- Notice Date
- October 12, 2000
- Contracting Office
- Kaiser Hill Co.,LLC, Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, 10808 Highway 93, Unit B, Building 850, Golden, CO 80403-8200
- ZIP Code
- 80403-8200
- Response Due
- November 15, 2000
- Point of Contact
- Mark R. Lewis, (303) 430-9020
- E-Mail Address
- contact the contracting officer via e-mail (
- Description
- DECONTAMINATION AND DEMOLITION PRE-QUALIFICATIONS Kaiser-Hill Company, LLC (Contractor), is the Integrating Management Contractor at DOE's Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) near Denver, Colorado. Kaiser-Hill Company is requesting information from prospective Subcontractors who are interested in being pre-qualified for decontamination and demolition for Building 771 complex at RFETS. Only proposals from pre-qualified offerors will be evaluated. Offerors who intend to submit proposals under a teaming arrangement, or as a joint venture or limited liability company, must provide the below listed information for each member of the team, joint venture or limited liability company. The scope of work for the subcontract expected to be awarded will include, but not be limited to, the design and implementation of environmental remediation and decontamination and demolition (D&D) of buildings and soils contaminated with both radiological (Plutonium and Uranium) and hazardous constituents (Beryllium, asbestos, lead, etc.). Requests from Offerors for pre-qualification shall include all the following. 1) Project Experience. a) List two similar firm fixed price projects with magnitude of value over $5,000,000 the Offeror has performed during the last five years. The listed projects must be similar in scope and involve work of the same complexity as the work that will be required to design, decontaminate, remediate and D&D the plutonium contaminated buildings and soils in the Building 771 complex. The Offeror must have performed these projects as the prime contractor and performed over 50% of the work with its employees. b) Provide the name, title fax number, and telephone number of two client references for each project. These references must be able to address Offeror's safety record, performance, overall performance and cost control. 2) Corporate Training Program. Provide documentation that substantiates that all individuals the Offeror would use in the performance of the work described in the Statement of Work are qualified to perform the required work before they commence work. 3) Environmental Safety & Health (ES&H) Program. Provide documentation that substantiates Offeror's ES&H program includes policies and procedures that address at a minimum the following: a) Elimination of accidents, injuries/illnesses, and damage to property and equipment; b) Records maintenance; c) Hazard identification and mitigation; d) Employees have the right and are encouraged to report unsafe conditions and to stop work without fear of reprisal; e) Audits are performed to assess the effectiveness of the Program; f) Hazard Communication Program which, includes maintenance of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). 4) Safety and Compliance. Offeror shall have a proven, effective and comprehensive written accident prevention / occupational safety and health program and shall provide the following information for the last three calendar years. a) Proof that it has an average Workers' Experience Modification Rate (EMR) that is less than or equal to 1.0. b) Copy of its Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA No. 200). c) Original certification that the Number of Recordable Cases (Sum of OSHA 200 Column A X 200,000 / hours worked) is equal to or less than 3.2 and Number Day Away From Work Cases (Sum of OSHA 200 Columns 3 and 10 X 200,000 / hours worked) is less than 0.64. d) Copy of each OSHA violation received to include type of citation, fines levied, fines paid, and negotiated settlements and description of actions taken to avoid or eliminate said citation when performing future tasks of a similar nature. e) Original certification that Offeror has not received any OSHA citations during the last three years, if OSHA has not cited Offeror during the last three years. f) Copy of any fines and findings issued regarding Offeror compliance with the Price-Anderson Amendments Act (PAAA). g) Copy of any fines and findings issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regarding Offeror's performance.. 5) Financial Capability. Provide a) Offeror's Annual Report. b) Letter from the subcontractors bonding company setting out the limits provided to the Offeror. 6) Quality Program. a) Copy of the table of contents for the Offeror's Quality Assurance Program (QAP) and b) Original certification that the Offeror's QAP meets the requirements of DOE Order 414.1 and 10 CFR 830.120, and NQA-1, as applicable. 7) Labor Relations. Provide documentation that the Offeror has labor relations experience in either a union or a non-union environment. Also provide the resume for the director of the Corporate Labor Relations department. 8) Support for Small and Small Disadvantaged Businesses. Provide documentation that substantiates Offeror's support of Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Businesses. (Small Business requirements will be identified with each solicitation and plans will be submitted at that time.) 9) References. Provide a list of all projects with a cost of $5,000,000 or greater that the Offeror has performed during the last two years. For each project listed provide a) name fax number, and telephone number of the client point of contact, b) dollar value, c) description of scope, d) contract type, dates of performance and for whom the work was performed. As solely determined by the Contractor, the omission or failure to correctly and satisfactorily respond or certify to any pre-qualification criterion as required above may result in the Offeror's elimination from further consideration. No other information, except as specified herein (i.e. cover letter addressing pre-qualification responses/certifications, e-mail address, and attachments) shall be included in Offerors pre-qualification submission. The pre-qualification submission is limited to 50 pages. An RFP will only be issued to the most qualified six (6) Offerors who are determined by the Contractor to be the most qualified based on the responses received in response to this pre-qualification announcement. Determination of most qualified will be at the sole discretion of the Contractor. Telephone calls will not be accepted. Any questions shall be submitted in writing to Mark R Lewis at the FAX number listed below by close of business October 28, 2000. Offeror's Pre-qualification submittals are due by 4:00 p.m. local Denver time on November 15, 2000. All pre-qualification submittals shall be sent to Mark R Lewis, Kaiser-Hill Company, L.L.C., Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Procurement, Building 850, 10808 Highway 93, Unite B, Golden, CO 80403-8200, faxed submittals will not be accepted. *****
- Record
- Loren Data Corp. 20001016/YSOL015.HTM (W-286 SN504209)
| Y - Construction of Structures and Facilities Index
Issue Index |
Created on October 12, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. --