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Notice Date
April 24, 2001
Contracting Office
ESC/BC, 275 Randolph Rd., Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2818
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E-Mail Address
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The Association of Old Crows will be sponsoring a Tactical Intelligence Support to EW/IO conference on May 9-10, 200l at the US Army Intelligence Center and School (USAICS), Ft Huachuca, Arizona. The chairman of the conference will be MG John D. Thomas, USA, Commanding General of the US Army Intelligence Center and School. The theme of the conference is "Expanding Missions for an Army in Transformation." The overall classification of the conference will be SECRET, U.S. ONLY, however, two of the four sessions will be unclassified. The preliminary program follows. Session I will be chaired by COL Kevin Peterson, TSM Prophet and is entitled "Tactical SIGINT in a Changing World" (SECRET NOFORN). It will begin with "The Tactical Threat" by COL Max McFarland, DCSINT, TRADOC and be followed by Mr. Joe Arsenault, Futures, Intelligence Center briefing on "Army SIGINT OPS." Other briefings include a National Security Agency perspective and an Army Intelligence and Security Command perspective. The session will end with presentations by COL Petersen on "Prophet Program Update" and COL Bill Knarr, TSM UAV/ACS, on "ACS Program Update." Session II, chaired by COL Steve Bond, TSM JSTARS/CGS, is entitled "Tactical Support in Joint Operations" (SECRET NOFORN) and will provide perspectives from OSD by COL Mark Grablin, OSD/C3I ISR Directorate; The Joint Chiefs of Staff Role in EW/IO; a Joint Forces Command perspective; Air Force Support to Tactical EW/IO; Navy/Marine Corps EW/IO Operations; Tactical Intelligence Support to Special Operations; and a Bosnia update by LTC Leacock, 629th MI Battalion. Session III, chaired by COL Jerry Proctor, TSM ASAS, is entitled "Tactical Ground Stations in the 21st Century" (UNCLASSIFIED) and will provide briefings on the Distributed Common Ground Systems (DCGS) status by COL Mark Grablin; DCGS-A CONOPS by COL Howard Phelps, Assistant Deputy for Futures; Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System/Common Ground Station status by COL Steve Bond; an All Source Analysis System (ASAS) update by COL Jerry Proctor; and an Army Space Program Office perspective by COL Darrell Lance, Director ASPO. Session IV, chaired by COL Chuck Atkins, CD Director, is entitled "Intelligence Support to the Objective Force" (UNCLASSIFIED). Topics include an "Intelligence Center CONOPS" by LTC Pappas, Combat Developments; IEW activities at Ft Lewis with the Initial Brigade Combat Team/Interim Division (IBCT/IDIV) by COL Bill Caniano, CDR, 201st MI Brigade; Communications and Electronics command IBCT/IDIV initiatives by Mr. Bob Doto, I2WD, CECOM; PEO IEW&S initiatives by Mr. Ed Bair and "Other Intelligence Support" by Mr. Stacey Wright, Thunder Mountain Evaluation Center. For further information call the AOC convention department at (703) 549-l600 or check the web site at www.crows.org.
Web Link
AOC Homepage (http://www.crows.org)
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