Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 6, 2000
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5160
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
December 6, 2000
Point of Contact
02612V, Ms. Valerie Mosqueira, 703-602-7707 ext 616
Broad Agency Announcement for a Slow Speed Synthetic Aperture Sonar Technology Demonstration The Program Executive Office for Mine Undersea Warfare (PEO(MUW)), Unmanned Undersea Vehicles Office (PMS403), Arlington, VA is soliciting new and innovative designs and concepts for a slow speed synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) system technology. The mission of the slow speed SAS is to provide long-range, high-resolution sonar imagery for clandestine minefield and area reconnaissance in support of submarine, battle group, and amphibious operations. The SAS sonar array and all processing hardware and software required to form well-focussed images may be completely integrated into an undersea vehicle. Potential transition platforms include the AN/BLQ-11 Long-term Mine Reconnaissance System (LMRS) and other slow speed Mine Warfare (MIW) and Special Operations Forces (SOF) undersea vehicles. The unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV) component of LMRS is a 21-inch diameter, torpedo tube launchable, autonomous vehicle. The slow speed SAS assembly will be a sensor on an undersea vehicle for area reconnaissance and the classification of bottom and close-close tethered mine-like objects. The slow speed SAS shall provide well-focussed (in the along-track and cross-track directions), shadowgraphic (high shadow contrast) images of mine-like targets and bottom topology at speeds between 1.5 meters/second (3 knots) and 3.5 meters/second (7 knots). The slow speed SAS should operate as close to the maximum theoretical range as possible (500 yards at 1.5 meters/second (3 knots) and 213 yards at 3.5 meters/second (7 knots).) The SAS assembly demonstration shall show real-time, automated, SAS image formation from acoustic data acquired onboard an undersea vehicle. The image formation process includes, but is not limited to transmission and reception of acoustic signals in an ocean environment, digitization, motion estimation and compensation, beamforming, autofocussing, image storage (onboard vehicle), and image display (post-mission). The SAS assembly may consist of at least two major subsystems. The array and recorder subsystem transmits, receives and stores acoustic signals onboard the undersea vehicle. The image formation processor (IFP) subsystem forms imagery in post processing, at a real-time rate or faster, from the acoustic data collected with the array and recorder subsystem. The proposed effort must address the scope in the performance specification for the slow speed SAS System dated 6 December 2000 posted at http://www.contracts.hq.navsea.navy.mil/infodoc/ Proposed effort must demonstrate the required performance through an in-water demonstration in a representative minefield in a variety of water depths and over a variety of bottom types, and at a couple of speeds no later than March 2002. The demonstration must include: motion compensation performance, real-time long range operation and auto-focusing performance. As a minimum, deliverables will consist of the following: a) The element-level data recorded from the demonstrations, b) The image data recorded. The image data should conform to National Imagery Transmission Format. c) A final report illustrating the demonstration system performance and suggested refinement for further demonstration or investigation. d) All hardware and software paid for under this BAA. The final deliverables of the contract, grant, cooperative agreement or other transaction, as appropriate must be provided no later than 30 days after the demonstration. This BAA will be open until 26 January 2001. Proposals may be submitted at any time within that period. Because the Navy desires an award no later than mid February 2001, early submission of proposals is encouraged. The Government reserves the right to select one or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement via a contract, grant, cooperative agreement or "other transaction". The value of the expected award is approximately $4,000,000 with a funding profile of FY01 75%, and FY02 25%. No award can be made without a proposal to perform a specific research effort within an estimated cost and time framework. The offeror selected to demonstrate their slow speed SAS technology may or may not eventually be selected to be the developer or production contractor for the SAS systems. Proposals should be submitted to the Cognizant Contracting Activity whose address is: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, ATTN: Code 02612V, Valerie Mosqueira 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22242-5160 Contracting Point-of-Contact is Valerie Mosqueira, telephone (703)602-7707 x616, facsimile (703)602-7023 and e-mail MosqueiraVJ@navsea.navy.mil. This synopsis constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) per FAR 6.102(d)(2)(i). Any contractors capable of satisfying the Government's needs are encouraged to participate. Award will result from a peer or scientific review. There will be no formal request for proposals (RFP) or other solicitation in regard to this announcement. Offerors may submit their proposal (9 paper copies and 1 electronic copy using Microsoft Office 97 or earlier) within the open period of this announcement. Offerors must be able to certify that they have an appropriate facility clearance to meet the security requirements of work proposed, and key personnel must be certified as holding an appropriate clearance. The Proposal shall consist of one Volume which shall provide the technical proposal, management approach and cost. Although length is not specified, succinct proposals are desired. The proposal cover shall include the following: (Insert Proposal Title) Proposal-Solicitation Number: N00024-01-R-6104 Submission Date: (insert date) (Insert Name and Mailing Address of Company or Organization submitting Proposal) (Insert Technical Point of Contact with telephone, fax, and e-mail address) Restriction on Disclosure and Use of Data per FAR 52.215-12 this proposal or quotation includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed -- in whole or in part -- for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal or quotation. If, however, a contract is awarded to this offeror as a result of -- or in connection with -- the submission of this data, the Government shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. This restriction does not limit the Government's right to use information contained in this data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction are contained on all pages. A. The Volume shall include the following sections, each starting on a new page: 1. A cover page, including proposal title, technical and administrative points-of-contact along with the telephone and facsimile numbers, and email addresses, followed by a letter signed by the authorized officer specifying the proposal validity period (at least 90 days). 2. A one-page overview of the proposed technologies and/or concepts as well as any innovative claims for the proposed research, and how they will contribute to SAS and achieve the objectives of their technology evaluation and demonstration; 3. A one-page summary of the deliverables including data rights associated with the proposed research. 4. A one-page summary of the schedule and milestones for the proposed research which can be traced to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). 5. A one-page WBS. 6. A succinct Statement of Work clearly detailing the scope and objectives of the work and, if any, specific offeror requirements. 7. Government Furnished Property a. If any portion of the research is predicated upon the use of Government-owned resources of any type, the offeror shall clearly identify: the resources required, the date the resource is required, the duration of the requirement, the source from which the resource may be acquired, if known, and the impact on the research if the resource is not provided. b. The contractor's proposed cost (Section B of the award) and the cost associated with the use of GFP (except for the GFP discussed in paragraph c below) should be included within the total estimated budget of approximately $4,000,000. The cost associated with the use of the GFP will be included in the evaluation of the proposed effort. The Government reserves the right to verify all quotes received for GFP. If the Offeror is unable to obtain a cost quote from a government agency in time for proposal submission, we reserve the right to unilaterally apply a cost estimate to the GFP. c. The use of a test range (Coastal Systems Station, Panama City, Florida), minefield and tracking data will be provided by the Government outside the evaluated cost of this award. All other costs for transportation and staffing for conducting the demonstration must be included within the evaluated cost. 8. Technical arguments that substantiate claims made in the overview (proposal section 2) and a technical approach description consistent with the deliverables and schedule (proposal sections 3 and 4). Technical arguments should also address any major risk areas. 9. A description of the results, products, and transferable technology expected from the contract. 10. A brief discussion of past performance detailing previous accomplishments and work in this or closely related research areas, previous costs and schedule performance, and the qualifications of the previous key personnel. 11. A brief discussion of current or future efforts your company plans to accomplish in this area or closely related research areas and costs associated and schedule performance. 12. Limitation of Data Rights -- Disclose any previously developed data associated with the proposed work, and/or any supplementary IR&D efforts coincident to the proposed effort to which the government will not be granted unlimited rights per DFAR 252.227-7017. The following statement shall be included in this section: "the Government shall be granted unlimited rights in the use and distribution of data delivered for work resulting from any contract awarded as a result of this proposal, except as listed below". If there are no limitations, "None" shall be clearly stated in the proposal. The data subject to this restriction are contained on all pages in Volume I of this proposal, excluding this Total Page. 13. Independent Research and Development (IRAD) Effort -- The Offeror shall identify any IRAD effort that will be incorporated into the SAS demonstration. Along with an explanation of the identified effort include cost associated with the IRAD work that is applicable to SAS. This information is to be used when determining if the proposed cost is realistic. 14. A brief discussion of the overall approach to the management of this effort, including brief discussions of total organization, use of personnel and their qualifications, project/function/subofferor relationships, technology transition plans, government research interfaces, and planning, scheduling, and control practices. 15. Cost & Fee Structure -- Provide a cost and fee summary, and a breakdown of cost for the effort. The proposed direct labor hours by WBS element shall be included, including direct labor rates for each category of labor proposed. Explain the derivation of material costs, if any. List all other costs (travel, consultant, licensing and so forth) and describe the basis for the estimate. Proposed overhead and G&A rates and amounts should be clearly stated in the proposal. Include the applicable DCAA and ACO point of contact and phone number. 16. Contract Type -- Offerors are invited to submit recommendations and comments on the type of agreement (contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or "other transaction") to be utilized for the proposed effort. This information will not be utilized as an award selection criterion, but may be used in structuring the award. B. Evaluation of Proposals: It is the Navy's intent that the proposals received in response to this BAA shall be evaluated by the SAS Evaluation Team (SET) that will consist of ONR, NAVSEA, NUWC, PMS403, PMS395 and NSWC. Evaluation of proposals will be based on the following criteria: To what degree does the proposed effort demonstrate technical understanding of the slow speed SAS requirements. Can the proposed effort be completed in time to support the demonstration schedule. Is there a high probability that the proposed effort will meet the objectives stated in the offeror's proposal. Does the proposed effort appear to be realistically achievable with the funds requested. To what degree will the benefits of the proposed effort be limited by restrictive data rights provisions or limited distribution of data. What has been the offeror's past performance in other SAS efforts, or high frequency imaging systems. These criteria are in descending order of importance for evaluation purposes with the first three being more important than the other evaluation criteria.
Loren Data Corp. 20001208/ASOL011.HTM (W-341 SN5082E6)

A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on December 6, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com