Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
September 11, 2000
Contracting Office
U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/OFA/AGFS/AMD -- OFA51, 1305 East West Highway -- Station 7604, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 26, 2000
Point of Contact
Joel Perlroth, Contract Specialist, 301-713-0829 x121
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact Contract Specialist (Joel.L.Perlroth@noaa.gov)
The U.S. Department of Commerce intends to award a sole source Purchase Order in accordance with Simplified Acquisition Procedures to Metzger Consulting, Inc., of Clarksville, MD, under the authority of 41 U.S.C.253 (c)(1) "Only one responsible source" for the following: Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has a requirement for technical development and maintenance services in support of the Benchmark Input-Output (BMIO) and Annual Input-Output (AIO) systems. The benchmark input-output (I-O) accounts are prepared every 5 years for years in which an economic census has been done. They show commodities produced by each industry in the U.S. as well as the commodities used by each industry and final user in the economy. The accounts are used internally at BEA to benchmark the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA's) and as the basis for the RIMS multipliers. They are used by other Federal agencies and many private and educational institutions for the preparation of weights for price indexes, projections of the economy, productivity studies, regional input-output tables, and economic impact studies. Constructing the Annual and Benchmark I-O accounts are computationally intensive and highly detailed, utilizing significant amounts of data. One year's annual I-O tables have been processed with the AIO system and another year is being readied. Processing for the 1997 benchmark I-O tables has already begun with the unfinished BMIO system, therefore, it is critical that the continuity of the technical support be maintained. It is essential that the contractor have demonstrated capabilities in maintaining and enhancing the AIO and BMIO systems as well as have extensive advanced knowledge and understanding of the input-output model and supporting data. Also, the contractor shall have advanced knowledge of the software architecture of the AIO and BMIO systems: specifically, Borland C++, Microsoft SQL Server, ERwin, and PVCS. BEA has also has a requirement for the continued development and support of econometric databases that will support enhancements to BEA's data dissemination of critical economic data, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and other National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA). This task requires a contractor to have comprehensive knowledge of the NIPA tables published in the Survey of Current Business, the supporting data, and the attendant processing systems. The contractor must have demonstrated capabilities in developing Microsoft SQL Server databases that support complex queries of economic statistical data, as well as capabilities in developing web-enabled front-end for such databases. Vendors who believe they can meet this requirement are required to submit in writing an affirmative response demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of BEA's Annual I-O and Benchmark I-O models, and the NIPAs as well as demonstrated capabilities in developing and maintaining complex client-server database applications and dynamic, database-driven web sites using and integrating the following technologies: Borland C++, ERwin, PVCS, Java, SQL Server v6.5, Active Server Pages, ColdFusion 4.5, HTML, C++, and Java scripting. All written responses must include a written narrative statement of capability, including detailed technical information demonstrating their ability to meet the above requirements. The response must be sufficient to permit agency analysis to establish a bona fide capability to meet the requirements. Failure to submit such documentation will result in the Government proceeding as stated above. A determination by the Government not to open the requirement to competition based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. Affirmative written responses must be received no later than 15 days after publication of this synopsis. All information in response to this notification must be submitted in writing to the address contained at the header or faxed to 301-713-0809 to the attention of Joel Perlroth, Contract Specialist.
Loren Data Corp. 20000913/DSOL001.HTM (W-253 SN494847)

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Created on September 11, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com