Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 30, 2000
Contracting Office
16th Contracting Squadron, 350 Tully Street, PO Box 9190, Hurlburt Field, FL 32544-9190
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
B.K. Stoeser, Contract Specialist Lt Col Steve Matechik, (benjamin.stoeser@hurlburt.af.mil (Contracting) or ideas@hurlburt.af.mil (Technical))
DESC: COMMAND AND CONTROL BATTLELAB OPERATIONAL CONCEPT DEMONSTRATIONS Category: Research and Development (Procurements) Date Posted: 30 Nov 00 Contact: 16th Contracting Squadron, 350 Tully Street, P.O. Box 9190, Hurlburt Field, FL 32544-9190 Synopsis: A _ COMMAND AND CONTROL BATTLELAB OPERATIONAL CONCEPT DEMONSTRATIONS Sol. Hurlburt 01-001. Contact B.K. Stoeser, Contract Specialist at (850) 884-3262. This is a Broad Agency announcement (BAA) identifiable as number BAA 01-001, Command and Control Battlelab Operational Concept Demonstrations. Requirements: The C2B invites concept demonstration papers with preliminary cost estimates on innovative Command and Control, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) concepts, products or mature technologies that will enhance C2 for the warfighter and senior leadership decision making. Technical Description: This BAA solicits innovative concept papers addressing near term innovative solutions to Air Force C2 needs. The focus areas for this BAA are: innovative approaches to multi-heterogeneous database access and retrieval; cross-database schema correlation and translation; knowledge generation visualization, in a Joint / Combined Air Operations Center (J/CAOC); decision and integrated logistics support tools; enhanced simulation, Distributed Mission Training (DMT) capabilities to reduce manpower and support efficiency of C2 exercises; and J/CAOC process support technologies. Scope: Submit concept papers proposing mature technology, concepts, doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures to improve C2 of aerospace forces and supports the USAF Core Competencies (Aerospace Superiority; Information Superiority; Global Attack; Precision Engagement; Rapid Global Mobility; and Agile Combat Support) as well as the Aerospace C2ISR Campaign Plan 2001. https://ac2isrc.acc.af.mil/warfighter/utilities/campaignplan Applications, databases, and interfaces should support an open architecture that allows simple integration and interaction with other C2ISR systems. Other Special Requirements: DO NOT SUBMIT PROPOSALS AT THIS TIME. ONLY CONCEPT PAPERS AND PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATES ARE TO BE SUBMITTED. Successful offerors must comply with the Privacy Act, AFI 37-132. (d) If offerors have received this BAA by sources other than the Air Force Command and Control Battlelab (C2B), you are not guaranteed receipt of further information related to the C2B Program or this BAA document unless you register on the INTERNET address above. Additional information: Options are discouraged and unpriced options will not be considered for award. Offerors are requested to provide their Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Number and reference number (BAA 01-001) with their submissions. Proposal Preparation: Cost/Pricing proposals require submission of cost or pricing data on Standard form 1411. The cost of preparing information papers in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any other contract, but may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost in FAR 31.205-18. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will compete for contract award based upon their potential value to the government in fulfilling the requirements set forth in the BAA. That value will be determined using a combination of criteria including technical promise, affordability, technical alternatives and funding available, and of implementation if otherwise successful, and the government's confidence in the pursuit of the effort, the offeror's understanding of it, the offeror's corporate experience (including past performance). Technical consideration will be given greater weight than cost in the selection decision. No further evaluation criteria will be used in source selection. Technical and cost will be evaluated at the same time. Every effort will be made to protect the confidentiality of the concept paper and any evaluations. The submitter must mark the concept paper with a protective legend IAW FAR 52.215-12. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or proposals are not desired. Offerors are strongly encouraged to submit information papers in Microsoft Word 97 format (not to exceed three (3) pages) to ideas@hurlburt.af.mil and to benjamin.stoeser@hurlburt.af.mil. However, if you do not have the capability of transmitting the concept paper electronically, submit three (3) copies of the information paper (not to exceed three (3) pages) on the proposed concept to: Command and Control Battlelab (C2B), ATTN: BAA 01-001, 238 Hartson St., Hurlburt Field, FL 32544-5200 or faxed to (850) 884-8232, C2B/BLX; (voice) (850) 884-8230. Concept papers in excess of four pages will be returned to the submitter for resubmission in accordance with the page limits. Use of a diagram or figure to depict the essence of the proposed demonstration is strongly encouraged. The concept paper shall be formatted as identified in BAA 01-001. For papers marked proprietary, the submitter shall submit a non-proprietary title and summary, not to exceed one (1) additional page. Each submitter may submit multiple concept papers, addressing different research areas. However, each concept paper must address only one concept. The purpose of the concept paper is to preclude effort on the part of a submitter whose proposed work is not of interest to the Government. Those offerors with concept papers found to be consistent with the intent of the BAA and of interest to the Government may be invited to submit a complete technical and cost proposal. An invitation based upon a submitted concept paper does not assure that the submitting organization will be awarded a subsequent contract. Size Status: The appropriate NAISC for this acquisition is 541710 with a size standard of $5 Million. Firms responded must indicate whether or not they are a small business, small disadvantaged business, a woman-owned, or a veteran owned business. Award information: Multiple awards are anticipated. While no parts of this requirement lend themselves to being severed for set-aside to Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, or historically Black Colleges and Universities or Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI), the Air Force reserves the right to consider a small business set-aside based on responses hereto. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs) are encouraged to apply. Preferred Type of Contract: Cost Plus Fixed Price (CPFF). Security Requirements: Analysis capability, to include personnel and computer facilities cleared to Top Secret (SCI) may be required. In such instances responding firms must have, or acquire prior to award of contract, appropriate security clearances. The security guide applicable to this BAA announcement will be provided on a case-by-case basis prior to negotiation. Notice to Foreign Owned Firms: Such firms are asked to immediately notify the Air Force point of contact, (HQ USAF/XOCW) upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Foreign contractors shall be aware that restrictions may apply which could preclude their participation in this acquisition. Contact Points: Questions on the objectives or preparation of the technical proposal should be addressed to Lt Col Steve Matechik, 238 Hartson St., Hurlburt Fld FL 32544-5200 Commercial (850) 884-8239, stepehen.matechik@hurlburt.af.mil. Questions related to contracting or cost issues should be directed to either B.K. Stoeser, 16CONS/LGCY, benjamin.stoeser@hurlburt.af.mil, Commercial: (850) 884-3262 or Merry Sargent-Green, 16CONS/LGCY, merry.green@hurlburt.af.mil, Commercial: (850) 884-1258. Offerors are advised that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the government to an award under this BAA.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest inforation about this (http://ac2isrc.acc.af.mil/warfighter/utilities/campaignplan )
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Created on November 30, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com