Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
February 12, 2001
Contracting Office
USAED, Sacramento, Corps of Engineers, Attn: A-E Negotiations Section, 1325 J Street, Room 1079, Sacramento, CA 95814-2922
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
March 19, 2001
Point of Contact
Mr. Stanley Shibata, Unit Leader, A-E Negotiations Unit, (916) 557-7470
A-E services required may encompass all aspects of hydrologic and water management analysis for water resource public works projects and environmental restoration projects primarily in Northern and Central California but may also be within the Sacramento District's Civil Works area of responsibility (CA, NV, UT, CO, WY and parts of OR and ID), and areas within the South Pacific Division boundaries. The physiographic setting of the study area may be coastal, valley, or mountainous; the climate could be humid or arid. The projects may be in the pre-authorized phase or authorized by Congress to proceed to construction and may include any aspect of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Comprehensive Study. Services may also be used to support the Corps of Engineers (COE) during flood emergencies. A specific scope of work and services required will be issued with each task order. The end result of these studies/projects will be Hydrology Office Reports, technical appendices to Planning documents, and Water Control Manuals. The NAICS code is 541310 with business size standard of maximum $4 million of average annual receipts for its preceding 3 fiscal years. Products provided by the contractor in electronic digital format to the Government must be compatible with Intergraph MicroStation format Version 05.05 without conversion or reformatting, and on the target platform specified herein. The target platform is a Pentium with a Windows NT Version 4.0 or 2000 operating system. Advanced application software used in preparing drawings shall be delivered in Version 5.01 MicroStation electronic digital format. Drawings produced by scanning drawings of record or containing photographic images shall be delivered in a raster format compatible with the native Intergraph IRAS, Version 5, electronic digital format. Documents provided by the contractor to the Government must compatible with MS Word 2000 on the target platform. Spreadsheet products provided by the contractor to the Government must be compatible with Excel 2000 on the target platform. Rainfall runoff modeling done by the contractor for the Government must be performed using HEC-1 or HEC-HMS/GEOHMS. Flow-frequency analysis done by the contractor for the Government must be performed using HEC-FFA or HEC-WRC. Reservoir routings must be done in HEC-5 or HEC-RESSIM. Data provided to the Government must be provided in an HEC-DSS database, if the data type is appropriate for this utility. Geographic Information System (GIS) products provided by the contractor to the Government must be compatible with ARC/INFO 7.1.2 run on a Sun Ultra Sparc platform under Solaris contractor must have ARC/INFO GRID and TIN modeling capability. More than one firm will be selected from this announcement; at least two contracts will be awarded. One contract is set-aside for small business; the other is unrestricted and open to all interested parties regardless of business size. All small business firms responding MUST state in their response their intention to participate in the unrestricted contract as well as the small business set-aside contract. If a small business is silent on this issue, the small business will be considered only for the small business set-aside selection and will NOT be considered in the unrestricted selection. No one contractor will receive both awards. Since more than one contract will be awarded as a result of this announcement for the same or similar work, selection for task order awards will be made as follows: (1) All awardees will be given a fair opportunity to be considered for each task order award in excess of $2,500. (2) In making selection of the awardee to receive a specific task order, the Contracting Officer will consider past performance of previous task orders, quality of previous task orders, timeliness of previous task orders, cost control, the firm's strengths and previous experience in relation to the work requirements and geographic location described in the scope of work for each task order. Details of the selection process will be included in the resultant contracts. Firm, fixed-price indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contracts will be negotiated and the first is anticipated to be awarded in April 2001. All contracts awarded from this solicitation must be awarded no later than one year from the date that the responses to this synopsis are due. Each contract will be for a one-year period not-to-exceed $1,000,000 for the basic year and two one-year options not-to-exceed $1,000,000 each. Each task order will be for an amount not-to-exceed $1,000,000. The options may be exercised at the discretion of the Government. At the discretion of the Government, the option years may be exercised early if the Total Estimated Price is exhausted or nearly exhausted; any alteration in rate changes from one year to the next as negotiated into the contract will be negotiated as needed between the Government and the A-E. If the Total Estimated Price of the base year or any option year is not awarded within that year's 12-month performance period and the Government has elected to exercise a subsequent option year, the remaining unused dollar amount may be added on to the Total Estimated Price of the option period being exercised. However, the Total Estimated Price of the contract, all three years (if the Government elects to exercise both option years) will be exceed $3M. Task Orders shall not exceed the annual contract amount. The unrestricted selection is open to all firms regardless of size; the small business set-aside selection is open to all small business firms. All interested Architect-Engineers are reminded that in accordance with the provisions of PL 95-507, they will be expected to place subcontracts to the maximum practicable extent consistent with the efficient performance of the contract with small and small disadvantaged businesses. If a large business is selected, it must comply with FAR 52-219.9 regarding the requirement for a subcontracting plan on that part of the work it plans to subcontract. The recommended goal for the work intended to be subcontracted is 62% for small business. It further states that out of that 62% to small business, 10% is for small disadvantaged business (subset to small business) and 5% is for small business/woman owned (subset to small business). If a large business is selected for one of these contracts, the large business contractor will be required to submit a detailed subcontracting plan at a later date. If the selected firms submit a plan with lesser goals, they must submit written rationale of why the above goals were not met. A detailed plan is not required to be submitted with the SF 255; however, the plans to do so should be specified in Block 10 of the SF 255. Small business firms are required to comply with FAR 52.219-14 that states "at least 50 percent of the cost of contract performance incurred for personnel shall be expended for employees of the concern. All offerors, regardless of size, MUST, in their response, inform the Government of its business size relative to the NAICS Code and Size Standard (see above). 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Task orders to be issued under this contract may include collection, review, and evaluation/ analysis of hydrologic data. Analysis may include determining watershed physiography, rainfall-runoff relationships, hydrologic flood routing coefficients, flow-frequency analysis, flow-duration analysis, concurrent precipitation and flow, temporal and spatial distributions of rainfall, and/or determining wind-wave action. Additionally, reservoir optimization and systems optimization will be included. Work tasks may be principally either technical analysis or technical writing in nature. Technical writing assignments will consist of preparing reports and correspondence describing watershed characteristics, basic data compiled, hydrologic procedures used, study results, and reservoir regulation. Written materials may be in the form of Hydrology Office Reports, Survey Reports, Water Control Manuals, Post Flood Reports, or memoranda. Contractor will be responsible for obtaining independent technical review (ITR). If agreed, the ITR may be performed by the Corps. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: See Note 24 for general selection process. The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance. Criteria "a" through "d" are the primary selection criteria. Criteria "e" through "g" are secondary criteria and will only be used as "tie-breakers" among the highly qualified firms. a. Specialized experience and technical competence in hydrologic investigations following guidance presented in COE Engineering Memoranda (EM's), Engineering Regulations (ER's), and Engineering Circulars (EC's), including the following areas: (1) Flow-frequency analysis following WRC Bulletin 17B guidelines, including regional analysis and separation of snowmelt, cloudburst, and general rainstorm floods. Analysis may require evaluation of non-homogeneous flow data. (2) Rainfall-runoff modeling to develop hypothetical floods, and reproduce observed events. Analysis may include determining watershed physiography, hydrologic flood routing coefficients, concurrent precipitation and flow, loss rates, impervious areas, snowmelt, precipitation frequency, and the temporal and spatial distributions of rainfall. (3) Development of Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and Probable Maximum Floods (PMF) for dam spillway design. (4) Development of unregulated flow from gaged flow data, inflow records at existing flood control projects, diversion records, and streamflow routings. (5) Development of regulated frequency curves from regulation criteria, reservoir routings, and gaged flow data. (6) Flow-duration analysis and evaluation of environmental flow regimes. (7) Interior drainage and local flow analysis. (8) Development of evaporation, seasonal precipitation, and seasonal runoff volumes. (9) Sediment and debris yield estimates. (10) Determining wind-wave setup and runup for levee and dam design. (11) Perform field surveys to validate assumptions and ascertain actual physical characteristics of study area. (12) Risk-based analysis of Water Resources Projects to determine reliability and true exceedence. (13) Preparation of technical documents formatted to COE standards. (14) Development of Water Control Plans and Water Control Diagrams for single reservoirs and systems of reservoirs. (15) Development of reservoir sizing for flood control, water supply, and environmental enhancements. b. Past performance on Corps of Engineers and other contracts with respect to cost control, quality of work and compliance with performance schedules. c. Qualified professional personnel in the following key disciplines: civil engineer / hydraulic engineer / hydrologist specializing in hydrology, reservoir operations, and water management; GIS Specialist. The evaluation will consider education, training, registration, overall relevant experience and longevity with the firm. d. Capacity of the lead firm to accomplish work in the required time frame including professional qualifications of firms' staff and consultants to be assigned to the projects which are necessary for satisfactory performance in the required services and capacity to accomplish work in multiple locations. e. Location of the firm in the general geographical area of the Sacramento District office. f. Volume of DoD contract awards in the last 12 months as described below. g. Extent of participation of small business, small disadvantaged business, woman owned small business, historically black colleges and universities or minority institutions in the proposed contract team, measured as a percentage of the total estimated effort. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: See Note 24 for general submission requirements. Interested Architect-Engineer firms having the capabilities to perform this work are invited to submit ONE (1) completed SF 255 (11/92 edition) US Government Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project for themselves and ONE (1) completed SF 254 (11/92 edition) for themselves and one for each of their subcontractors to the office shown above, ATTN: A-E Negotiations Unit. In block 7 of the SF 255 provide resumes for all key team members, whether with the prime firm or a subcontractor; list specific project experience for key team members; and indicate the team members role on each listed project (i.e. project manager, design engineer, etc). In block 9 of the SF 255, responding firms must indicate the number and amount of fees awarded on DoD (Army, Navy, and Air Force) contracts during the 12 months prior to this notice, including change orders and supplemental agreements for the submitting office only. In block 10 of the SF 255, provide the quality management plan and organization chart for the proposed team. A task specific quality control plan must be prepared and approved by the Government for each task order as a condition of contract award, but is not required with this submission. Responses received by the close of business (4:30 pm) on the closing date will be considered for selection. If the closing date is a Saturday, Sunday or Federal holiday, the deadline is the close of business on the next business day. No other notification will be made and no further action is required. Solicitation packages are not provided for A-E contracts. This is not a request for proposals. All small business responsible sources (for the small business set aside selection) and all responsible sources (for the unrestricted selection) may submit the required SF 255 and SF 254 which shall be considered by the agency. Small businesses are reminded that if they do not make it clear that they want to be considered in the unrestricted selection, they will only be considered in the small business set aside selection. See numbered Notes 24 and 26.
Loren Data Corp. 20010214/CSOL008.HTM (W-043 SN50D4C2)

C - Architect and Engineering Services - Construction Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on February 12, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com