Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
February 14, 2001
Contracting Office
Defense Supply Service-Washington, 5200 Army Pentagon, Rm. 1D245, Washington, DC 20310-5200
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
James L. Murphy, 703/695-0747, Contracting Officer, Barbara S. McShea, 703/697-6030
E-Mail Address
mcshebs@hqda.army.mil (murphjl@hqda.army.mil)
The Defense Supply Service-Washington, on behalf of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (IL&E) is requesting services from private sector companies experienced in planning, developing and managing large-scale residential and commercial real estate projects. BACKGROUND: In February 1996, Public Law (P.L.) 104-106, Section 2801, the Military Housing Privatization Initiative was enacted. The law provides the Services with alternative authorities for construction and improvement of military housing facilities and operations. Utilizing the authority, the Army has established the Residential Communities Initiative (RCI). Under RCI, the Army will establish long-term business relationships with private sector developers for the purpose of improving military family housing communities. (MFHC). The Army will transfer land and convey family housing assets to the developer who will serve as the master community developer for the MFHC. The predominant source of financial return for the developer will be the revenue stream from military personnel housing allowances. The Army initially established four installations under the RCI program -- Forts Carson, Hood, Lewis and Meade. The Army has / will select "master developers" for each of these sites using a Request for Proposals (RFP) at Ft Carson, and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for the other three. The RFQ process, which will culminate in a Community Development and Management Plan (CDMP), will be tailored for each installation and a transfer of assets pursuant to the CDMP. Further, the Army intends to solicit up to sixteen more RCI sites over the Fiscal Years 2001-2005 timeframe using the RFQ procurement process. SCOPE: A key to success of the RCI is timely advice from private sector experts experienced in planning, developing, managing, and negotiating large-scale residential and commercial real estate projects including structuring transactions with the financial capital market and asset / financial management oversight. Practical experience gained through work as project principals must be infused into the Army's RCI process and execution of projects in order to attract the quality private sector participants to design and implement viable projects in conjunction with the Army. The contractor will provide advisory and assistance services relating to the management of the RCI program, negotiation of development contracts, and all aspects of business planning, development, and operations. Due to the novel nature of this project, it is not possible to enumerate all of the potential services required. The types of services currently anticipated include, but would not be limited to, assistance in the following areas: data collection, modeling business planning, a wide variety of analyses (including, but not limited to market, economic, demographic, organizational, process, policy, etc.), marketing, process improvement, due diligence, acquisition planning, development of source selection plans, training of source selection panels, technical and negotiating support for the developer agreements, asset / financial management, policy analysis, and related technical and administrative support. TASKS: The contractor is expected to assemble a team of experts knowledgeable and experienced in community development and manage this team of experts in a cohesive and coordinated fashion to achieve the following: (1) Assist in the development and implementation of a marketing plan to attract widespread and quality participation in the RCI sites. (2) Assist in development of source selection criteria to guide the selection of qualified private sector developers in response to existing and follow-on RFQ's. (3) Advise, train and assist the source selection / procurement teams in selection of developers. (4) Assist in negotiation implementation plans for community development with selected private sector developers, such plans to include business, development, financing and operating components. (5) Identify and suggest solutions to major and minor policy issues affecting the success of the RCI program, including the development of policy and / or statutory initiatives to better effectuate goals and to institutionalize changes in Army family housing procedures. This will apply to HQDA, MACOM and installation levels. (6) Set up and execute asset / financial management systems to monitor each RCI site progress and oversee financial responsibilities after award, including but not limited to: annual operating budgeting, flow of funds and lock-box maintenance and monitoring, Congressional requirements and programming, and subcontractor performance monitoring. (7) Create and maintain databases (both asset and knowledge-based) to capture and institutionalize lessons learned from the RCI program to guide future Army decision-making. (8) Conduct pre-CDMP due diligence and other analyses at each installation, develop transition and performance management plans; all uniquely tailored to the specific requirements at each RCI installation. There will be substantial overlap between the RCI site projects. The Contractor will be expected to support each site. Therefore, the Contractor must be prepared to provide concurrent support to multiple sites. Additionally, the contractor will be prepared to take responsibility for the following functions: (1) RCI Program Management. (a) Strategic and tactical planning for RCI process to include project / issues flow analysis. This will involve project management approval at HQDA, MACOM and the individual installation. (b) Assistance in preparing Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) for each site. (c) Continual stakeholder analyses and responses to issues surfaced by stakeholders. (d) Coordination with stakeholders during negotiation process and subsequent to final agreement. (e) Media outreach activities to include interviews, media roundtables, editorial boards, press conferences, media alerts. (2) RCI Program Analytic and Administrative Support (a) Analytical model development, modifications and scenario developments for each site. (b) Modeling and analysis of alternative financing opportunities. (c) Analysis on the impact of alternatives on OMB scoring. (d) Analysis and response to unsolicited proposals for various installations and initiatives. (e) Presentation preparation for forums / CDMP negotiating sessions. (3) RCI / Integrated Process Team (IPT) Policy Support. (a) Research of statutes and Congressional language / reports and GAO/OMB/CBO reports, policies and procedures as they relate to the real estate and financial functions of the RCI program. (b) Initiation of knowledge management process to benchmark activities, capture lessons learned, and knowledge transfer to other pilot and post-pilot sites and to other services. (c) IPT development, policy / issues analyses and presentations. (d) Analysis of governance, lessons learned, etc., of successful planned communities. (e) Research and development of housing management policies as they relate to the RCI program, benchmarked to private sector real estate management practices. (4) Industry Forums. (a) Planning and execution of industry forums at each site. (b) Planning and execution of Capital Markets Forum. (c) Follow-up with private sector as part of outreach program. (d) Coordination, dialogue and interaction with private sources of debt and equity capital. (5) Due diligence / Data Room. (a) On-site due diligence at each of the installations. (b) Creation and management of installation data rooms. (6) Evaluation / CDMP Training. (a) Real estate and financial advisory /training services to all source selection evaluation panels. (b) Community Development and Management Plan (CDMP) training for each installation. (7) Evaluation Assistance. (a) Advisory services related to development of evaluation factors for each site. (b) Advisory services during source selection process. (c) Development of notional response to RFQ for evaluation training. (8) Transition Planning / Performance Management. (a) Development of installation unique transition plans. (b) Development of site unique performance measurement systems consistent with the best private sector practices to provide incentives to the selected developers to perform in a superior manner through the course of their relationship with the Army. (9) Negotiation. (a) Preparation for CDMP negotiations at each installation. (b) Private sector real estate / financial advice to Army during all negotiations and preparation of the CDMP. (c) Mock negotiations training for installation CDMP teams and other government groups including lawyers, engineers, etc. (d) Provision of outside legal assistance to advise on specific technical, legal issues. (e) Preparation of draft contract documents. The solicitation will contain a conflict of interest clause prohibiting the successful offeror from participating in the supported program. The period will be for a base year (12 months) plus 4 twelve-month option years. This acquisition is unrestricted and open to both small and large business concerns. No telephonic communications will be accepted. Contractors must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) @ http://www.ccr2000.comThe point of contact for this notice is James L. Murphy @, (Fax) 703-695-9747 or (e-mail) murphJL@hqda.army.mil.
Web Link
Management Support Services (http://cbdnet.access.gpo.gov)
Loren Data Corp. 20010216/RSOL006.HTM (W-045 SN50D6L7)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on February 14, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com