Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
February 26, 2001
Contracting Office
Federal Highway Administration, 610 East Fifth Street, Vancouver, WA 98661-3801
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
April 25, 2001
Point of Contact
Contracts Section 360.696.7520
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contracting office via e-mail (contracts@wfl.fha.dot.gov)
MT OMAD 18(34), MINUTEMAN MISSILE BASE ROADS, Cascade, Lewis & Clark, Pondera, and Teton counties, Montana. The work consists of road reconditioning and aggregate surfacing. This project will bid as a Base schedule plus 7 options (Options A, B, C, D, E, F, G). The number of options awarded will be dependent upon available funding. Project length: 98.75 km (Base), 7.88 km (A), 3.70 km (B), 11.00 km (C), 11.21 km (D), 4.51 km (E), 11.91 km (F), 3.54 km (G). Project includes: contractor sampling & testing; construction schedules; temporary traffic control; watering for dust control: 20,470 cu m (Base), 1,641 cu m (A), 769 cu m (B), 2,276 cu m (C), 2,314 cu m (D), 843 cu m (E), 2,149 cu m (F), 659 cu m (G); untreated aggregate courses: 175,500 t (Base), 14,100 t (A), 6,600 t (B), 19,500 t (C), 19,800 t (D), 6,800 t (E), 16,900 t (F), 5,300 t (G); road reconditioning: 98.75 km (Base), 7.88 km (A), 3.70 km (B), 11.00 km (C), 11.21 km (D), 4.51 km (E), 11.91 km (F), 3.54 km (G); flagger hrs: 3,456 hr (Base), 276 hr (A), 130 hr (B), 385 hr (C), 392 hr (D), 158 hr (E), 417 hr (F), 124 hr (G); and other smaller items of work. THIS ACTION IS BEING CONSIDERED FOR A TOTAL HUBZONE SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE. Prime Contractors who are HUBZone small businesses and who intend to submit an offer for this solicitation, MUST submit the following by e-mail to contracts@wfl.fha.dot.gov or fax to 360.696.7932 for receipt by COB on March 9, 2001: (a) a positive statement of your intention to submit an offer for this solicitation as a Prime Contractor; (b) date of HUBZone small business certification; (c) statement of bonding capability, to include both single and aggregate totals; and (d) listing of experience in work similar in type and scope to include contract numbers, project titles, dollar amounts, and points of contact with their phone numbers. All of the above must be submitted in sufficient detail for a decision to be made on availability of interested HUBZone concerns. Failure to submit all information requested will result in a contractor being considered as not interested in this solicitation. A decision on whether this will be pursued as a HUBZone small business set-aside or on an unrestricted basis will be posted as a modification in the Commerce Business Daily including CBDNet. Work shall be completed by 10/9/01 (Base), 10/12/01 (A), 10/19/01 (B), 11/2/01 (C), 11/14/01 (D), 11/21/01 (E), 12/4/01 (F), 12/11/01 (G). Estimated price range is between $2,500,000 and $5,000,000. The following applies only to Minority, Women-Owned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs): The Department of Transportation (DOT), offers working capital financing and bonding assistance for transportation related contracts. DOT=s Bonding Assistance Program (BAP) offers bid, performance and payment bonds on contracts up to $1,000,000. DOT=s Short-Term Lending Program (STLP) offers lines of credit to finance accounts receivable. Maximum line of credit is $500,000 with interest at prime rate. For further information call (800) 532-1169. Internet address: http://osdbuweb.dot.gov.*****
Loren Data Corp. 20010228/YSOL009.HTM (W-057 SN50E5X3)

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Created on February 26, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com