case and airframe. Critical composite motor case design issues to be addressed include development of processable high temperature (in excess of 700 F) resins, fiber materials that offer increased delivered strength over current state-of-the-art technology, lightweight non-eroding nozzle throat and pintle materials, and novel composite fabrication and joining techniques. Contractors must have the facilities to transition concepts into full-scale production. In guidance and control, examples of areas of interest are: laser and millimeter wave command guidance; novel guidance concepts; rapid precise, prelaunch alignment of a strapdown inertial navigation unit containing high performance gyros and accelerometers capable of 1000g operational loading. Technological advances are also required in novel, light-weight, fast-response, aerodynamic and non-aerodynamic control systems. The use of micro-electromechanical control actuation systems or other novel flow control devices are encouraged. The CKEM RF Guidance Mode could benefit from the development of a connectorized low drift oscillator operating in the region of 35 GHz. This oscillator should have low g sensitivity as well as low temperature drift characteristics. The program is interested in developing an easily manufacturable, low cost, high-G Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for use in a broad array of tactical applications such as kinetic energy missiles/projectiles and smart munitions. IMU requirements for hyper-velocity missiles require high dynamic range, small diameter (less than 1.8"), small volume, small misalignments, low cross axis sensitivity, low cost, and low power consumption. The IMU shall be required to operate in a pyrotechnic shock environment of 0.6 second duration having SRS level in g's (using a Q of 10, as high as 500 g's at 100 hz, 8,000 g's at 1,000 hz, and 30,000 g's at 9,000 hz). Prototype IMU hardware in sufficient quantities for sensor characterization shall be delivered as a result of the development effort. In lethality, there is interest in such areas as: high performance kinetic energy concepts, advanced penetrator designs, enhanced penetrator materials, and subscale KE lethality test facilities. There is also interest in relevant lethality analyses and modeling and simulation tools which can be used to characterize the contributions of penetrator materials, mass, shape, impact velocity, missile components, and penetrator/target interactions to overall lethality in order to assess the effectiveness of novel lethal mechanisms against advanced armor which has active and reactive threat countermeasures. PROGRAM FUNDING: Pending Congressional approval, the Army has budgeted approximately $6.5 M of FY 01 funds for a variety of technology development contracts. Similar levels of funding are expected in FY02 & FY03, but for only those vendors able to demonstrate performance and capability in relevant CKEM environment. All contracts will be 1-year efforts with 1-year options through FY03. Option execution is strongly tied to technology maturation demonstrations, e.g. technology readiness levels. Current notional allocation of resources is for $2M for 4 propulsion tasks, $3M for 5 vendors in Guidance & Control (2RF and 3 Inertial), and the remainder for lethality and novel penetrator technologies. Outyear funding is subject to adjustments in the Army Science &Technology program priorities. Technical questions and discussion is strongly encouraged prior to proposal submittal. SCOPE: Technology support is solicited for the Technology Development Segment of the CKEM program with each source: (1) developing one or more of those technologies required to achieve the defined level of missile performance necessary to achieve CKEM objectives and, (2) incorporating the developed technologies into components that are designed and demonstrated to meet defined form, performance, interface and flight environmental requirements. Component testing to demonstrate satisfaction of critical requirements is required. Support will be provided to the CKEM Integrated Product Team (IPT) structure under which individual teams will be established. Each team will be composed of government representatives, Segment I system development contractors, and the associated Segment II technology/component developers. The purpose of the IPT will be to ensure coordination of status of technology and component development efforts and to support the identification and resolution of component compatibility and integration issues. The status of development efforts will be reported against the technology development baseline established at the time of contract award. Sources will also support a CKEM Preliminary Design Review that will be conducted by the System Development contractors during Phase I, Option 1 and a Critical Design Review that will be conducted by the System Development contractors during Phase I, Option 2. During both of these reviews, the technology/component developers will be required to present the component development status, test results, and risk in meeting the defined requirements and schedules. A final technical report and briefing will be delivered covering all aspects of the technology development, component design and development, and test and evaluation results. For any system, component or technology development, analysis or test support capabilities (models, simulations, test assets) proposed in response to this solicitation, the contribution of the capability must be described and a detailed scope of work for the proposed capability and any required modifications or upgrades must be proposed. SUBMISSION PROCESS: Potential offerors are invited to submit proposals on this BAA to the Contracting Officer no later than 25 September 2000, 11:00 A.M. (Central Standard Time) for consideration at: Commander, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-AC-RD-BC (Ms. Marcia Tully), Building 5400, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898. Proposals not selected for funding will be disposed of in a manner that protects proprietary data. All proprietary material should be clearly marked and will be held in the strictest confidence. Initial awards are anticipated to occur within 120 days of receipt of the formal proposals, pending availability of funds. All correspondence must reference BAA DAAH01-00-R-RB05 and identify the title of the proposed effort. All proposal volumes must reference BAA DAAH01-00-R-RB05 and contain the following information: the title; the date; the name and address of the offering institution(s); the principal investigator's name, phone number, fax number, e-mail address (if available), and mailing address (if different from the offering institution); the duration of the proposed effort; and the signature of an authorized official from the submitting institution(s). The title page must also include total funds requested for the effort and describe any cost share proposed. The document page limits are as follows: Volume 1 of the proposal may not exceed 75 pages. The proposals must be single-sided with double-spaced text, page size no larger than 8 1/2 X 11 inches, font size no smaller than12 point, and with one-inch left/right margins, 1.25 inch top margins, and 1.0 inch bottom margins on all pages. Electronic submissions are acceptable. Brief video clips are acceptable but should not exceed 15 minutes in length. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: Proposals submitted under this BAA shall contain technical, budget and other supporting information. Proposals shall be formatted in two (2) volumes. Offerors may be either individual organizations or teamed efforts. In the event the effort is a teamed one, the organizational structure of the team shall be clearly defined in the proposal. Volume I shall be the technical portion and shall include an Executive Summary, a Technical Approach, a Description of Relevant Prior Work, a Program Plan including a Statement of Work (SOW), Milestone Charts and Program Schedules, a Facilities and Equipment Description and a Management Plan. Volume I shall be limited to 75 pages including all figures, tables, foldouts and charts. Resumes shall also be submitted with the Technical Proposal for all principal personnel. Resumes will not be included in the 75-page limitation. All paragraphs containing proprietary information must be clearly marked. Four (4) copies of Volume I and three (3) copies of Volume II shall be submitted. Volume II shall contain all the cost/price information with supporting information (no page limit). The cost breakdown shall include materials, direct labor, indirect costs and other costs such as special test equipment or travel. Offerors shall provide exhibits as necessary to substantiate the cost elements. Detailed costs must be provided. Include a 3.5" Floppy Disk in EXCEL with your cost proposal. A fifteen-day extension for the certified costing data is available upon request. However, a summary of costs must be provided with initial proposal submission. Cost sharing is encouraged and any cost share must be separately identified in the proposal. Proposals must: (1) Define a representative missile system for which the proposed technology and component(s)apply, to include the proposed form factor, functional interface and performance and environmental requirements for the proposed component(s); (2) Provide a description of the proposed technology/concept, the technical challenges that must be met in order to achieve the projected performance and the underlying theory/principles supporting the expected level of performance; (3) Define the development process that is proposed to advance the technology and to transition the technology into a flight worthy component that provides the required level performance; (4) Provide a statement of work, schedule, list of deliverables and costs for the proposed program; (5) Specify tests that will be used to benchmark overall performance of the components; (6) Identify offerors and team members' facilities and equipment that will support the effort; (7) Identify any government-furnished facilities, equipment and/or information that are needed to support the effort; (8) Describe the team members and their qualifications forthe proposed effort and their demonstrated record of achievement. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Proposals will be evaluated by the government with respect to the following evaluation criteria: Technical -- The elements of the Technical area are equally weighted and are as follows: (a) Relevance of the Proposed Technology/Component to the CKEM concepts being developed in Segment I of the CKEM Program. (b) Technical Soundness of the proposed technology/component development plan. (c) Technical risk. Management -- The elements of the Schedule/Management area are equally weighted and are as follows: (a) Reasonableness of Schedule of the proposed technology/component development milestones. (b) Compatibility of the development schedule with Segment I of the CKEM Program; and (c) Management Performance. Cost and Cost Realism -- This area will be evaluated to determine the reasonableness and realism of the price relative to the proposal presented. The relevance of the proposed technology/component is a go-no/go criterion. The Technical Area is significantly more important than either the Management Area or the Cost Area. The Management Area is slightly more important than the Cost Area. Award will be made on a Best Value basis. All awards made in response to this BAA will be subject to availability of government funds. Evaluation and selection of proposals for award will be made on the basis of criteria listed and overall balance considered most advantageous to the Army CKEM Program. OTHER INFORMATION: The provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at 9.5 (Organizational Conflict of Interest) apply in an award under this BAA. Accordingly, a potential offeror is cautioned to review it's contract and subcontract history, and before incurring substantial proposal preparation expense, to determine whether or not in its judgment a real or potential conflict of interest does or might exist that will prevent the contracting officer from considering its proposal, or making an award under this BAA. Questionable circumstances or situations should be addressed to the contracting officer for BAA DAAH01-00-R-RB05 by e-mail for resolution and decision as soon as possible. Offerors are also cautioned that (1) the absence of any communication between offerors and the contracting officer on these matters (real or potential conflict of interest) shall not preclude the contracting officer from conducting his or her own research and analysis, and arriving at his or her own det Posted 08/18/00 (W-SN487723). (0231)

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