Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
January 5, 2001
Contracting Office
Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Attn: AM, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, MSC 6201, Fort Belvoir , VA 22060-6201
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Mary A. Bell, Contract Specialist (703) 767-7881 or Herbert A. Thompson, Jr. Contracting Officer (703) 767-7875
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contracting officer via (mary.bell@dtra.mil or herbert.thompson@dtra.mil)
This is a SOURCES SOUGHT SYNOPSIS. THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. REQUESTS FOR A SOLICITATION WILL NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE. The Government intends to release a "Draft" solicitation, to include any additional reference materials not later than 12 January 2001. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR)Program Office is seeking as many as five (5) integrating contractors who possess experience in the elimination of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) systems and facilities; the generation or use of necessary systems and procedures for managing, integrating, planning, organizing, reporting, and supporting various equipment, systems and teams to effect the safe and secure decommissioning, extraction, handling, storage, transport, operations, maintenance, logistics support, dismantlement, disposal, security, and accounting for such weapons systems and their related infrastructure and facilities in the following areas: Elimination of solid/liquid-fueled rockets and air-breathing weapons, bombers, submarines, and other platforms, disposal of the residual products and by-products of such systems, Elimination of WMD support infrastructure and production facilities to include chemical and biological capabilities, Storage and accounting for sensitive elements of these systems and their warheads which are to be retained, and Other future CTR related activities as authorized by Congress. The government intends to award up to five(5) indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contracts with a contract length of 5-years and award term options for 1-5 additional years. The total estimated ceiling value of the ID/IQ contract awards is estimated to be $5 billion. It is anticipated that successful offerors will each receive minimum awards of $500K. The competition will be restricted to U.S. companies, but the work will be performed in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and at other locations worldwide. In addition to multiple awards of ID/IQ contracts, this procurement will take advantage of best practices to include: Continuous government/contractor communication during the development of the solicitation and EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE INTERNET RATHER THAN MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY FOR DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION SUCH AS RELEASE OF RFP DRAFTS/FINAL, BACKGROUND REFERENCE INFORMATION, CONTRACTOR QUESTIONS AND GOVERNMENT ANSWERS The Government intends to release a "Draft" solicitation, to include any additional reference materials not later than 12 January 2001. "POTENTIAL OFFERORS ARE ENCOURAGED TO PROVIDE QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT DOCUMENTATION" VIA THE WEB SITE PROVIDED BELOW. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS ON THE "DRAFT" DOCUMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR A 30-DAY PERIOD." The Government anticipates the Draft documents will be revised no more than two (2) times prior to the release of the Final solicitation. Potential offerors with the requisite capabilities and experience to compete for this solicitation should register to access the website at http://www.dtra.mil/acq/acq_procopp.html and click on the link to the Cooperative Threat Reduction Integration Contracts (CTRIC) Information site. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) does not intend to host a Presolicitation Conference (Industry Day) for this requirement. In the event it is determined that an Industry Day is in the best interest of the project a February 21, 2001 date will be announced via the web site provided. Any information submitted by respondents to this synopsis is strictly voluntary. The Government will not pay for any information that is submitted by respondents to this SOURCES SOUGHT request. This synopsis neither constitutes a Request for Proposal, nor does it restrict the Government to an ultimate acquisition approach. This synopsis should not be construed as a commitment by the Government for any purpose.
Web Link
Click here to register for access to the CTRIC Web (http://www.dtra.mil/acq/acq_procopp.html )
Loren Data Corp. 20010109/YSOL006.HTM (W-005 SN50A202)

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Created on January 5, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com