Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 20, 2000
Contracting Office
EFA Chesapeake, Washington Navy Yard, Building 212, 1314 Harwood Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20374-5018
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
December 15, 2000
Point of Contact
David H. Dickens, Contract Specialist 202-685-3191
E-Mail Address
INQUIRES ONLY (dickensdh@efaches.navfac .navy.mil)
Solicitation Number is hereby CHANGED from N62477-98-R-0082 TO N62477-98-R-0042. This procurement is unrestricted. This Design Build Project will be acquired through the use of a Two Phase Selection process. The procurement will be conducted using source selection procedures. Award will be based on best value to the government considering the price and non-priced factors, which will be sited in the solicitation. The Nano Science Laboratory (P-050) at the Naval Research Laboratory Center in Washington, DC is a proposed maximum 2,325gross square meter (25,000sq. ft.) building providing a state of the art nanoscience laboratory to support the Navy's on going research in the emerging field of man-made materials at the atomic and molecular levels. The building will house state-of-the-art clean rooms in a ballroom configuration, quiet and ultra quiet measurement facilities. A portion of the building is dedicated to mechanical space that supports the laboratories. The proposed building will be connected to adjacent Building 207 by an enclosed walkway. The laboratory shall provide a high quality of life for the scientists, provide energy and water efficient mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, provide durable low maintenance finishes, include and promote sustainable design features, and provide an aesthetically pleasing, progressive image. The architecture and exterior appearance shall closely match the established architecture character of the surrounding building. The structural requirements for the building are very stringent due to the need for strict noise and vibration control. Lateral wind and seismic loads will be resisted by moment-frame action of the cast-in-place concrete columns and slabs. No shear walls or other bracing systems that would potentially interfere with future re-configurations of the lab areas will be required. The slab-on-grade must be completely isolated from the walls, columns, foundations, etc. and will be divided into separate areas with full isolation joints for vibration concerns. All Quiet and Ultra quiet rooms must be individually isolated from the rest of the slab-on-grade. All mechanical rooms will be isolated around their perimeter. The mission of this facility is to provide high quality measurement and manipulation of material is demanding sources of noise in the building (acoustic, vibration, electromagnetic, temperature fluctuation, humidity fluctuation, particles, molecular airborne contaminants) are a major problem. The rapid progress in nanoscience also guarantees rapidly changing demands on the building; its adaptation must be relatively easy and inexpensive. An attractive building, enhancing quality of life, is also desirable. Phase I responses shall include written information submitted in three ring binders and formatted as follows: PAST PERFORMANCE 1. Past performance of both the construction contractor and the designer shall be evaluated. As past performance is the single most reliable predictor of future performance the Government shall evaluate the quality of each offerors past performance. This assessment will include: The offerors record of conforming to statements of work or specifications and standards of good workmanship Administrative and subcontractor management aspects of performance The offeror's control of costs including costs incurred for changed work The offeror's reputation for reasonable and cooperative behavior and overall concerns for the client. This assessment will be utilized as follows: a) The assessment of an offeror's past performance will be used as one means of evaluating the credibility of the offerors technical/management proposal. A record of less than satisfactory performance may be an indication that the promises made by the offeror area less than reliable. b) The assessment of the offeror's past performance will be used as one means of evaluating he relative capability of the offeror and other competitors, therefore an offeror with an excellent record of past performance may be given a more favorable evaluation than another whose record is only satisfactory, even thought both may have an acceptable technical/management proposal. c) An offeror proposing as a joint venture may receive a neutral rating for past performance if a history of performance as a joint venture is not provided. Risk for performance may be elevated if an offeror lacks past performance with the proposed design agent. Past performance will be evaluated using the information required and provided under Factor 1-Design/Build Experience. The government will also draw from available CCAS and ACAS database reports and will consider other information obtained from other sources. The evaluation of past performance is a subjective assessment based on a consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances. The government will seek to determine whether the offeror has consistently demonstrated a commitment to customer satisfaction and timely delivery of quality goods and services at a fair and reasonable prices. This is a matter of judgement. Offerors will be given an opportunity to address unfavorable past performance information if the information is the determining factor in their non-selection for Phase II submission or being placed within the competitive range. The offeror's response, or lack thereof, will be taken into consideration. TECHNICAL/MANAGEMENT FACTOR 1-DESIGN/BUILD EXPERIENCE For the design/build team, the offeror shall provide: The name, address, point of contact and phone number for each entity The business relationship of the team (prime/subcontractor, joint venture, etc.) The offeror shall provide design/build project experience within the past five year, including: (a) Contract number, title, location (b) Name, telephone and facsimile numbers of the point of contact most familiar with the day-to-day performance of the work. (c) Contract type (fixed price, cost plus, GMP), (d) Original award amount and final contract value (e) Original completion date and final completion date The offeror shall provide most recent SF254 and SF255 for the design agent demonstrating their experience in designs similar in size and scope. Additionally the offeror shall provide the history and description of past projects of the design/build team or entity of a partnership that exemplify Sustainable Design practices. Offerors that demonstrate experience with sustainable design development may receive a more favorable rating. The Government considers similar design and construction experience to include: 1.) Knowledge of and familiarity with vibration (and associated acoustic) isolated facilities required for equipment to operate at the nanoscale. This type of equipment has vibration isolation specifications equivalent to that of a high quality electron microscope with a resolution of 40 nanometers or better. Atomic resolution scanning electron microscopes, atomic resolution transmission electron microscopes, atomic resolution scanning tunneling microscopes, scanning auger microprobes, atomic scale electron beam lithography tools, atomic force microscopes and sub-micron pattern aligners also operate at this level. 2.) New facilities achieving class 100 clean room performance or better for research studies or for semiconductor device/circuit type processing. 3.) Electromagnetic isolation and shielding. 4.) Facilities capable of handling toxic chemicals and gases. TECHNICAL/MANAGEMENT FACTOR 2-PROJECT TEAM AND CAPABILITES The offeror shall provide the resumes of the proposed key design and construction individuals. At a minimum: Provide the resume for the project manager, superintendent, Quality Control manager, safety manager and each key design individual assigned to this project which should indicate the qualifications and degree of experience. Offerors should indicate whether any of these individuals were assigned to any projects referenced under Technical/Management Factor 1. Offerors should indicate a positive commitment to the availability of these key individuals for participation on this project. Provide an 8 " x 11" organizational chart which clearly shows lines of authority and dedication for both the design and construction phases of this project. The offerors shall provide information on bonding capabilities to include single project limit, available capacity and the surety's name, point of contact and phone number (e-mail address if available). Following the evaluation of Phase I submissions, the Contracting Officer may determine the number of offers that might otherwise be included in the competition exceeds the number by which an efficient competition can be conducted. Potential offerors are hereby notified that the Government expects no greater than a maximum number of fiver offerors will be invited to participate in Phase II and anticipates a sufficient number of competitors to be three.. RESPONSES TO PHASE I SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN AN ORIGINAL AND FIVE COPES, AND ARE DUE AT THE OFFICE OF THE ENGINEERING FIELD ACTIVITY CHESAPEAKE, 1314 HARWOOD STREET SE (BUILDING 212, THIRD FLOOR, CONTRACTS DEPT). SUBMISSIONS MUST BE DATE STAMPED AND RECEIVED BY 2:PM ON 15 DECEMBER 2000. Phase II of the source selection process will be conducted with only those offerors considered most highly qualified following the Phase I evaluations. Notification of this decision will be promptly provided to all firms submitting a response to this announcement. Those firms selected to participate in Phase II will be provided the solicitation package, attend a preproposal conference and submit proposals responding to Phase II Factors. The Government reserves the right, and the solicitation may require, oral presentations of Phase II responses. Offerors competing under Phase II shall be required to submit a written technical proposal that addresses factors that may include: (1) Design solution-containing basis of design report and specific plans. (2) Sustainable design features. (3) Project schedule. (4) Small and small disadvantaged subcontracting efforts. Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to David H. Dickens, Contract Specialist, phone 202-685-3191 (e-mail DICKENSDH@EFACHES.NAVFAC.NAVY.MIL)
Loren Data Corp. 20001122/YSOL003.HTM (W-325 SN5070M5)

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Created on November 20, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com