Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 25, 2000
Contracting Office
General Services Administration, Sales (7FMP), 819 Taylor Street, Room 7A07, Fort Worth, Texas 76102
ZIP Code
Response Due
November 15, 2000
Point of Contact
Sharon Olivas 817-978-8611
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the Contracting Officer via (Sharon.Olivas@gsa.gov)
U.S. GOVERNMENT AUCTION -- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC- EVERYONE WELCOME GENERAL SERVICES COMMISSION SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2000 -- 9:30AM Items consisting of Cranes, Trucks, Wire Cable, Pumps, Engines, Welders, Forklifts, Air Compressors, Kitchen Equipment, Containers, File Safes, Generators, Tractors, Vans, Electric Motors, Life Rafts, Road Grader, Medical Equipment, Computer Equipment, Tools, and many other items will be sold by the General Services Administration on Wednesday, November 15, 2000, beginning at 9:30am. The auction will be held at the General Services Commission, 2103 Ackerman Road, San Antonio, Texas. The sale is open to the public. Items are located at the sale site. Inspection will be November 8-10 and November 13-14, 2000 from 8am to 4pm and on the morning of the sale, November 15, 2000 from 8am to 9am. Sale information and catalogs are available at the sale site. Items will be sold competitively to the highest bidder. Items will be sold in numberical order as listed in the sales catalog. Payments can be made with cash, cashier's check, money orders, or other guaranteed instruments. MasterCard, VISA, Discover, Private Issue, Bravo and American Express credit cards will be accepted with an approval from the issuing bank. Personal or Business checks must be accompanied by an approved bank letter of guarantee, sample bank letters are available in the sale catalog or by calling the GSA Sales office at 1-800-495-1276. GSA employees and individuals under the age of 18 are not eligible to participate. For additional sales information or directions, please call 210-661-2381.
Web Link
Click here to download a copy of the IFB (http://www/fss/gsa.gov/property/forsale)
Loren Data Corp. 20001027/SUMSC002.HTM (W-299 SN5051R7)

SU - Surplus Property Sales Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on October 25, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com