Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
September 26, 2000
Contracting Office
General Services Administration, Federal Technology Service (FTS), Acquisition Services Division (6TS-A), 1500 Bannister Road, Kansas City, MO, 64131
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 29, 2000
Point of Contact
June Thomas, Procurement Assistant, Fax (816) 823-3322, Email
E-Mail Address
June Thomas (june.thomas@gsa.gov)
INTENT TO AWARD -- MOTOROLA The General Services Administration intends to issue a order for supplies to Motorola under their GSA FSS Schedule combined with a large amount of open market items through solicitation number 6TSA-00-JMT-0168. Only one responsible source is known and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. This procurement is to provide the following CLINS (schedule item and open market items combined) CLIN 1: L99DX, Astro Spectra, QTY 11; CLIN 2: 358L, W7 36-60W 403-433MHZ, QTY 11; CLIN 3: L114, ADD: CLOCK VU METER, QTY 11, CLIN 4: G51, ENH: SMARTZONE OPERATION, QTY 51; CLIN 5: G806, ENH: ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OPERATION, QTY 51; CLIN 6: L146, ENH: LOCAL TONE REMOTE, QTY 11; CLIN 7: L28, ADD: AUTO BATTERY REVERT, QTY 11; CLIN 8: L1705, 12" LDF HELIAX, POLY JKT, PER FOOT, QTY 1650; CLIN 9: TDN6673, 12" CABLE GROUND CLAMP KIT, QTY 22; CLIN 10: TDN6678, 12" CONNECTOR, N JACK (FEMALE), QTY 12; CLIN 11: TDN6677, 12" CONNECTOR, N PLUG (MALE), QTY 32; CLIN 12: TDE7190, ANTENNA, 406-470MHZ, OMNI ODB, CWA, QTY 11; CLIN 13: RRX4025, ANTENNA LIGHTING/SURGE SUPPRESSOR, QTY 11; CLIN 14: TDN7912, BRACKETS, ANT, POLE/WALL FLUSH MOUNT, QTY 11; CLIN 15: MDN6805, 12" CABLE FEEDTHRU, WALL/ROOF, QTY 11; CLIN 16: TDN8406A, 14"X8' S-FLEX JUMPER, W/NP&NP, QTY 11; CLIN 17: DQCP2372, 120VAC 5 15 PLUG DUPLEX 5 15, QTY 11; CLIN 18: TDN6015, TIE WIRE KIT, 20 PACK, QTY 11; CLIN 19: H09RDC9PW5N, ASTRO DIGITAL XTS3000 MODEL I UHF, QTY 41; CLIN 20: H125, ALT: ANTENNA HELICAL UHF 403-435MHZ, QTY 41; CLIN 21: H38, ADD: SMARTZONE SYSTEM PACKAGE, QTY 41; CLIN 22: H223, ALT: BATTERY ULTRA HIGH CAP NICD FM, QTY 41; CLIN 23: Q806, ENH: SFWR ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OPER, QTY 41; CLIN 24: H499, ALT: RUGGEDIZED ASTRO DIG XTS3000, QTY 41; CLIN 25: NTN1177, CHARGER, 110V MULTIRAPID, QTY 14; CLIN 26: NTN1168, CHARGER, 110V SINGLE ENH, QTY 20; CLIN 27: NTN8725A, NYLON CARRY CASE W/T-STRAP, QTY 43; CLIN 28: NTN8298, BATTERY, NIMH ULTRA HI CAP FM, QTY 82; CLIN 29: NMN6191, AUDIO ACC, REMOTE SPEAKER MIC, QTY 25; CLIN 30: T99DX, ASTRO DIG SPECTRA MOBLIE SERIES, QTY 40; CLIN 31: 146W, 20-40W 403-433MHZ W5, QTY 40; CLIN 32: G114, ENH: DIGITAL ID DISPLAY, QTY 40; CLIN 33: W128, ENH: ANTENNA 3.5DB GAIN, QTY 40; CLIN 34: W432, ENH: 10 WATT AUDIO, QTY 40; CLIN 35: W498, ALT: REMOTE MOUNT W4,W5 OR W7 WIT, QTY 40; CLIN 36: W844, ENH: FACTOR PROGRAMMING, QTY 20; CLIN 41: BASE STATIONS, QTY 11; CLIN 42: SPECIALTY MOBILE REMOTE MOUNT, QTY 40; CLIN 43: NTN8297, BATTER, NIMH ULTRA HIGH CAP FM, QTY 67; CLIN 44: SQM01SUM0070, MTC 3600 STNDALNE SINGLE SITE, QTY 1; CLIN 45: D391AP, ADD: 7 CHANNELS (14 CH CTY), QTY 1; CLIN 46: D431AJ, ADD: CONSOLE INTERFACE, QTY 1; CLIN 47: D313AG, ADD CONSOLE INTERFACE SPARES, QTY 1; CLIN 48: D179CF, ADD: MTC 3600 SIN SITE SPARES, QTY 1; CLIN 49: D396AH, ADD: OPERATIONS/SERVICE MANUAL, QTY 1; CLIN 50: 001C, QUANTAR QUANTRO CONFIGURATION, QTY 3; CLIN 51: X996A, ENH: 6809 SECURE TRANSPARENT TRUNKING, QTY 3; CLIN 52: X153, ADD: HARDWARE, RACKMOUNT, QTY 2; CLIN 53: RLN4924A, DSOP820A, POWER DISTRIBUTION STRIP, QTY 1; CLIN 54: DQ1101378, RACK MOUNTING PLATE ADAPTER, QTY 1; CLIN 55: DS7367112D03LR, 3 CHANNEL COMBINER, QTY 1; CLIN 56: DQISTT50HNMA, UHF COAXIAL PROTECTOR, 750W, QTY 1; CLIN 57: DSDB633A, 3 DB ANT UHF BB 406-436, QTY 1; CLIN 58: CDN6579, N MALE PLUG 1 2 INCH PLATED, QTY 8; CLIN 59: K756AG, ALT: SHIP AS LOOSE ITEM, QTY 8; CLIN 60: K553AA, ENH: SMARTNET II OPERATION, QTY 8; CLIN 61: L3174, 3810PLUS MODEM S/A V.34 PROTOCOL, QTY 4; CLIN 62: TDN8351, MODEM RACK MOUNT, QTY 1; CLIN 63: T5504, 6809 TRUNKED UPGRADE KIT, QTY 1; CLIN 64: U223, ENH: NON-SFTWRE DOWNLOAD CPBLE, QTY 5; CLIN 65: X795, ENH: CURRENT SFTW VERSION, QTY 5; CLIN 66: SYSTEM INTEGRATION FOR ABOVE CLINS. FOB DESTINATION: KANEOHE MARINE CORPS BASE, HAWAII. The proposed contract action is for supplies or services for which the Government intends to solicit and negotiate with only one source under authority of FAR 6.302. Interested persons may identify their interest and capability to respond to the requirement or submit proposals. This notice is not a request for competitive proposals. All proposals received by 4:00 p.m., CST, 9/29/00 will be considered by the government. A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed contract based on responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the government. Information received will be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. Inquiries will only be accepted by FAX at 816-823-3322 or email june.thomas@gsa.gov.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www2.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=P&ProjID=6TSA-00-JMT-0168&LocID=211)
Loren Data Corp. 20000928/70SOL003.HTM (D-270 SN500913)

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Created on September 27, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com