Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 30, 2000
Contracting Office
USTDA, 1621 N. Kent Street, Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22209-2131
ZIP Code
Response Due
January 12, 2001
Point of Contact
POC -- Evangela Kunene, USTDA, 1621 N. Kent Street, Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22209-2131, Tel: (703) 875-4357, Fax: (703) 875-4009
The Grantee invites submission of qualifications and proposal data (collectively referred to as the "Proposal") from interested U.S. firms which are qualified on the basis of experience and capability to develop a feasibility study for a greenfield airport project in the Chilean city of Temuco. Through preliminary studies, the MOP has determined that the existing Temuco Airport is constrained. Alternative sites for a new airport have been preliminarily evaluated by the MOP and the Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) and there is confidence that one of these sites can be developed to meet the long-term aviation demand in the Temuco region. The MOP wishes to fully evaluate the scenarios for development of a new airport facility. Temuco airport is currently served by Ladeco (owned and operated by LanChile) and Avant Airlines with aging B737-200 aircraft. Passenger activity levels were about 280,000 enplanements and deplanements in 1999. These numbers represent an impressive increase from the 1990 level of only 53,000 total passengers. The MOP and the DGAC estimate future passenger activity will reach 1,570,000 total passengers in 2020 and continue increasing to 3,237,000 total passengers by 2030, positive indications of the future demand to be accommodated by a new airport, and underscoring that the existing airport is considered constrained in its ability to meet the anticipated growth in demand. Positive indicators for the development of a new airport in Temuco include the economic base of Temuco and Region IX that support a population of some 775,000 persons employed in the textiles, agriculture, forestry, lumber and furniture industries. Tourism is also an important stimulus for both the region and the development of a new airport as the region attracts numerous visitors (both national and international) to its lakes and national forests. The new Lagos Government of Chile has placed an emphasis on improved transportation infrastructure to include rail (passenger and cargo), highways and airports. The majority of the projects are being developed for concession, the same model of development that will be used for the proposed Temuco Airport. As discussed above, the Ministry of Public Works and DGAC feels that the existing airport and facilities in Temuco are inadequate, particularly in light of the forecast passenger demand figures they have developed. The MOP has stated that it is their opinion that the existing facilities at Temuco, or lack thereof, has had a negative impact on growth in the region and simultaneously air travel and passenger use. Temuco is the capital city of Region IX in Chile and is the economic center of the region. The MOP has made the development of a new airport in Temuco a priority for the region and have tentatively begun to plan for a concession to be let by the fourth quarter of 2001 with eventual adjudication by the end of 2002 and implementation in 2003. The objective of the feasibility study is to provide the MOP with the refined market and demand forecasts and analyses necessary, and allow the MOP to better analyze the technical and financial perspectives of the project and the most appropriate concession structure, taking into account the realistic amortization period and range of subsidy that might be required to make the project viable for private investors. The proposed study will include detailed design standards for implementation of the project and enough detail to allow the MOP to finalize the project for concession. The US Trade & Development Agency's (TDA) Definitional Mission consultant, working with the MOP and based upon his knowledge of the sector and scale of project, developed a Terms of Reference (TOR) incorporating the above assumptions and the needs of the MOP. A summary of the specific tasks follows: Task 1 -- Data Collection; Task 2 -- Aviation Market Demand Forecasts; Task 3 -- Basic Airport Facilities, Cost, and Design Standards; Task 4 -- Existing Airport Valuation; Task 5 -- Adjacent Land Area Development; Task 6 -- Financial Model; Task 7 -- Opportunities for the Participation of U.S. Suppliers; Task 8 -- Findings and Recommendations; Task 9 -- Final Report (Meetings and Deliverables) The U.S. firm selected will be paid in U.S. dollars from a $222,000 grant to the Grantee from TDA. The total cost of the Feasibility Study is estimated at U.S. $252,000. The Contractor and/or its subcontractors must cover the remaining costs, or U.S. $30,000, to complete the full (TOR) for the Feasibility Study. A detailed Request for Proposals (RFP), which includes requirements for the Proposal, the (TOR), and a background definitional mission report are available from TDA, at 1621 N. Kent Street, Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22209-2131. Requests for the RFP should be faxed to the IRC, TDA at 703-875-4009. In the fax, please include your firm's name, contact person, address, and telephone number. Some firms have found that RFP materials sent by U.S. mail do not reach them in time for preparation of an adequate response. Firms that want TDA to use an overnight delivery service should include the name of the delivery service and your firm's account number in the request for the RFP. Firms that want to send a courier to TDA to retrieve the RFP should allow one hour after faxing the request to TDA before scheduling a pick-up. Please note that no telephone requests for the RFP will be honored. Please check your internal fax verification receipt. Because of the large number of RFP requests, TDA cannot respond to requests for fax verification. Requests for RFPs received before 4:00 PM will be mailed the same day. Requests received after 4:00 PM will be mailed the following day. Please check with your courier and/or mail room before calling TDA. Only U.S. firms and individuals may bid on this TDA financed activity. Interested firms, their subcontractors and employees of all participants must qualify under TDA's nationality requirements as of the due date for submission of qualifications and proposals and, if selected to carry out the TDA-financed activity, must continue to meet such requirements throughout the duration of the TDA-financed activity. All goods and services to be provided by the selected firm shall have their nationality, source and origin in the U.S. or host country. The U.S. firm may use subcontractors from the host country for up to 20 percent of the TDA grant amount. Details of TDA's nationality requirements and mandatory contract clauses are also included in the RFP. Interested U.S. firms should submit their Proposal in Spanish and English directly to the Grantee by 6:00 p.m., January 12, 2001 at the above address. Evaluation criteria for the Proposal are included in the RFP. Price will not be a factor in contractor selection, and therefore, cost proposals should NOT be submitted. The Grantee reserves the right to reject any and/or all Proposals. The Grantee also reserves the right to contract with the selected firm for subsequent work related to the project. The Grantee is not bound to pay for any costs associated with the preparation and submission of Proposals.
Loren Data Corp. 20001204/BSOL003.HTM (W-335 SN5077V5)

B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on November 30, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com