Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 29, 2000
Contracting Office
Defense Supply Service-Washington, 5200 Army Pentagon, Rm. 1D245, Washington, DC 20310-5200
ZIP Code
Response Due
December 11, 2000
Point of Contact
LT. COL Lon Stonebraker 703-588-8955
E-Mail Address
ERROR -- (lon.stonebraker@pentagon.af.mil)
ROYAL SAUDI AIR FORCE STAFF PLANNING SUPPORT STATEMENT OF WORK 1. PURPOSE a. The purpose of this Statement of Work (SOW) is to document a comprehensive statement of the services to be provided by the contractor for staff planning support for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programs. b. The contractor assists HQ RSAF and the Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs, Saudi Arabia Division (SAF/IARS) on RSAF FMS programs. The contractor works primarily with personnel of SAF/IARS and is principally located in the Washington DC Metropolitan area. The contractor supports other USAF organizations, US government agencies, and activities designated by SAF/IARS and the RSAF through SAF/IARS. 2. CONTRACTOR TASKS a. The tasks are divided into two broad categories: management assistance and analytical. b. Management Assistance tasks include services in support of offices implementing the RSAF FMS program in the Washington DC Metropolitan area; San Antonio, Texas; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Dayton, Ohio. (1). In the Washington DC metropolitan area, the contractor will: a). Assist the Defense Logistics Agency at Fort Belvoir, Virginia with FMS policy issues as well as monitor and track spare parts purchased by the RSAF. b). Assist the RSAF Air Attach 's offices in Georgetown fulfill its role as FMS liaison. c). Assist SAF/IARS in its Rosslyn, Virginia office in FMS administrative and data automation tasks. The FMS administration tasks include maintaining a list of POCs throughout the Saudi FMS community, updating an FMS master case listing, and updating a list of RSAF FMS acronyms. (2). In San Antonio, Texas, the contractor will: a). Assist the Air Force Security Assistance Training squadron at Randolph AFB, Texas in its role as USAF POC for formal training services offered to the RSAF. b). Assist the Defense Language Institute at Lackland AFB, Texas in its mission of providing formal training to RSAF students in CONUS. (3). In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the contractor will: a). Assist the USAF Engine SPO provide oversight of management of the RSAF's FMS engine inventory. (4). In Dayton, Ohio, the contractor will: a). Assist the Air Force Security Assistance Command (AFSAC) provide oversight of the RSAF logistical and follow-on support efforts. c. The contractor will provide analytical services based on direct interface with and support to SAF/IARS and RSAF counterparts. These analytical tasks include the following activities: (1). Define, track, analyze, report and advise on major aspects of current and future RSAF FMS programs from requirement through FMS case closure or satisfaction of the RSAF requirement. (2). Participate in meetings, reviews, surveys, studies and conferences as requested by the RSAF, USAF implementing agencies and supporting commands, and approved by SAF/IARS. (3). Monitor USAF FMS information management systems, through frequent interface with USAF or joint organization counterparts. These systems include the Defense Security Assistance Management System, the Defense Finance and Accounting System, and the Security Assistance Management Information System (SAMIS). Identify potential issues that may affect RSAF FMS program support and notify the appropriate USG and RSAF counterpart of potential problems and provide alternative solutions. Highlight key issues in regular reports to RSAF counterparts. (4). Prepare appropriate products in paper and/or electronic format for RSAF project tracking, program status monitoring and reporting and support of SAF/IARS briefings. (5). Be knowledgeable of program management actions and current issues. These will be summarized and provided to the RSAF Director of Programs in the following reports, monthly, or as requested: a.). The Commander's Report: An executive level document that provides the RSAF commander with a summary of the current status of the RSAF FMS program. The report includes the status and milestone for major acquisition programs, significant issues impacting the RSAF FMS program, meetings scheduled with potential general officer level participation, current-year budget status, status of releasability requests, a training summary, and a financial summary. Other information can be added as requested by the RSAF Commander or SAF/IARS. b). Munitions and CAD/PAD Tracking Summary: A report by weapon, FMS case Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) date, quantity, unit cost, required date, notice of availability (NOA) date, date shipped, quantity shipped, and status remarks. Provide status of RSAF cases containing CAD/PAD items. Include status of requisitions from date of receipt into the SAMIS system through shipment by the freight forwarder. Also show items shipped by the Source of Supply or the Freight Forwarder and awaiting confirmation of receipt by the RSAF and items delinquent or awaiting RSAF confirmation of receipt over six months. (Developed at Dayton, Ohio) c). Training Projections Report and CONUS Training Summary: List of RSAF CONUS training status and projections. The data will include personnel information with training received, training location, training dates and course cost. Additionally, report will include financial data reflecting cost and lines of training by calendar year. d.). Supply Report: Data and analysis of how the DoD Logistics System is supporting the RSAF. Depict performance trend charts and descriptive data to illustrate this supply report. Include special interest items, current problems, and synopsis of articles published in professional logistics periodicals. e). LOA/Amendment Status Report: Status of each LOA. Include active cases closed during month, cases/lines implemented, tables reflecting latest case Amendment/Modifications, cases to be reviewed for near term actions, LOA cases submitted in-Kingdom for approval, in review for supply complete, and in the closure process. f). Master Case Report and Case Change Record: A record for each lead and subcase line. Each record will include planned and actual milestone dates to allow suspensing and tracking of the case life cycle from initial receipt of the Letter of Request (LOR) through case closure. Each record will include original and current case values and uncommitted values. The record will be structured to provide information needed in a case database so information can be retrieved to support program management needs. A record will be maintained to show changes to each lead and subcase line. Each record will show the sequence number of the change, the type change, the planned or actual date of the change, the new case values, the delta change value and a narrative explaining the change. d. Analytical tasks involving integration of USG and RSAF data into tools that assist the RSAF headquarters directorates perform planning, budgeting, and program management functions. The integration tasks include the following activities: (1). Development of a web-based enterprise portal that allows secure, dynamic data exchange between members of the USG and RSAF communities implementing FMS. This portal will use commercially available, off-the-shelf tools and provide a capability to share current information between databases within the FMS community. It will also provide common tools to organize this data into user-definable formats and reports. The RSAF/CC and SAF/IARS will have approval authority for their respective services for access to this portal. RSAF/CC and SAF/IARS will stipulate initial requirements and future changes to the design, layout or access. The contractor will work with the RSAF/CC's designated staff officer and SAF/IARS to schedule familiarization and on-the-job training for use of the secure enterprise portal. (2). At the heart of the enterprise is an integrated tool to assist the RSAF in its planning, budgeting, and program management tasks. The tool will update and link data already resident in six RSAF weapon system roadmaps and incorporate regular updates. The existing RSAF roadmaps depict 10-year acquisition strategies to sustain and enhance the RSAF's F-15C/D/S aircraft, E/KE/RE-3 aircraft, Command and Control systems, Munitions, Training, and Logistics programs. Projected cost and milestones for these future acquisitions are maintained in a database, used to build consolidated annual budget forecasts. The integrated tool will assist the RSAF to prioritize future acquisitions by linking weapon systems enhancements in a cohesive multi-year strategy to maintain three RSAF mission capabilities: air superiority, precision attack, and airlift. The list of acquisition and sustainment priorities supports development of the annual budget request to the Ministry of Defense and Aviation. The integrated tool will provide updated status of available obligation authority, list current forecasts for cost and schedules associated with future acquisitions, and provide a process for RSAF rank-ordering of priorities by demonstrating cost-benefit analyses. (3). The contractor will assist SAF/IARS in its role as leader of US/Saudi Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) analyzing the RSAF's mission capabilities. These IPTs provide a forum for RSAF and USAF planners to identify and assess alternative sustainment and enhancement strategies, including actions that will preserve and enhance interoperability with US forces and capabilities. 3. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIAL (GFM) The contractor will be furnished the following: a. The data, information, documentation, and DOD and U.S. Air Force standard publications necessary to fulfill the requirements of this SOW. b. Office space, furnishings, equipment, and telephone support for one contract employee at Randolph AFB, Texas, Lackland AFB, Texas, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, Defense Logistics Support Command at Ft Belvoir, Virginia, the Air Force Security Assistance Center at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio, and at 1500 Wilson Blvd in Rosslyn, Virginia. c. Arrange for access to USG facilities for required meetings and other functions. 4. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT In addition to the specific functions defined above, the contractor shall: a. Obtain appropriate security clearances for assigned personnel and facilities and safeguard information in accordance with DOD Industrial Security directives and controls of the USAF and RSAF. b. Obtain visas for SPF, Inc. and government personnel requested to travel to Saudi Arabia in support of SAF/IARS and the RSAF. c. Provide office space that allows the employees hired under this contract to meet with offices discussing FMS issues within the Washington DC metropolitan area within one and a half-hours of notification. d. Provide conference facilities with teleconferencing capabilties to support meetings with RSAF and USAF counterparts, with at least 72 hours notice from SAF/IARS. e. Provide support to the Air Attach : 1). The contractor may be required to provide or support the Air Attach 's office in providing limited transportation support for RSAF General Officers on official business in the Washington Metro area. 2). When approved by the RSAF commander and endorsed by SAF/IARS, issue checks in U.S. currency in support of the RSAF Air Attach 's FMS liaison mission. All funds expended must be spelled out in a letter of request signed by the RSAF Air Attach and endorsed by the Director of Programs. 3). Assist the RSAF Air Attach in contracting for and administering a commercial health care program for his staff. 4). Provide on-the-job training for one RSAF liaison officer to include orientation in security assistance processes and procedures, underlying regulatory information, management information systems, and use of the integrated planning tool. Based on the USAF Education with Industry model, the contractor will provide an end-of-tour summary with a recommendation as to the liaison officer's competency in the FMS process and issue a completion certificate. The contractor shall provide suitable office space, furnishing, computer equipment, telephone (for official business only), postage, document delivery, and administrative support to the RSAF liaison officer. f. Furnish telefax and copier capability at SAF/IARS, AFSAT/SR and other CONUS RSAF FMS program activities for USG/RSAF support in accomplishing this contract. 5. MAINTENANCE AND DISPOSITION OF RSAF CASE FILES The contractor shall maintain written and electronic copies of current RSAF case files that include program correspondence provided by SAF/IARS, and automate the data retrieval process. These files and any procedures and processes that may be developed to facilitate support under this contract shall be delivered to the USAF on conclusion of the contract. 6. CONTRACTOR TRAVEL The RSAF FMS programs are large, complex and dynamic, requiring contractor travel to discuss program status and reports. SAF/IARS, HQ RSAF or the contractor may initiate the requirement for travel. The contractor shall coordinate the requirements for each visit with SAF/IARS for approval, travel in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulation, and report the results of visits to SAF/IARS and RSAF through timely trip reports. 7. CONTRACTOR ADDITIONAL TASKS/SERVICES/REPORTS The contractor shall provide additional tasks/services/reports as requested by SAF/IARS and/or requested by the RSAF through SAF/IARS at no additional cost to the RSAF. In the event the additional tasks/services/reports interrupts or causes delays in the performance of previously assigned tasks, the contractor shall request SAF/IARS establish the order of precedence and perform accordingly. A separate contract line item in the amount of $100,000 shall be established to cover other directed services for which the contractor must acquire additional expertise.
Loren Data Corp. 20001201/LSOL001.HTM (W-334 SN5076J5)

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Created on November 25, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com