Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 13, 2000
Contracting Office
USDI, Bureau of Reclamation, 125 South State Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1102.
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
December 1, 2000
Point of Contact
Contractual: Lee Ann Knapp, Contract Specialist at (801) 524-3665 or Contracting Officer, Richard E. Kerr, at (801) 524-3681. For technical questions contact Mark Wernke at (970) 248-0643 or Patrick Martinez at (970) 248-0684.
E-Mail Address
Lee Ann Knapp (lknapp@uc.usbr.gov)
The principal component of the work to be performed under these specifications include: Construct and complete Palisade Wasteway Pipeline which includes: removal of water from various parts of the work as required for construction of the different parts of work; clearing; grubbing; stripping topsoil; excavation and backfill; topsoil replacement; installation of 60-inch diameter pipe furnished by the Government; furnishing and laying 36-inch diameter pipe; and furnishing and placing riprap. Furnishing and placing waterstop, forming, furnishing and placing, and finishing cast-in-place concrete. Furnishing and installation of various types of metalwork. Preparation, painting, and coating of all exposed metalwork. Furnishing and installation of a 48-inch cast iron slide gate with a motorized lift and a 60-inch canal gate with a hand crank operator. The Two-step, Sealed Bidding Procedure, as prescribed by the FAR (Federal Acquisition Procurement Regulation, subpart 14.5), will be used for the acquisition of the work described in this solicitation. Step one: submittal of a technical proposal, of the offerors proposed construction plan, as described in Section M of the solicitation. Step two consists of the following: only those offerors whose technical proposals are acceptable will be invited to submit sealed bids on the solicitation. Typically plans shall include the following: The offeror's proposed methods and procedures for constructing highway and railroad crossing. The offeror's proposed methods and procedures for structure construction through areas of unsuitable foundation. The offeror's proposed methods and procedures for the removal and control of water (both surface and subsurface) for construction. The offeror's proposed methods and procedures to accomplish the construction within the right-of-way available for construction. The offeror's proposed equipment selection with some discussion on supporting the selection of equipment. The offeror's plan for winter (cold weather) construction. The proposal shall include details of the offeror's plan for complying with the specification requirements during cold weather construction as related to earthwork and concrete. The offeror's approach to borrow and waste area management and proposed sources for stabilization material and drainage gravel material. The offeror's proposed approach to subcontracting and control of activities of subcontractors with regard to safety, quality assurance, and overall job performance. The offeror's approach to meeting all environmental requirements in carrying out the work. The technical proposal should include details of the amount of resources (workers and equipment) that will be dedicated in accomplishing the work on schedule. The technical proposal shall include specific details regarding the offeror's and subcontractor's key personnel and corporate experiences. Bid, performance, and payment bonds will be required. All responsible sources may submit proposals which will be considered for award. Estimated price range of job falls in the step between $250,000.00 to $500,000.00. Work is under SIC Code 1629. Contract performance is to be complete in two schedules: Schedule 1 -- 3/20/01, Schedule 2 -- 7/15/01. All responsible sources may submit proposals which will be considered for award. This solicitation will be available in hard paper copy only approximately November 1, 2000. Cost for the solicitation set is $25.00. To obtain copies of the solicitation, you may pay by check or major credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) using one of the following methods: (1) To order by mail, send check (made out to the Bureau of Reclamation) and request in writing to the Bureau of Reclamation, Attention: UC-821, 125 South State Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, UT 84138-1102. (2) To order by credit card, call 801-524-3634 (Connie Bybee) or send e-mail to cbybee@uc.usbr.gov. If you would like the package shipped to you by overnight mail, include your Federal Express mail account number. Solicitations can also be picked up at Room 7223. NO REFUNDS ON SOLICITATIONS ONCE PURCHASED. REFER TO THE NAME AND SOLICITATION NUMBER IN YOUR REQUESTS. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT ALL RESPONSES WILL BE REQUIRED BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 1, 2000, 4:30 p.m. Send responses to: Bureau of Reclamation, Attention: UC-846, 125 South State Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84138-1147. A SITE VISIT IS PLANNED ON NOVEMBER 14, 2000. Parties interested in observing the work site should meet no later than 10:00 a.m. at the Bureau of Reclamation Grand Junction Office, 2764 Compass Drive, Grand Junction, Colorado. Point of contact for site visit is Patrick Martinez at (970) 248-0684.
Web Link
Acquisition Office, Upper Colorado Region, Bureau of (http://www.uc.usbr.gov/acq/index.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20001017/YSOL003.HTM (W-287 SN5042Y5)

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Created on October 13, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com