- Notice Date
- March 8, 2001
- Contracting Office
- Engineering Field Activity, NW, NAVFACENGCOM, 19917 7th Ave NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370-7570
- ZIP Code
- 98370-7570
- Solicitation Number
- N44255-01-R-8002
- Point of Contact
- Don Myers, Contracting Officer (360) 396-0236
- E-Mail Address
- Click here to contact the Contracting Officer via (EMAILADD:
- Description
- Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Engineering Field Activity Northwest (EFANW), in conjunction with the Commander, Navy Region Northwest, plans to offer the privatization of existing water systems at various Naval activities located in Washington State that have water sources from Navy owned wells. Privatization is a process that (1) conveys ownership of a utility system or a part of a utility system under the jurisdiction of the military service concerned to a municipal, private, regional, district, or cooperative utility company or other entity and (2) obtains a utility service contract from the entity to whom the system is conveyed or their agents and assignees. As a result of this solicitation, a firm or firms will be selected to assume ownership of the water systems identified. The successful firm will be required to purchase the existing system from the Government and may be required to provide expansions to the system to meet future needs of the Government. The successful firm may or may not be the suppliers of the commodity procured by the Government. The resulting conveyance, if effected, will require the new owner to furnish all facilities, labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to own, maintain, and operate the water systems. The firm shall manage the upgrades, maintenance, repairs, and replacement of the system to ensure continuous, adequate, and dependable service for each Government or tenant connection within the service area in accordance with industry standards. The firm shall be responsible for funding all capital investments required to acquire, upgrade, maintain and operate the water systems in a safe, reliable condition and to meet the requirements listed in the contract. The water systems will be conveyed via a Bill of Sale upon award of the contract. Statements of Qualifications (SOQ's) from potential offerors shall be submitted as directed in the RFP. This information will be required shortly after release of the RFP and prior to receipt of proposals. Offerors may be contacted regarding their SOQ prior to requesting proposals. Should the Government not receive any SOQ submissions or response to the RFP, the Government reserves the right to terminate the solicitation process due to lack of interest. No offeror will be denied the opportunity to submit a proposal in response to the RFP. The Contractor's proposals and plans may become a part of the contract upon the decision to award. Federal water rights will not be available to an offeror, therefore, for any of the water systems described for which an SOQ is submitted, the SOQ must provide information regarding the offeror's water rights under Washington State law. This information shall include the following information: 1) explain the authority upon which the offeror's water rights are based (e.g., application filed with the Washington Department of Ecology, permit or certificate issued by the Washington Department of Ecology, or asserted/adjudicated claim); 2) explain how the offeror's water rights will fulfill the current and reasonably anticipated future capacity needs of the Navy; 3) give the water rights holder's name, priority date, allowable quantity, purpose (beneficial use), source, place of use and point of diversion for the offeror's water rights that will be used to meet the Navy's capacity requirements; 4) explain any claims or challenges against the offeror's water rights; 5) if the offeror's water rights are included in the Washington State Water Rights Application Tracking System or the Claims Registry, give any data needed to access that information in those databases; and 6) explain what portion of the offeror's water right is available and being offered as part of this proposal. The current water usage for the water systems is provided in the systems descriptions below. Demand and water usage will be dependent upon the mission requirements of the Navy. While future demand is anticipated to trend at the current rate, the offeror must be able to meet future mission requirements. The SOQ must demonstrate an offeror's ability to acquire additional sources of water. The systems are described as follows: NAVAL SUBASE BANGOR: Potable water is produced and delivered through four primary deep wells (810gpm, 1030gpm, 540gpm, and 930gpm) with a total capacity of 3,000 gpm. There are two chlorination stations and four water storage facilities with a total capacity of 3.5 million gallons. The water distribution system is comprised of 121.3 miles of radial and loop distribution piping ranging in size from 1" service laterals to 27" mains. Pipe materials vary widely and include asbestos cement, concrete, cast iron, and PVC. Portions of the systems date back to the 1940's, however, the system was modified and expanded extensively from 1974 to 1979. The station's maximum demand is 1.5 million gallons per day (summer) with an annual consumption of approximately 330 million gallons per year. NAVAL UNDERSEA WARFARE CENTER KEYPORT: The water system at NUWC Keyport utilizes a 650gpm production well, 600k gallons of storage reservoirs, a booster pump station, distribution pipelines and two pressure zones. The water distribution piping consists of approximately 45,000 lineal feet of 4-inch, 6-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch diameter ductile iron main pipelines. CAMP WESLEY HARRIS: Potable water is produced and delivered to the station from one 10gpm primary well. There is one chlorinating station (hypo chlorinator is not in use) and a 500 gallon potable water day tank which supplies approximately 4,000 lineal feet of water lines. There is a 20k gallon non-potable fire reservoir with a booster pump and three fire hydrants. OLLALA HOUSING: Water is provided to 12 housing units by two wells located on-site with a combined output of 33 gallons per minute, a 20k gallon storage tank, several booster pumps, and 1500 LF of distribution piping. NAVAL RADIO STATION JIM CREEK: At Jim Creek, water is obtained directly from a 150-foot drilled well at a rate of 175 gallons per minute. The water pumped from the well is processed through an ozone treatment unit, located in a pump house. The water is then transferred through a sand filter, which reduces the levels of iron and manganese and pumped into a 250k gallon tank and gravity-fed to the users through approximately 16,000 lineal feet of pipe. NAVAL AIR STATION WHIDBEY ISLAND (AULT FIELD AND SEAPLANE BASE): Potable water for both Ault Field and Seaplane Base is provided by the City of Oak Harbor. There are also three Navy-owned standby wells in the NAS Whidbey Island water system with a total capacity of 224 gallons per minute (2 located on Ault Field and 1 on Seaplane Base). There are an additional two active wells (1@15gpm and 1@20gpm) on Seaplane Base providing water to individual buildings. The total storage for Ault Field and Seaplane Base is 5.4 million gallons. Average water consumption for NAS Whidbey Island is 1 million gallons per day. The Seaplane Base is approximately one half the total use. Distribution piping on Ault Field and the Seaplane Base consists of 50 miles of cement asbestos, cast iron, ductile iron, steel, galvanized iron, and PVC from four inches to eighteen inches in diameter. Most common is cement asbestos installed from about the mid 1950s up to the mid 1970s. NAVAL AIR STATION WHIDBEY ISLAND (OUTLYING FIELD COUPEVILLE): There are two active wells at OLF Coupeville. One well (15gpm) with a 1300 gallon storage tank is for the field firefighting and the caretaker's house. The other well (10gpm) serves the Combat Trainer building. The solicitation will be provided for download free of charge via the Internet World Wide Web at Amendments and notices will be posted on the web site for downloading. This will be the only method of distributing the solicitation. It is the offeror's responsibility to check the web site periodically for any amendments and notices to this solicitation. The official planholders list will be maintained and can be printed from the web site. All prospective offerors and plan centers are encouraged to register as plan holders on the web site. Plan holders lists will not be faxed and will only be available from the web site. Solicitation, plans and specifications will be available on or about 22 March 01.
- Web Link
- Click here to download a copy of the RFP (
- Record
- Loren Data Corp. 20010312/SSOL003.HTM (W-067 SN50F6G8)
| S - Utilities and Housekeeping Services Index
Issue Index |
Created on March 8, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. --