Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 19, 2001
Contracting Office
National Imagery & Mapping Agency, Washington Contracting Center, Attn: PCW/D-6, 4600 Sangamore Rd. Bethesda, MD 20816-5003
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Andrea McClendon 301-227-5130
E-Mail Address
mcclendona@nima.mil (mcclendona@nima.mil)
The National Imagery and Mapping Agency is seeking to pre-qualify 8(a) construction contractors for the renovation of the approximately 44,500 gross square feet of the Fremont Building located in Bethesda, MD. Work includes the basement, fourth floor and limited building core areas on all floors. The Standard Industrial Classification Code assigned is 1542 North American Industry Classification System Code is 233320 with a size standard of $27,500,000. The estimated price range of this requirement is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. The period of performance for this project is 365 days from issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The work shall be accomplished in 5 stages, A through E, as follows: Stage A: Infrastructure, Sitework and Elevator -- Core drill through all building levels at the building core areas to allow installation of new building systems which include but are not necessarily limited to HVAC, plumbing, sprinklers, fire detection, electrical, CCTV, PA, security access, intrusion detection, and communications. Perform exterior sitework for installation of new sanitary sewer, domestic water line and associated sitework for construction of new elevator. Construct new elevator shaft at exterior building wall and install new 4 stop passenger elevator. New building systems passing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors shall be capped for future connection. Existing systems serving the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors shall remain operational during the work. Core drilling shall be done after hours and weekends only. Stage B: Basement Renovation -- Demolish existing building systems as described above, existing partitions and finishes. Install new building systems, partitions and finishes to make the basement level completely operational. Complete punch list and test, balance and adjust systems. NOTE: Stages A and B may be accomplished concurrently. Stage C: Relocate 4th Floor Occupants -- No work by contractor required. The Government will install furniture and relocate occupants. Stage D: Fourth Floor Renovation -- Demolish existing building systems as described above, existing partitions and finishes. Install new building systems, partitions and finishes to make the 4th floor completely operational. Complete punch list and test, balance and adjust systems. Stage E: Complete outstanding punch list items. Test, balance and adjust all systems as required. The project will consist of this CBD announcement and the Pre-qualifying phase, where each company will present an Oral Capability Presentation and submit written copies of the oral presentation. As a result of the Oral Presentation the government will determine the most qualified company(ies) with whom negotiations will be conducted. During oral presentation, as a minimum each company must address the following topics: Company's relevant experience and past performance, schedule, project management plan, and key personnel. PRE-QUALIFYING OF OFFERORS SHALL INCLUDE THOSE 8(A) COMPANIES HEADQUARTERED IN THE WASHINGTON, DC METROPOLITAN AREA, WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE 8(A) PROGRAM 5 YEARS OR MORE AND CAN OBTAIN THE REQUIRED BONDING. The written and oral capability information each pre-qualified company must present will be provided through a web-site, which will be identified at a later date. Submittals for the Pre-Qualifying Phase shall be submitted to Ms. Andrea McClendon at the following e-mail address mcclendona@nima.mil no later than 2 May 2001.
Loren Data Corp. 20010423/ZSOL013.HTM (W-109 SN50J7F9)

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Created on April 19, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com