Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
March 1, 2001
Contracting Office
Port Hueneme Division (Code 1E00), Naval Surface Warfare Center, 4363 Missile Way, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4307
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
RSVP can be made to Ms. Ramirez via email at this (RamirezSM@phdnswc.navy.mil)
Mr Lester Journet, Acquisition Department Manager for Port Hueneme Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (PHD NSWC), Port Hueneme, California, will host an Acquisition Strategy Information Sharing Meeting. The meeting is open to all interested parties, and will be conducted at the PHD NSWC, 4363 Missile Way, Bldg. 1388 Auditorium, Port Hueneme, California, 93043 from 0800-1200 on 28 March 2001; there will be no registration fee. A special invitation is extended to interested small businesses, Women-Owned Small Businesses, 8(a) firms, Small Disadvanted Businesses, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, Hubzone firms, and firms owned and controlled by socially or economically disadvantaged firms. The meeting is designed to provide industry with information about the current acquisition strategy of the command; to provide for two-way dialogue with industry to address innovative contracting techniques, strategies, e-business approaches, best practices; and to provide a forum for questions and answers regarding the most effective means to achieve the command's contracting requirements for major engineering, technical, logistics, and business services acquisitions. Current agenda items include the PHD NSWC Command Brief, including current and future business base, current and future business lines, sponsors/customers, and the command organization structure. Briefing materials and meeting details can be found at www.phdnswc.navy.mil/industry. Travel directions to PHD NSWC can be found at www.phdnswc.navy.mil/visitors. This Acquisition Strategy Information Sharing Meeting is jointly sponsored by the PHD NSWC Acquisition Department and the PHD NSWC Government/Industry Partnership Council. Formed in the 1980's to provide a means for industry to collaborate, communicate, and share best practices with PHD NSWC in areas of mutual interest, Partnership Council information can be also be found at www.phdnswc.navy.mil/industry. Meeting minutes and feedback will be provided to attendees through this website address. Specific questions regarding this announcement can be directed to Ms. Susie Ramirez, (805)228-6285. RSVP can be made to Ms. Ramirez via email RamirezSM@phdnswc.navy.mil or by telephone.
Web Link
Click here to viewBriefing Materials and Meeting Details (www.phdnswc.navy.mil/industry)
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Created on March 1, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com