Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 19, 2000
Contracting Office
U.S. Postal Service, Headquarters Purchasing, Room 4541, 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW., Washington, DC 20260-6230
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Employee Internet Connectivity
Response Due
November 6, 2000
Point of Contact
Carol Fagnani, Contracting Officer, email: cfagnan1@email.usps.gov Note last character of email name is the number one.
E-Mail Address
Contact contracting officer via email. (cfagnan1@email.usps.gov)
The U. S. Postal Service (USPS) is conducting a pre-qualification to select the best providers capable of providing to all USPS employees hardware systems (Intel chip or equivalent), Internet Service Provider (ISP) via dial up connectivity (either via local number or 800 number access), a Virtual Private Network connectivity to access the internet and USPS intranet, and customer and program management support. The Employee Internet Connectivity Program (herein called Program) while sponsored by the USPS on behalf of its employees, will be at no cost/liability to the USPS. The USPS will provide no direct funding support for the program and makes no minimum guarantees. Providers will cover their entire costs from fees charged directly to the USPS employees or for revenues generated from its provider/advertisers for internet advertisements on the ISP provided home pages directed at the USPS employee population. The USPS employee population, estimated at 800,000, is geographically diverse including Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and US territories. The USPS assumes that the provider will utilize the large, economically attractive, USPS employee population, to help support the costs of their proposed program, and to obtain a reasonable return. The USPS encourages the provider to offer services and products that help defray the costs of the Program so long as they are consistent with overall Program's objectives and USPS interests. The USPS will actively promote and sponsor this program but participation is voluntary. The provider must provide at their expense, the ISP connectivity to all employees in all USPS geographic locations with Virtual Private Network client access from the employee to the USPS intranet portal, all ISP/VPN software, customer service support, program management support, and develop and maintain a home page portal with integrated USPS. The provider may charge the employee fees for the base hardware system and other optional forms of service e.g. DSL, hardware and software upgrades etc. The USPS expects that the providers will charge the lowest possible fees (e.g., $12/month) for the base system to make it affordable to all USPS employees. The period of performance is estimated at three years minimum. Providers are to provide a program management office to support ordering, problem resolution, warranty and technical support. It is expected that systems must be shipped through the USPS mail stream and delivery will occur not later than 30 days from point of order. It is expected that USPS will supplement the provider program with its own internal program management function and will work with the provider to make the program successful for all USPS employees. The provider is required to ensure that individual employee privacy and security of sensitive information is protected and safeguarded. The USPS seeks to pre qualify a limited number of the providers who it feels can best meet the needs of USPS employees as defined under this program. The sole determination is based on best value for USPS employees. Note this is not a USPS procurement and USPS procurement regulations and processes do not apply. Not all providers, who appear to meet the minimum qualifications may be selected to participate in the next phase, which is USPS issuance of a Request for Agreement and pilot program. The provider must be willing to market the program to USPS employees at their expense. This includes participation in a USPS sponsored employee trade fairs at USPS locations and the development of marketing materials, brochures and employee mailings, for the pilot phase of the effort and during national program rollout. Upon the USPS entering into an Agreement with a provider(s), the provider(s) may be eligible to participate in the next phase which is a Pilot of the Program (up to 1000 systems delivered to USPS employees for a 30 day free trial/pilot program). The purpose of the pilot is for USPS to determine which provider(s) may be eligible to participate in the last phase, which is full Deployment of the Program to all USPS employees. The USPS intends for the provider(s) determination of eligibility for each phase to be competitive, fair and equitable in accordance with the program requirements and objectives. The key evaluation factors that will be considered to pre qualify providers are: Mandatory requirements: 1. Connection to USPS Internet/Intranet Portal The provider(s) demonstrated capability to quickly (30 days) build and maintain at no cost to USPS a USPS employee home screen access portal. The portal will be of provider(s) design but must provide space for the integration of USPS provided internet/intranet and e-space content offerings. One of the key requirements will be that the ISP/portal must link employees via a USPS established secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) to allow access to the USPS intranet content and employee content offerings. USPS perception and acceptance of the provider(s) portal design and content will be a key criteria in determining the selection of the national provider(s). 2. Internet Access Provider The providers demonstrated capability to offer USPS employees free, without condition, employee access to the internet and USPS intranet via a nationally available ISP provider(s). The provider(s) must at a minimum offer dial up access via standard telephone connection, the provider(s) may offer additional connection options on a charge basis. The choice of the ISP is the provider's, however, the ISP must have full customer help desk capability, and provide responsive, and reliable access to the internet for all USPS employees, from all locations. The access and help desk support must be 7 x 24 by 365. The USPS expects that in the event local toll free number access to the ISP point of service is not available, employees will be able to obtain access to a toll free access number. It is assumed that the software required to obtain ISP connectivity will be available free to employees and will work not on just provider supplied systems but on existing employee owned systems, which are capable of running Windows 95, 98 or 2000 operating systems. Further it is assumed that the software distribution and load process will be easy, user friendly, and will be fully supported by the provider. The software provided must support VPN connectivity to USPS intranet applications. The provider must provide all ISP clients with software which can easily be loaded to ensure that they are running Win 95 with Dial Up Networking (DUN) of at least 1.3, Win 98, or Win 2000. The Win 95 and Win 98 must have the Windows DS Client.exe add-on installed (a Win2000 add on). IE V5 or IE V5.01. (because of the problems with 5.1 and 5.5 not supporting dynamic proxying). The provider is expected to provide full on line support for the installation and trouble diagnosis of all software provided under this program. The USPS understands that the provider may subsidize access to this service via use of subscriber banner ads or other means. These are acceptable, so long as the employee access to the basic internet service is not unduly affected, and that individual employee privacy and security of employee internet access choices is maintained. Employee perception of the ease of internet access, quality of the providers support, speed and reliability of the ISP access will be very important and is a key criteria for selection as the national provider(s). 3. Base System Requirements The provider must have the capability to offer employee's the option of purchasing an Intel chip or compatible personal computer system(s) desktop or laptop at the lowest possible cost. The USPS expects that pricing for said system(s) would be included in the providers pre qualification submission and that such pricing would not be exceeded if the provider is selected as one of the national providers. The minimum system configuration requirements are: Intel 566 MHz Intel Celeron or equivalent (compatible) processor Windows 98 or Windows 2000 operating system 8 GB Hard Drive 64 MB RAM 40x CD ROM 56k Modem 15" .28 pitch color Monitor Speakers and mouse Color inkjet printer (dual cartridge) 1 year on site warranty available on base system configuration, Monday to Friday 8am to 8 pm in each time zone, on all USPS business days. On site service must be available next business day for calls placed by 8 pm the previous day. Years 2 and 3, must have a return to factory service on base system configuration and integrated components. Years 1 through 3, must have toll free telephone support. Shipping cost included via USPS mail stream at provider's expense. Over the life of the program the provider must at minimum maintain and refresh the base configuration to reflect market place technical currency. These substitutions for the current configuration must be the same or better such that any technology at the same or lower cost (in accordance with the providers proposal). The provider is encouraged to offer the basic system at the lowest possible monthly cost to ensure the broadest possible adoption for those who do not have current Internet access. The provider is at liberty to offer more than one system solution and is encouraged to offer other systems, and peripherals, memory options, software upgrades, software programs, additional warranty and other support services in the base price system or additional cost. The employee perception and acceptance of the system offerings, along with costs, will be a key criteria for the selection of the national provider(s). The provider(s) must demonstrate that they are capable of delivering at least the minimum system indicated above at a rate of 50,000 systems per month during the national program rollout systems must be delivered not later than 30 calendar days from point of order. 4. The provider must have a plan for USPS employees to finance and or pay for the system on a monthly basis. The desire is to make the system as affordable for USPS employees as possible. The cost and means of financing the systems provided are the choice of the provider. The provider(s) is responsible for determining the creditworthiness of the employees it provides financing to. 5. The provider must be willing to assume the responsibility for safe shipment of the system to the customer through the USPS mail stream. Responsibility for loss or damage of uninsured mail falls to the shipper/customer to resolve. The USPS will work with the provider(s) to assist them in understanding how to best prepare and ship systems through the USPS mail stream to ensure the best possible transmission and costs. 6. Program Management Support The provider(s) must be willing to supply a program management office, at no cost, to support the program during the pilot test and the national program rollout. The program management support will include, a single toll free number for order placement, order status, information and customer support/problem resolution for any and all provided program content. The provider(s) must make customer access for purposes of order placement, Frequently Asked Questions, order status, technical problem diagnosis and support, and hardware warranty support, easy to use and responsive. The provider(s) may couple this support with an internet portal support offering. The program office itself must provide this support at a minimum from 8am to 8pm in each USPS time zone served, Monday through Friday on all USPS business days. Full customer technical support, hardware warranty support call placement, and order status must be available 7 x 24 by 365 either via the telephone and/or internet. The provider must be willing to market the program to USPS employees at their expense. This includes participation in a USPS sponsored employee trade fairs at USPS locations and the development of marketing materials, brochures and employee mailings, for the pilot phase of the effort and during national program rollout. A brief discussion of the provider marketing approach would be helpful. 7. USPS Liability The provider must understand and accept that the USPS assumes no financial or other liability for its employees relative to this program. The choice to participate in the program, while encouraged by the USPS, is voluntary. The employee must be viewed as any other commercial customer, with respect to their financial and other transactions. The provider(s) may assert normal remedies and commercial rights available to it in dealings with USPS employees 8. Employee Privacy The provider must understand and accept that the USPS asserts no ownership or control rights over records of registration, access or transmissions by employees through the provider(s) and/or the ISP. The Provider(s) must commit to ensuring the privacy and security of employees' information, and will be bound by the letter and spirit of the Provider's Privacy Policy, which must be easy to find, read, and understand. Commitment to customer privacy will be one of the factors considered in the selection of the national provider(s). The provider(s) working within the overall program guidelines will be responsible and liable for ensuring the privacy of the individual employee who participates in this program. The provider(s) will not support any monitoring of individual employee access to the world wide Internet, although it must cooperate with any authorized law enforcement activity to the extent required by law. The United States Postal Service will not under any circumstances, either directly or through a third party, access individual's Internet activities. This includes every type of activity such as email, web sites visits etc. This assurance is only from the perspective of the United States Postal Service and does not preclude the ISP from their normal activities. The USPS has no interest in obtaining information about individual employee access to internet sites and content. The USPS however, reserves the right to monitor and control, from a normal security perspective, use of and access to USPS intranet sites and systems, subject to USPS personnel policies, and public law. USPS intranet content shall be accessed through a secure VPN established by the USPS to which all client connections will be established and supported by the provider(s) and their selected ISP. A full disclosure of the provider's privacy policies and detailed description of how they intend to safeguard USPS employee privacy in accordance with the requirements above must be provided. 9. Financial Capability The provider(s) must demonstrate they are financially stable and have the financial resources and supply chain processes to deploy and support up to 800,000 systems and meet the other mandatory requirements. A full disclosure of the provider(s) financial capability, relationships with key provider/partners and demonstrated ability to support and delivery against the large and diverse USPS employee base must be included with their submission as indicated below. 10. Past Performance The USPS requires that the provider demonstrate that it has successfully performed against similar requirements, with large corporate customers (200K or more) in the past. The provider is required to submit reference contacts familiar with such past performance. Past performance against USPS contracts is an excellent predictor of future performance. Providers are required to submit references for past performance against any similar USPS contracts and note any performance problems. Providers should also submit information about performance or quality recognition and awards it has received for past performance against similar requirements. 11. Quality Assurance Program The provider must submit a comprehensive quality assurance plan and indicate if the results of any quality assurance audits, if they are ISO 900x certified, and any awards or recognition they have received for their quality assurance process. Desirable Requirements 12. The USPS prefers that the monthly cost, for the basic system configuration and internet access cost the employee, not exceed $12 per month on a monthly payment basis, for a period not to exceed 36 months. 13. The USPS prefers a system provided from a Tier 1 or 2 manufacturer, as defined by Gartner Group Tier rankings. (information available on request) 14. The USPS would like the provider(s) to offer additional forms of internet ISP connectivity, for an additional charge, such as DSL and cable modem access. 15. The USPS would like the provider(s) to offer a full range of additional system options, memory, software, and peripherals, warranty and support services ( to provide employee additional choices, included in the same base system price or at additional cost, in addition to the basic system/ISP solution). 16. The USPS would like the employee portal to be fully customizable by employees to reflect their possible areas/communities of interest, however, the USPS wants at a minimum access to USPS content to be available in some form. 17. The USPS desires the USPS employees to have access to services and products with special employee discounts provided. 18. The USPS encourages the content providers to offer USPS employees special rebates and other others that serve to reduce the cost of the basic system or the purchase of other offered services and products. Submission requirements are as follows: 1) providers shall submit a proposal that clearly demonstrates they have the experience to meet all of the mandatory evaluation factors listed above ; 2) providers shall provide three client references, for USPS verification, that demonstrates their experience in meeting all of the evaluation factors. For each of the provider's client references, the provider shall include the names, phone numbers, email addresses. Providers are to advise each client reference to expect a USPS email or phone call regarding past performance. Provider is state in its proposal whether they are providing the hardware or services directly or through a subcontractor(s). Subcontractors are to be identified by name and USPS may request additional information from the provider concerning its subcontractors. Total proposal is not to exceed 30 pages. Providers shall submit current financial statements (Balance and Income) for past two years, plus interim financial report less than six months old; and this financial information is not included in the 30 page limit. Any brochures or marketing data submitted will not be reviewed. Pre qualification submissions are due to Carol Fagnani, at United States Postal Service, Information Technology Purchasing, 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Room 4541, Washington, DC 20260-6238 by November 6, 2000 by 11:00a.m. local Washington, DC time. Submissions are to be submitted with one signed original and four copies, along with a completely labeled disk with their proposal. Providers are to use USPS mail services when submitting their proposal. Any questions must be submitted via email.
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Created on October 19, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com