Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 21, 2000
Contracting Office
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, OIS-PMD, Suite 3-250, Washington, DC 20544
ZIP Code
The Administrative Office of the US Courts (AOUSC) intends to place a sole source order, through GSA Schedule contract (#GS-35F-0068L) to provide the judiciary with CIZER report generating and scheduling software. CIZER software is the only product known to meet architectural requirements and application reporting and form processing/scheduling functional requirements, and demonstrates the capability to create specific reports and forms from hyperlinks built into the Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System -- Electronic Case Management application. The report generating and scheduling software must meet ALL of the following mandatory requirements: 1) Server-based with only a Netscape 4.x browser required on the client. 2) Generates reports and forms based on Crystal 7.0 report templates and SQL queries based on an Informix 7.3 RDBMS. 3) Exports report data to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, HTML and PDF formats or print directly after viewing. 4) Provides for the selection of report parameters based on pick lists generated dynamically from tables in the Informix database. This will allow for parameter driven reports that can be run on an as-needed basis. 5) Schedules reports and queries through a GUI interface to allow for off-hours processing. 6) Emails reports to specific email addresses as file attachments or hyperlinks. 7) Restricts access to reports and queries based on PACTS-ECM Informix ID and password security. This report security mechanism needs to be integrated with the customized PACTS-ECM application security implementation (which uses user/group information stored in Informix tables) so after the user is authenticated in the PACTS-ECM application, they do not need to log in separately to run or view reports. 8) Accesses report parameter forms selections directly from hyperlinks built into the PACTS-ECM application. 9) Allows users to add textual information to forms after they are produced. 10) Allows "ad hoc" SQL queries directly against the PACTS-ECM database for use by people knowledgeable about the database structure. 11) Provides user-specific cascading HTML data-range prompting, driven by Informix SQL. 12) Provides user-controlled archived reports, scheduling, bursting, and delivery. 13) Delivers Report bursting capability based on user-specific Informix tables and fields. 14) Encrypted security, linking Java servlets to Netscape HTML pages. 15) Delivers single log-on capability supporting automatic integration with Unix Informix security. 16) Provides data access security filtering for HTML user prompts, reports, and Word Perfect macros. 17) Provides integration compability with Unix and Informix, Java servlets and server zones. 18) Fully supports Netscape versions 4 and later, with no client installation required. 19) Optimizes Informix SQL, supporting the matching of Informix syntax, and able to duplicate C-language data-set return constructs. 20) Provides server-based native support for WordPerfect and WordPerfect macros. 21) Provides server-based native support for Excel spreadsheets and formulas and charts. 22) Provides server-based native support for Access reports and parameters. 23) Provides server-based native support for Informix SQL with HTML-driven parameters. 24) Provides support for cc-mail and Lotus Notes. 25) Delivers zero client installation for both Users and Administrators; pure browser environment. 26) Supports dynamic Informix SQL optimization and replacement, on a keyword-by-keyword basis and on a clause-by-clause basis. 27) Supplies user upload mechanism for WordPerfect forms, Crystal reports, and Excel spreadsheets. 28) Supplies user-specific scheduling with business and holiday and end-of-month functionality. 29) Supports off-hours batch processing, bursting, and delivery to physical printers, to physical server directories, and to email addresses supporting both attachments and links. This notice of intent is not a request for competitive proposals. A request for proposal (RFP) is not available. A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed contract will be based on responses to this notice and is solely within the discretion of the Government. Information received will normally be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. If you determine that your company can meet the above requirements, please submit pricing information along with detailed functional and technical capabilities to the above address no later than 15 days after publication of this notice.
Loren Data Corp. 20001226/SPMSC003.HTM (W-356 SN509573)

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Created on December 21, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com