Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
January 31, 2001
Contracting Office
National Defense Industrial Association, 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400, Arlington, Virginia 22201
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
click here to for POC Derek Jenks (djenks@ndia.org)
The 36th Annual Gun & Ammunition Symposium & Exhibition provides an international forum for the exchange of technical information and ideas, development plans and technology of present and future gun and ammunition systems and related integration technologies. The current environment for the worldwide defense establishment is characterized by reduced budgets, which in turn, dictate reduced force structures, reductions or delays in weapons development funding and reduced training tempo. The threat environment is characterized by multiple simultaneous regional conflicts which require smaller, flexible forces. At the same time, defense establishments must maintain the capability to engage in the more traditional major conflict which may threaten their national security. This combination of factors -- small regional conflicts, major conflict concerns and reduced funding -- challenges the user and development communities to maintain and even enhance the overall force effectiveness of this reduced force structure. In this restricted funding environment, the challenge to the user and development communities is to provide weapons systems which exhibit increased effectiveness, improved affordability, enhanced user friendliness, increased flexibility and multi-role capability and reduced support and maintenance loads. The challenge is a difficult, multi-faceted problem. Solutions must address this multiplicity of factors. The objective of this symposium is to provide a forum to present and discuss weapon system programs, investigations and technologies which offer the potential to enhance force effectiveness while, at the same time, fit within the tightened budget constraints. Understanding the environment and user needs is an increasingly important factor in defining parameters for system development and enhancement. As a special invitation, we encourage members of the worldwide user community to participate in the presentations for the purpose of communicating needs, shortfalls, initiatives and strategy factors for maintaining and enhancing force effectiveness. This conferenc will include various technical paper presentations that will be of great interest to any one involved in the topic of the conference. For more information or an agenda please contact Derek Jenks at djenks@ndia.org or go to the NDIA website at www.ndia.org.
Web Link
click here to go to the conference website (http://register.ndia.org/interview/register.ndia?~Brochure~159)
Loren Data Corp. 20010202/SPMSC008.HTM (W-031 SN50C3B4)

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Created on January 31, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com