Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
February 15, 2001
Contracting Office
Commander, Marine Corps System Command, Code CTQ, 2033 Barnett Avenue, Ste 315, Quantico, VA 22134-5010
ZIP Code
Point of Contact
Valerie Mosquiera (703) 784-5824
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contracting officer via (mosqueiravj@mcsc.usmc.mil)
This is an update to the sources sought synopsis posted 8 March 2000. The Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) would like to encourage exchange of information with industry concerning the specification and acquisition of the Combat Operations Center (COC) for the UOC Program. The current plan is for a draft request for proposal (RFP) to be released in July 2001, the formal RFP release in October 2001 with proposals due 45 days thereafter. On or about 23 February, MARCORSYSCOM will post on the Web, the Mission Need Statement, the latest Operational Requirements Document, preliminary draft specification and, the Program Office's significant design issues at http://www.marcorsyscom.usmc.mil/mcscctq/uoc.htm. Drawings of prototypes will be posted as they become available. It is the Government's intent to encourage exchanges of information to improve understanding of Government requirements and industry capabilities, increase efficiency in proposal preparation, and thereby enhance the Government's ability to obtain quality supplies and services at reasonable prices. A Government-Industry Working Group will be established on 2 April to produce a consensus draft of the COC Specification. All interested companies are invited to participate. Participation is not a prerequisite for submitting a proposal; however, it will provide industry a valuable opportunity for input, questions, and answers. Initially, industry is encouraged to provide proposed changes to the preliminary draft specification in MS Word 6.0 via email to the Contracting Officer at mosqueiravj@mcsc.usmc.mil. Time is available for one-on-one exchanges between a contractor and the Government team during 12 March through 16 March to discuss the contractor's thoughts on how the Working Group process should be implemented (white papers will be accepted), discuss previously submitted proposed specification changes, and address questions on the specification (contractor to provide in writing and softcopy in MSWORD 6.0). Any additional contractor briefings (to include capabilities briefings) will be limited to issues related to the specification. Due to the limited time, the meetings will be set up on a first-come-first-served basis. Participation is limited to 3 industry representatives per meeting. Other exchanges may take place at a later date. To set up appointments for the one-on-one exchanges, please send email to mosqueiravj@mcsc.usmc.mil not later than 9 March 2001. Along with these initial one-on-one meetings the Government invites industry to participate in a dynamic interactive specification coordination working group meeting, supervised and controlled by Government representatives from 2 through 13 April at Hochmuth Hall, MARCORSYSCOM, Quantico, VA. Total seating is limited to 25 people. Each company is limited to one attendee, with exceptions allowing two attendees granted at the discretion of the contracting officer for companies comprised of multiple bidding divisions. Participation in the working group will be on a first-come basis. Pre-registration is required for the working group meeting. There is no registration fee. To register, please send email to mosqueiravj@mcsc.usmc.mil not later than 21 March 2001 for the working group meetings. Identify subject as COC Specification Communications Registration. Include name and organization of attendee. Confirmation will be sent via e-mail and will include directions and points of contact for assistance. The meeting will be unclassified. No acquisition strategy will be discussed at either the one on ones or at the working group. Participation is totally voluntary, and the government will not reimburse the attendees for any cost associated with participation and is under no obligation to award any related contract associated with this event. The government reserves the right to modify the COC Specification without notice prior to final release.
Web Link
click here to download available documents (http://www.marcorsyscom.usmc.mil/mcscctq/uoc.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010220/ASOL013.HTM (W-046 SN50D872)

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Created on February 15, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com