Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
September 15, 2000
Contracting Office
Bid Office, SPAWARSYSCEN, Code D21B, 53570 Silvergate Avenue, Bldg. A33, Room 0061, San Diego, CA 92152-5112
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
December 1, 2000
Point of Contact
Contract Specialist: Laird C. Draves 619/553-3690; Contracting Officer: Charmaine Joworski 619/553-4536
E-Mail Address
draves@spawar.navy.mil (Contract Specialist: Laird C. Draves)
Broad Agency Announcement for NAVWAR Enhancements to the Global Positioning System (GPS) Performance Background: GPS is widely used as a source of position, velocity, and time on U.S. military platforms. However, the GPS signal is of low-power and vulnerable to interference. Threats range from cheap, expendable, low-power jammers that can be widely distributed across an area of conflict, to medium and high-power ground and air-based jammers that can deny usage of GPS over hundreds of miles. The GPS Joint Program Office (JPO) established the NAVWAR program in 1996 to address the Electronic Warfare (EW) threat to the GPS system. The NAVWAR program was tasked with protecting DoD and allied use of GPS during times of conflict, preventing its use by adversaries, and maintaining normal availability to the civil user outside the area of conflict. This effort consists of the development of user equipment EW augmentations within the context of a system-level effort to modernize GPS. Candidate technologies should enhance the Anti-Jam (AJ) performance of GPS as a primary goal, and incorporate technologies and techniques which also can incorporate Modernization and landing enhancements. Objective: SPAWAR Systems Center -- San Diego (SSC-SD) has been tasked by the GPS JPO to seek proposals that demonstrate a capability for providing technical support to the NAVWAR program in a number of technical areas. This support may take the form of studies, analyses, design, prototype development, testing, and fabrication in any or all of the technologies described below, as well as areas not herein mentioned. This BAA seeks to award several companies for each of the described technologies. The awardees in each technology category will constitute a pool of qualified candidates that may then be requested to provide proposals for specific development or support efforts at a later date. Potential development or support efforts may encompass one, several, or all areas of interest in a "systems-level" approach designed to the maximum extent possible in an open architecture approach. System integration and future growth will also be considerations (particularly with respect to the GPS Receiver Application Module (GRAM) and the Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM)), as well as transitioning from current systems architectures to digital architectures. Potential NAVWAR technologies may require backward compatibility and minimized integration costs with existing Department of Defense (DoD) systems. Potential NAVWAR technologies may require compatibility with the following Modernization-era GPS services (additional information concerning signal structure and received power are available from the government upon request): SPS1 Standard Positioning Service, i.e., C/A on L1 SPS12 Standard Positioning Service, i.e., C/A on L1 and C/A on L2 SPS15 Standard Positioning Service, i.e., C/A on L1 and new civil code on L5 APS Authorized Positioning Service, i.e., M-code on L1 and L2 PPS Precise Positioning Service, i.e., P(Y) on L1 and L2 SSC seeks firms with capabilities in areas of interest that include, but are not limited to: 1) GPS Anti-Jam Antenna Systems a) Controlled Reception Pattern Antennas Future GPS antennas will require AJ capability greater than that achieved with current antennas. Approaches include incorporating a greater number of antenna elements into a reduced volume acceptable to smaller platforms, and using denser arrays than currently fielded on platforms that can handle "larger" antenna. b) Antenna Electronics (AE) Control Units for Controlled Reception Pattern Antennas (CRPAs) Future AE technologies should be compatible with current and future arrays. Current AE are analog spatial nullers. Future AE may enhance anti-jam performance through a combination of digital beamforming and STAP/SFAP (Space-Time Adaptive Processing/Space-Frequency Adaptive Processing). Future AEs should provide rapid effective signal to noise enhancement for current and projected jammers and should incorporate null steering, beamforming, multipath mitigation, simultaneous L1&L2, and/or other effective techniques. Future AEs may require an interface to current analog systems as well as include provisions for interfacing with future digital receivers. Small size, low power and low cost are desireable for airborne, ship, submarine or handheld application. 2) GPS/Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Coupling Techniques Novel GPS/IMU coupling techniques offer the possibility of enhanced anti-jam (greater than that achieved with current loosely or tightly-coupled GPS/Inertial Navigation System (INS) integrations) through the complementary use of signals available from both systems. Future efforts may include, but are not limited to: a) Co-location of the IMU with the antenna to eliminate lever arm compensation in the GPS receiver's position/velocity determination. b) A dedicated IMU interface designed to be compatible with GPS data and navigation processing. c) IMU attitude-aiding for Multi-Beamsteering AE d) Novel Ultra-tight coupling techniques 3) AJ Applique Current platforms that cannot accommodate a large CRPA are vulnerable to the NAVWAR threat, and can benefit from an AJ device installed between the Fixed Reception Pattern Antenna (FRPA) and the receiver. Platform integration issues may require that the size, weight, and power requirements of the AJ unit be minimized. Backward compatibility with RF and IF military GPS receivers may also be a requirement for a future AJ applique. 4) Analog (RF) and Digital Input GRAM (Shop Replaceable Unit (SRU)/Line Replaceable Unit (LRU)) Future GPS receivers will require compatibility with the M-code and Advanced Security Architecture, will need to interface to future AJ antenna systems, and provide improved AJ processing. Receiver acquisition and tracking performance can be improved through the use of time-aiding or precise clocks, ultra-tight coupling (See 2), and Adaptive Filters. Future GPS receivers will also need to be inter-operable with beamforming digital output AEs or encompass this function. 5) GPS Systems Future M-Code Gram and SAASM compatible systems may encompass all or some of the above technologies to provide increased AJ capability. Technologies that support the protection and integrity of the GPS carrier signal could become vital to future systems subject to jamming and interference. Signal integrity in relation to these measurements would be of interest for this BAA. 6) Test Support The NAVWAR program will require an infrastructure (test facilities, range instrumentation, simulation tools) capable of supporting the test and evaluation of emerging GPS AJ technologies and systems Proposal Timing: Potential offerors are required to submit an unclassified proposal by 01 Dec 2000. The proposal shall describe the offeror's experience and capability related to the proposed area(s) of interest. The proposal should not exceed 40 pages. The proposal shall also include the names of other organizations participating as part of the team. The proposal should follow the following format: 1) List of Project Manager(s) and a Description of Programmatic Structure (including Subcontractors if any) 2) NAVWAR Area of Interest Addressed 3) Offeror's capability in the area of interest, including development of prototype systems, and simulation capabilities and test facilities for analysis, design, and test support for each of the proposed area(s) of interest. Responses should also address the offeror's capability to support the development of associated specifications and ICDs. 4) Relationship to Other Projects in Which the Offeror Participates 5) Summary of Qualifications/Experience of Key Personnel (including resumes). Interested offerors should submit an electronic copy of the proposal to joworski@spawar.navy.mil by the above due date. For readability, most text-based information should be in 12 point Arial, though other fonts and sizes may be utilized as necessary in tables, headings, drawings, other art, and etc. the proposals shall be produced using Microsoft Word, Excel and/or Power Point; or may be submitted as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files. SSC SD will acknowledge receipt of the proposals. All answers to questions and any additional information pertaining to this BAA will be posted on the CBD, and the SPAWAR Business Opportunities Homepage (https://e-commerce.spawar.navy.mil/command/02/acq/navhome.nsf?OpenDatabase). It is the responsibility of any potential offeror to monitor these web sites for any additional information. Awards to successful offerors may be made at any time for a period of three years following the date of the initial published announcement, based on funding availability. Each offeror should state in its proposal that it is submitted in response to this BAA. It is anticipated that several selections will be made within six months after the initial announcement, and additional awards may be made throughout the three year period. Proposal Evaluation: The evaluation of proposals will be performed by a government review team consisting of SSC-SD and GPS JPO personnel. SSC-SD may use non-Government experts to assist with the evaluation of proposals. Non-disclosure and non-competition agreements will be executed with such individuals. If any offeror wishes to limit exposure of elements of its proposal to Government employees only, the offeror must prominently mark that part of its proposal with a label stating GOVERNMENT ACCESS ONLY. Such marking, however, may preclude a full and complete evaluation of the offeror(s)' marked proposal. The evaluations of the proposals will be conducted using the following criteria: 1) Overall scientific and technical merit. 2) Potential contribution to NAVWAR research efforts. 3) Offeror's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives. Qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the key personnel who are critical in achieving the proposal objectives. 4) How well the offeror can support any or all of the NAVWAR areas of interest within the indicated timeframe, and the extent to which cost-effectiveness is impacted by administration and overhead. 5) Cost realism. After the Government evaluation team has reviewed the proposal, an oral or written question and answer session may be conducted at the Government's discretion to clarify points in the proposal. Non-government advisors to the evaluation team may participate in the exchange. The offerors are not asked to provide or present a formal oral presentation for evaluation, only be available to answer questions. The offeror need not be present in person, arrangements can be made to hold a session by telephone conference (Tel-Con) or video teleconference (VTC). The exact time of the Q&A will be provided at a later date. Proposals will be considered to be either selectable or non-selectable based on their evaluation in accordance with the criteria herein. Offerors will be promptly notified of the evaluation results for proposals. Only selectable proposals will be considered for funding. Not all proposals deemed selectable will be funded. Decisions to fund selectable proposals will be based on funds availability, overall scientific and technical merit, and potential contribution to the SSC SD mission, and may involve a competitive solicitation between selected awardees. Proposals may be considered for funding for a period of three years from notification of selectability. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received. SSC-SD's goal is to have several awarded contracts, in place by 19 Mar 2001. This notice constitutes SSC-SD's Broad Agency Announcement as contemplated in FAR 6.102 (d)(2). No Request for Proposal (RFP), solicitation or other announcement of this opportunity will be made. Awards may take the form of contracts, grants or cooperative agreements. The standard industrial classification code is 8731 with the small business size standard of 500. Large businesses, universities and nonprofit organizations submitting proposals of $500,000.00 or more shall also submit its Small Business Subcontracting Plan in accordance with FAR 52.219-9. RESTRICTION ON DISCLOSURE AND USE OF DATA: Offerors will apply the restrictive notice prescription of FAR 52.215-12, Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data, to trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. It is the Navy's intention to procure data rights in connection with contracts awarded under this BAA.
Web Link
SPAWAR Business Opportunities Homepage (https://e-commerce.spawar.navy.mil/command/02/acq/navhome.nsf?OpenDatabase)
Loren Data Corp. 20000919/ASOL002.HTM (W-259 SN497255)

A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on September 15, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com