COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF AUGUST 29,2000 PSA#2674 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Dr.,
DUE 090800 POC Barbara Curtiss at 513-487-2036 or fax No. 513-487-2109
E-MAIL: U.S. EPA, Cincinnati Contracts Management Division, The U.S. EPA is seeking a qualified
contractor to provide services as specified in this combined
synopsis/request for quote (RFQ). This is a small business set aside
and award will be made under the procedures of FAR Part 13, Simplified
Acquisition. The requirement is as follows: the Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA) mandates the EPA to establish a listof unregulated
microbiological and chemical contaminants to aid in priority setting
for the Agency's drinking water program. This list is referred to as
the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL). The EPA is conducting in-house
research associated with chemicals on the CCL. This project involves
the evaluation of conventional water treatment for the removal of the
CCL chemicals from drinking water. Contractor is to analyze samples
from in-house projects examining removal efficiencies for the CCL
chemicals by conventional drinking water treatments. To reach QC/QA
needs, the contractor shall use EPA methods for the analyses, to have
acceptable minimum detection levels (MDL) for all analytes as described
in the method, and where applicable, to be certified by EPA and/or the
appropriate state agency for requested analyte. See atch A for
analytes, recommended methods and required certification. Some
requested analytes do not currently have an approved method but it is
anticipated that these methods may become certified in the near term.
Should an analytical method be recommended for the three analytes the
current method pricing should prevail. Should no method be certified,
additional requests for other analytes may be substituted. Samples will
primarily be drinking water, spiked with the analyte of interest, that
has undergone drinking water treatment e.g., membrane filtration,
coagulation of GAC filtration. Twenty to Thirty samples will be
generated per week. Some weeks may have forty, while some weeks may
have none. In total, the vendor will analyze 700 samples. The purchase
order will include an option of 280 additional samples. The option for
the additional samples may be exercised unilaterally by the Government.
Quotes shall include the following items A thru F. (A) The cost per
sample per analytical method for the 700 sample analyses. The approx.
percentage of samples by analytical method should be: 6% [502.2(alt
524.2)]; 33% [507(alt 525.2)]; 10% [508(alt.1)]; 3% [515.2]; 7%
[524.2]; 7%[525.2]; 17%[8270]; 3%[8141]; 7%[8321]; and 7%[other]. (B)
The cost per sample per analytical method for the additional 280
samples. (C) The cost of attending a one-day project review meeting in
Cincinnati within three weeks after the award of the contract. At this
time,draft copies of "Chain of Custody:, "Sample Analysis" and "QA/QC"
forms shall be reviewed. Revisions, based on the EPA Project Officer's
(PO) comments shall be submitted within two weeks. The awardee shall
comply with the QA/QC requirements as delineated in Attachment AA. (D)
The quote should include all associated costs with sample handling and
analytical reporting. The vendor shall provide sample containers,
preservatives and sample transportation. The vendor shall supply these
within 48 hrs of the request, excluding weekends and holidays. The EPA
PO will provide several days notice of the need for sampling supplies.
The vendor shall package the refrigerated samples at the EPA facility
at 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 and deliver
the samples to the vendor's laboratory. Samples shall be stored and
processed according to the method's sample handling procedures. Since
some analytes require extraction within 4 hrs of collection, overnight
delivery may be inappropriate and a local facility will be required.
Within 72 hrs of sample pick-up, the contract laboratory will
notify/confirm receipt of samples to the EPA PO by verbal or e-mail
communication. The analysis reports should be delivered to the EPA PO
within 21 days of receipt of the samples. The report should be in a
hard copy and electronic (ASCII, EXCELL, QUATTRO) format. The awardee
shall comply with the report content requirements as delineated in Atch
AA. During the period of the purchase order, the contractor shall
inform the EPA PO, by telephone, of any problems that may affect the
performance of the contract. Corrective actions shall then be made. (E)
The vendor shall also provide, alone with the quote, evidence of
EPA/State certification and the latest Performance Evaluation Study
results for any of the following methods, if referenced in the quote,
502.2, 507, 508, 508.1, 515.2, 524.2 or 525.2. (F) The vendor shall
demonstrate expertise with the methods by providing, along with the
quote, any control charts/tables for blanks, spikes, duplicates,
internal standards, surrogates and method detection limit studies for
the most recent six months of analyses. These charts/tables shall
describe the number, frequency and standard concentrations of such
tests performed. Prior to the award, the EPA may require the vendor to
analyze, at the vendor's expense, 3 to 5 QA/QC samples provided by the
EPA. Attachment AA-QA Requirements -- All method specific QA/QC
requirements shall be implemented in the performance of the contract
samples. This includes, but is not limited to, requirements for sample
storage, holding times, use of laboratory check standards, initial
demonstration of capability, performing a method detection limit study,
calibratin (both initial and continuing calibration checks), assessment
of surrogate and internal standards. If any method specific QC protocol
does not meet method specific criteria and if corrective actions can
not resolve the failure, then sample analysis shall stop until the EPA
PO, or his designee, can be contacted for guidance. Because these are
requirements of the method, analysis of any of the above are not
directly chargeable as an analysis. The following additional guidance
is provided for performing spikes and laboratory duplicates. Depending
on project design, these may be requested by the EPA PO in addition to
the method specific requirements. Spikes sample analysis requirements:
Samples from the contract shall be spiked at a frequency so that 5% of
the total contract specific samples are spiked. The selection for
spiking should be fairly randomized to be performed approx. every 20th
sample. Spiking on specific samples may be rquested by the EPA PO and
would be indicated either in a memorandum, e-mail or on chain of
custody sheets. Acceptable spike rceovery is considered as being in the
range of 70-130%. If this spike recovery is not met, and corrective
actions can not bring the recovery into acceptable limits, the
laboratory shall immediately contact the EPA PO for advice on how to
proceed. Laboratory duplicate analysis requirements: Samples from this
contract shall be duplicated at a frequency so that 5% of th total
contract specific samples are duplicated. The selection for duplication
should be fairly randomized to be performed approximately every 20th
sample. Duplication on specific samples may be requested by EPA PO and
would be indicated either in a memo, e-mail or on chain of custody
sheets. Acceptable relative percent difference (RPD) is considered as
being less than 20% when samples have concentrations above the low
standard of the calibration curve. If this RPD is not met, and
corrective actions can not bring the RPD into acceptable limits, the
laboratory shall immediately contact the EPA PO for advice on how to
proceed. Data Pkg Requirements: The following items shall be provided
in all data packages delivered to the EPA PO: (1) A listing of all
samples and the results of each sample analysis, listing the specific
analytes and method. Additional information to be included is sample
collection date, sample extraction date (if applicable) and sample
analysis date; (2) Results that require additional explanation (e.g.,
estimated values, values where there was a QC result that failed
criteria, etc.), shall be clearly flagged, with an accompanying
definition of each flag utilized; (3) A full and complete reporting of
spike and duplicate sample analyses, including the percent recovery
and RPD, respectively; (4) A copy of the chromatogram shall be included
for each sample; (5) A copy of all initial calibration curves (the
first time generated and any full calibrations, performed throughout
the contract period that have a direct association with contract
samples) and any continuing calibrations, along with an assessment of
the acceptability of the complete full calibration or calibration
check; (6) The results of any and all QC checks performed that are
directly associated with the contract samples. This includes lab
performance check standards, quality controls samples, surogates (if
used), lab reagent blanks and lab fortified blanks/sample matrix; (7)
Any case narrative necessary for communicting anomalies or other
information that the lab deems as pertinent or might be needed by the
EPA PO to aid in the interpretation of the data presented. Records
Management -- The lab shall maintain records of all raw data and lab
notebooks for a period of one year after completion of the last sample
associated with this contract. Records that shall be maintained
include logbooks, extraction records, chain of custody records,
chromatograms, quantitation reports, etc. In short, all the records
that are needed to reconstruct the entire analysis/reporting system
specific to the laboratory. Only those responsive vendors that request
a fax copy of the Attached A, Analyte Method References, will be faxed
a copy. Fax to the attention of Barbara Curtiss at 513-487-2109 or mail
your request to U.S. EPA, my attention, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive,
will be made to the lowest price vendor that meet all the minimum
requirements specified above. Request for the attachment must be
received within 15 days of the posting of this announcement. Posted
08/25/00 (W-SN490456). (0238) Loren Data Corp. (SYN# 0012 20000829\B-0003.SOL)
| B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index
Issue Index |
Created on August 25, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. --