Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 20, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, 2531 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22242-5160
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
May 25, 2001
Point of Contact
Point of Contact: Contracting Officer: Stephen V. Piasecki, SEA 02222, 703/602-3102, x222
The Naval Sea Systems Command is seeking information from interested sources toward a potential future procurement of a Joint Maritime Command and Control Capability (JCC(X)). The following information provides a brief program description. Following this description are the specifics about the availability of certain documents and an upcoming RFP. JCC(X) involves either a new ship class, conversion, or a capability distributed on planned new ship programs that also includes the associated Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) mission package. The current aging US Navy command and control ships were designed and built to meet Cold War requirements. These ships can no longer accommodate the range and number of missions, systems, and personnel required to meet the needs of today's Joint Force Commander. JCC(X) will provide an embarked Joint Force Commander and staff with mission capability for joint campaign battle management. It will employ the information superiority that results from advanced C4ISR. The C4ISR mission package will be an integration of commercial off-the-shelf, government off-the-shelf, and non-developmental items with provisions for technology insertion and periodic technology refresh. JCC(X) Statement of Objectives The JCC(X) program objective is to develop an Operational Requirements Document (ORD) that responds to the approved Mission Need Statement then to affordably develop, build, deliver and support a system that meets this ORD. JCC(X) will provide an embarked Joint Force Commander and staff with mission capability for joint campaign battle management. It will employ the information superiority that results from advanced C4ISR. JCC(X) will also provide an embarked numbered Fleet commander and staff with the same capabilities for operational control of assigned U.S. Naval and allied forces. Analysis of Alternatives (AOA) Part 1 led to a decision that an afloat capability is required to meet the JCC(X) mission. Part 2 is comparing distributing the JCC(X) requirement among planned new ship programs and/or alternative conversion and new design ship concepts for dedicated JCC(X) platforms. The JCC(X) program also includes the associated C4ISR mission package that may or may not be procured under the same contracts. The JCC(X) program will: Be streamlined to eliminate, insofar as possible, non-value added requirements. Express requirements in terms of performance and not to design-specific procedures. Maximize early industry involvement. Use competitive contracting. Have Government participation in the Contractor's management and technical team meetings or other such working group meetings. Support and facilitate the Government having insight into Contractor activities by developing an integrated data environment. Implement Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) in order to achieve an affordable Total Ownership Cost (TOC). Optimize manpower requirements as a major attribute of TOC. Design, build, test and support a JCC(X) that meets the planned operational requirements. Incorporate an open systems architecture to accommodate technology insertion and/or product improvements. Employ commercial standards where consistent with meeting mission requirements. Emphasize use of commercial off-the-shelf, government off-the-shelf, and non-developmental items, and dual use technologies. Create an effective and affordable test and evaluation strategy. The forthcoming competitive procurement (awards planned in fiscal year 2001) will request proposals for early industry participation efforts leading up to the next phase. Multiple fixed price awards are planned. Each award will have a common statement of work (CLIN 0001 below), but not all awards will be identical. This will result from features of the RFP that relate to certain areas of expertise that all contractors do not possess (CLIN 0002 below). Contractors in their proposals must convince the Navy of their abilities to provide valuable inputs based on the topics for study and analysis listed below under CLIN 0002. Contractors may voluntarily propose topics for analysis and study (CLIN 0003). The contractor must be able to convince the Navy that there is value to the proposed study. The Navy will not be obligated to order such an analysis or study simply because the contractor feels it's appropriate . Studies under CLIN 0003 may be proposed either during the RFP phase, or shortly after award. The Navy plans to conduct subsequent competitive procurements for ship functional design and mission package preliminary design following a Defense Acquisition Board Decision Review in FY2002. Item 0001 Requirements Documentation Review. On a fixed price basis, the contractors shall employ their particular areas of expertise to review JCC(X) program documentation, such as, the Operational Requirements Document, C4ISR Support Plan, Test and Evaluation Master Plan, Performance Specifications (General, Ship, Mission Package, and Ship/Mission Package Interface Control), and other documentation to comment and provide alternatives to the approaches described and to ensure that these documents are clear, consistent, comprehensive, technically accurate, achievable, and not unnecessarily constraining. The contractor shall provide written comments within 30 days of receipt of each draft including recommendations for alternative language as appropriate. Participation in related working groups, including reading sessions, is on a voluntary, uncompensated basis. The Government shall retain unlimited data rights for information generated under this contract line item. Item 0002 Requirements Definition Studies. The contractor shall perform, on a fixed price level of effort basis, selected studies from among the topics listed below. Technical Instructions (TI) will be issued wherein the contractor will know the scope and nature of the requested analysis or study. The TI will also include the number of hours to be spent in providing this analysis/study. Delivery times for these analyses/studies range from 30 to 120 days. The contractor shall present their results at open workshops. The Government shall retain unlimited data rights to the data generated. The Government shall have capability to review all study results and after each scheduled workshop, the Government will provide written comments, to be included in any final report required under each task. (The intent here is to give the government team a review opportunity to provide comments, to be incorporated, into any final report.) The studies/analyses listed in CLIN 0002 are the following: Total Ownership Cost Reduction, Drivers, and Metrics. Antenna and Topside Design Innovation. JCC(X) C4ISR Mission Package System Engineering . Flexibility Assessment. Support and Maintenance Concepts. Integrated Data Environment (IDE). Technology Refresh Plan, Procedures and Techniques. Material Handling, Inventory Control and Support Services. Manpower Functionality Analysis. Open Systems Definition and Analysis. Testing Strategies. Information Operations and Information Assurance. Modeling and Simulation. Survivability Design Features. C4ISR Architecture Definition. Satellite Communications. Data Interoperability. Item 0003 Requirements Definition Studies Proposed by the Contractor. The Contractor may propose the performance of additional requirements definition studies. The Contractor shall present their results at open workshops. Item 0004-0005 Additional Requirements Definition Studies. Additional requirements definition studies may be tasked as needed by the Government. The contractor shall present their results at open workshops. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS BY NON-GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL: Proposals submitted in response to the solicitation synopsized herein may be reviewed or evaluated by non-government personnel. The submission of a proposal in response to the solicitation herein synopsized constitutes consent by the offeror to having its proposal reviewed or evaluated by personnel from these companies. Questions and inquiries may be sent to Contracting Officer by e-mail at piaseckisv@navsea.navy.mil. No phone inquiries will be accepted . Proprietary information submitted will be protected when so designated. The Mission Need Statement (MNS) is now available at the NAVSEA 02 world wide web home page located at the following web site: http://www.contracts.hq.navsea.navy.mil . To download the MNS, click onto the button bar titled "Information Documents". It is anticipated that the RFP will be issued during the period of 27 April through 04 May 2001. The RFP will also be available for downloading at the NAVSEA 02 home page just mentioned. To download the RFP, click onto the button bar titled "Solicitations". Any amendments to the RFP that may be issued will also be located at the NAVSEA 02 web site along with the RFP. No special notices will be given when amendments are issued. Interested parties are reminded to continue to access the CBD and the NAVSEA 02 home page for this program for possible changes in plans, additional available information, amendments, and future events. An industry briefing may be scheduled at a date and location to be determined and announced in the CBD. No reimbursement for any costs associated with providing the information will be made. This announcement is not to be construed as a commitment to award a contract, nor is it a request for proposal. *****
Loren Data Corp. 20010424/BSOL001.HTM (W-110 SN50J826)

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Created on April 20, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com